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DMT Nexus Artwork on Mescaline

Migrated topic.


Esteemed member
SWIM just has to say that the main DMT nexus artwork at the top of this page is fantastic to view on mescaline. What a pleasure. The colors, and the patterns flow so nicely. It’s like an orgasm for the eyes.
SWIM is enjoying both actually. His food safe vinegar and orange oil based extraction tech extracts all the alkaloids in the cactus. He also has isolated mescaline. Both are very nice. Also the non-mescaline alkaloids are nice on theIr own. SWIM has separated them so he actually has three cactus extracts, one with the full effects of the cactus, one with just the mescaline, and one with the mescaline removed.
Yes SWIM did. From that he figured out that the previous techs he was using that were heat based were ruining the potency of the cactus. So he developed a non heat based tech that extracted all the alkaloids using d-limonene and vinegar. At the end of the tech the vinegar is evaporated at 155 F using a food dehydrator. At that point it seems that the alkaloids are stable enough. SWIM compared the vinegar extract to eating the outer flesh straight and found that the effects were identical and the potency seemed to be right according to the potency of the flesh used, so pretty much no alkaloids were destroyed. It seems that heating the raw cactus is not a good way to extract it.

Orange oil is all natural and non-toxic. Vinegar is also all natural and non-toxic. Calcium hydroxide is also all natural and non-toxic. By using these three food grade items that are used in cooking, SWIM feels good about his extraction process. All chemicals involved are biodegradable, edible, and all natural. SWIM’s extract is about 90% pure mescaline, with the remaining being other active alkaloids from the cactus.

The extraction procedure is about as complicated as making cheese and macaroni. No toxic solvents or chemicals are used. It’s all food grade.

I think this is a good step forward.

With SWIM’s Non toxic food safe extraction of mescaline using d-limonene (orange oil) he can now use the cactus, get the full spectrum of effects, and know exactly how potent it is. Unlike the straight cactus which highly varies in strength, his new extract does not. So doses can be accurately weighed so you can have a consistent experience each time.
Yes SWIM did.

Alright good. Just checking.

I'm so glad your enjoying the cactus.

Please post all your findings on which clones are potent.

Orange oil is all natural and non-toxic. Vinegar is also all natural and non-toxic. Calcium hydroxide is also all natural and non-toxic. By using these three food grade items that are used in cooking, SWIM feels good about his extraction process. All chemicals involved are biodegradable, edible, and all natural. SWIM’s extract is about 90% pure mescaline, with the remaining being other active alkaloids from the cactus.

That sounds awesome! A perfect balance between chemisty and botany! I think I still prefer the whole cactus tho 😉

With SWIM’s Non toxic food safe extraction of mescaline using d-limonene (orange oil) he can now use the cactus, get the full spectrum of effects, and know exactly how potent it is. Unlike the straight cactus which highly varies in strength, his new extract does not. So doses can be accurately weighed so you can have a consistent experience each time.

You could do the same thing if you worked with the cactus for awhile... but I see what you mean.
SWIM tried eating cactus as well..and while the effects were very nice..the first hour or two where just nauseating..SWIM did not experience that at all with the extract...SWIM doesnt mind puking..he just doesnt like feeling nauseous..
I've never had any trouble with nausea, but yes some people do.

It's best to split mescaline doses into two halfs, each 45 minutes apart... even with pure mescaline.
well the effects of the two experiences were just about equal...but the extract was completely void of nausea..and he took the whole dose in one go..when he ate it..he ate the dried chips over the course of 15 minutes..and within about 30 minutes..all he could do was lay on his bed..trying like hell to hold the cactus down..and finally..about an hour after he started ingesting it..he couldnt help puking it up..he felt a little better after that..but it was too strenuous..

and knowing exactly how much you are taking is another plus to the extraction..SWIM doesnt like leaving dosage up in the air like that..hes had far too many experiences where he took more than he was comfortable with at that time..

what it comes down to is controlling the experience as best as he can...and that means for him..knowing what hes getting into before he takes anything
I just like how I never noticed that the blue oval in the middle of the page changed.
I've been on this site frequently for a few months shy of a year, and find new things everyday.

All this cactus talk makes me giddy to try it out for myself.:d
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