Rising Star
I think this is the way forward, eventually, someday. Beginning with oral use in conjunction with traditional ayahuasquero techniques + meditation/yoga, eventually moving to vaporized use, on a daily basis, for decades, in an institutional monastic setting.
Short of this, I don't think we'll ever bring back much more than Terence McKenna's image of somebody gasping as they run out of the woods pointing back and exclaiming "S-s-SOMETHING!".
Nick Sand described his personal attainment of something more than this in his two articles on DMT: "Moving Into the Sacred World of DMT" and "Just a Wee Bit More About DMT". He brought back the integrated attainment of ultimate unity. Sand is probably the only human being in history who explored breakthrough DMT experiences enough to integrate them in a disciplined way - but his circumstances and personal disposition were exceptional, and there should be institutions dedicated to helping facilitate that level of attainment for those who are similarly disciplined and able to do it, but lack the circumstances Sand was blessed with to venture forth.
If you build it they will come. If DMT were legal, I have no doubt it would already have been done. Hopefully the recent smattering of psychedelic decriminalization efforts will lead to the legal use of DMT, so that we may begin this sacred work. In "Moving Into the Sacred World of DMT", Sand said that this exactly was his dream. I pray that dream may become a reality, and if it does, I pray that we remember him for the work he did trying to make that dream come true.
I have never found any literature discussing DMT that I thought contained any real insight, except for these two articles. Please read them both if you have not read them already. There is also an excellent documentary on Nick Sand's life on Netflix called "The Sunshine Makers".
Short of this, I don't think we'll ever bring back much more than Terence McKenna's image of somebody gasping as they run out of the woods pointing back and exclaiming "S-s-SOMETHING!".
Nick Sand described his personal attainment of something more than this in his two articles on DMT: "Moving Into the Sacred World of DMT" and "Just a Wee Bit More About DMT". He brought back the integrated attainment of ultimate unity. Sand is probably the only human being in history who explored breakthrough DMT experiences enough to integrate them in a disciplined way - but his circumstances and personal disposition were exceptional, and there should be institutions dedicated to helping facilitate that level of attainment for those who are similarly disciplined and able to do it, but lack the circumstances Sand was blessed with to venture forth.
If you build it they will come. If DMT were legal, I have no doubt it would already have been done. Hopefully the recent smattering of psychedelic decriminalization efforts will lead to the legal use of DMT, so that we may begin this sacred work. In "Moving Into the Sacred World of DMT", Sand said that this exactly was his dream. I pray that dream may become a reality, and if it does, I pray that we remember him for the work he did trying to make that dream come true.
I have never found any literature discussing DMT that I thought contained any real insight, except for these two articles. Please read them both if you have not read them already. There is also an excellent documentary on Nick Sand's life on Netflix called "The Sunshine Makers".
Moving Into the Sacred World of DMT, by Nick Sand - Psychedelic Frontier
"Moving Into the Sacred World of DMT," by one of the most prolific underground chemists in history, is essential reading for anyone interested in DMT.
Just a Wee Bit More About DMT, by Nick Sand - Psychedelic Frontier
Nick Sand's celebrated essay is indispensable for DMT newbs and veterans alike. Sand was the first person to smoke DMT and creator of Orange Sunshine LSD.