Hello again i have had dmt in my possession for 2 weeks and i hope it to be the most anti-addictive substance i have ever come across.
I was addicted to opiates for 6 years methadone for the last 2. Its been the hardest struggle anyone can endure.its been a love
hate relationship for half of the 6 years but the last 2 years have been so full of self loathing. i lost so much to opiates
house,cars,jobs,girlfriends,bank account,my self respect also respect from friends and family.They say you cant quit unless
you want to well i wanted to more than anything in my life and i still cant quit.My definition of addicted is somthing you can not
stop no matter how you try that means you must be addicted to it.I have been threw rehabs,clinics,groups,NA,still i struggle with this
substance.being at the end of my rope I was reading that they use ibogain for addiction in mexico.The experience you under go for the few days you there
is a massive controld trip. The visions the subject receives makes you reflect on his/hers addiction and the lifstyle lived.
when thr trip is over you sleep the whole next day off.THe following day you awake and feel overwelmed by the experience.but feel pretty good
It is said to work even on people who did not want to quit reporting being so moved by the experience they did not use for
some time.I find this fascinating but the clinics are very expensive and in mexico but this is documented proof that psychedelics
can be used in treating addiction. On dec 24th a friend and i took 5 doses of albert hoffmann lsd25 amazing,clean,while on the
entheogen i had the most in depth seminar on my life put me into tears every senerio that envoled me and opiates played out in
my head clear as day all the ugly stuff never looked at myself that way it was like looking threw another persons eyes so real.
By the time the trip was over i had gotten over my tragic lifstyle and enjoyed the trip.I will never forget the power that substance
had to make me analize and judge myself.So that being said i now have the most powerful hallucingen on the planet.while i have not yet
indulged into the trytamine dimension to much yet i have yet to see the awsome power of the king of the entheogens.I plan on going both routes
freebase and oral.I will let you guys know how my first travels go i know its gona be far beyond what i imagined.:lol:
I was addicted to opiates for 6 years methadone for the last 2. Its been the hardest struggle anyone can endure.its been a love
hate relationship for half of the 6 years but the last 2 years have been so full of self loathing. i lost so much to opiates
house,cars,jobs,girlfriends,bank account,my self respect also respect from friends and family.They say you cant quit unless
you want to well i wanted to more than anything in my life and i still cant quit.My definition of addicted is somthing you can not
stop no matter how you try that means you must be addicted to it.I have been threw rehabs,clinics,groups,NA,still i struggle with this
substance.being at the end of my rope I was reading that they use ibogain for addiction in mexico.The experience you under go for the few days you there
is a massive controld trip. The visions the subject receives makes you reflect on his/hers addiction and the lifstyle lived.
when thr trip is over you sleep the whole next day off.THe following day you awake and feel overwelmed by the experience.but feel pretty good
It is said to work even on people who did not want to quit reporting being so moved by the experience they did not use for
some time.I find this fascinating but the clinics are very expensive and in mexico but this is documented proof that psychedelics
can be used in treating addiction. On dec 24th a friend and i took 5 doses of albert hoffmann lsd25 amazing,clean,while on the
entheogen i had the most in depth seminar on my life put me into tears every senerio that envoled me and opiates played out in
my head clear as day all the ugly stuff never looked at myself that way it was like looking threw another persons eyes so real.
By the time the trip was over i had gotten over my tragic lifstyle and enjoyed the trip.I will never forget the power that substance
had to make me analize and judge myself.So that being said i now have the most powerful hallucingen on the planet.while i have not yet
indulged into the trytamine dimension to much yet i have yet to see the awsome power of the king of the entheogens.I plan on going both routes
freebase and oral.I will let you guys know how my first travels go i know its gona be far beyond what i imagined.:lol: