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DMT + Sensory Deprevation = strange, strange, strange!!!!

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Senior Member
I have a CD Mastering studio built into a room in my house, and if all the gear is turned off, and all the lights are turned off, and you close all of the doors, you basicly have a sensory deprovation room. Total darkness, Total silence, sans the floating (saltwater tank). So my friend and I thought it would be a great idea to take DMT while laying on the couch in the studio and having the other person, after helping with the final tokes, turn out the lights and close the door on their way out of the studio, so the DMTravler could experience the trip in almost total sensory deprovation. Well, we tried this about two days ago now, and I'm still wondering if this was a good or bad idea. Either way, it was the most crazy, weird DMT experience I've encountered so far!! So here is my first DMT experience I felt I needed to share with the forum. I remember my pal helping me with the last few hits, I think 3 or 4 total, and laying down. Next thing I remember is my body thrashing around like one would do if they were in the middle of opiate withdrawls or something and sreaming and growling like an animal. My body felt like it was convulsing and squeezing every muscle at the same time to get anything toxic out of me [b:d85c428523]right then[/b:d85c428523]. At the same time mentaly, I was having a vision of myself and two other people (?DMT entities of some kind?) helping and guiding someone through this experience. I don't know how to explain it any better. It was like we (myself & the other two) were standing around a bed or table and there was someone laying on it, like I said, thrashing around violently almost like they were possessed or going through heroin withdrawl cold-turkey. And we were there to help, or coach him through it. Also, it was like I was there learning from the other two. Now, this whole time, I am the one on the bed/table doing the trashing around and every now and then my eyes would open a little and I could see myself squeezing all my muscles, wringing toxins out of my body and writhing around howling and gasping for breath but inside, my mind was at complete ease, just observing and what seemed like learning. When I started to come out of it I realised what I was doing, mid-howl, and I was like "Whoa, what the hell am I doing!!!" It took a couple of minutes to get my berrings, as I was still seeing the glass overlay that DMT leaves you with as you come down and I was a little confused. Then I remembered my freind sitting in the next room and thought, "[i:d85c428523]he had to have heard me screaming and howling like an animal, and if he looked in here while I was writhing around like that, he may have tried to help me, but I was so completly unaware of the room I was in, while in that trip, I don't think I could have communicated with him much less even realise he was there[/i:d85c428523]". So I layed there for a minute, wondering if maybe I was so fucked up & possesed looking that mabye he freaked out and left. Or maybe he was too scared to even look in on me because of the noises I was making. Of course, he would never do that to me, but it made sense at the time. I mean, I was going off on full volume! So after a few minutes of laying there trying to comprehend what had just happened, I walked out into the living room to ask him what I was just doing & appologise for him having to take care of me. [b:d85c428523]He didn't know what I was talking about![/b:d85c428523] He had not heard any yelling, screaming, howling or gasping for breath, NOTHING. I went back into the studio and screamed as loud as my lungs [b:d85c428523]felt like I had been screaming [/b:d85c428523]and he said he could hear [b:d85c428523]that[/b:d85c428523] just fine!! So I guess all of this happened in my head, [i:d85c428523]or where ever I was[/i:d85c428523]. Even though afterward, my body felt as if I had just been squeezing all of my muscles to the breaking point and my lungs felt as if I [i:d85c428523]had[/i:d85c428523] been screaming!! Another strange thing, I've had a cold for the past few weeks and it is gone now. [b:d85c428523]Seriously!! [/b:d85c428523]Its like I pushed all of the toxins right out of my body. [b:d85c428523]I'm serious!! [/b:d85c428523]My cold is gone just like that!!! And I don't mean like it's [i:d85c428523]magicly[/i:d85c428523] gone. I hacked up all the phlem that was left in my lungs somehow, and its gone!! (I guess I swallowed it or mabey I spit it in the trash I'll have to check.) I know this is gross, sorry, but the spice clensed me I think. As horrible as this sounds as I type it up, it was not a negative experience. In fact, It was quite wonderful, despite the lack of coming up or down. It was on and off, boom! Unfourtunetly a little Salvia Divinorum-like, without the feeling of impending doom. Instead, a loving, helping, teaching feeling. I'm still takin' this one in. Any input would be very, very welcome!!! WS
Seems to me the dmt was helping you purge some repressed emotion from your subconcious. I bet you feel great and mentally cleansed now dont you?!
Thats quite some experience! What I wonder is this; does all the equipment en in general the working atmosphere in that room give you a positive fibe? Can it be that there is a postive feeling you get while being in this room, you are used to be creative in, helped you curing yourself? I ask this because set and setting seems so important to a DMT journey. Kind regards, The Traveler
[quote:d408b6bf60]What I wonder is this; does all the equipment en in general the working atmosphere in that room give you a positive fibe? Can it be that there is a postive feeling you get while being in this room, you are used to be creative in, helped you curing yourself? I ask this because set and setting seems so important to a DMT journey. [/quote:d408b6bf60] I was thinking about that too, the vibe of the room IS definitly a relaxed atmosphere that lends itself to a creative state of mind without being too in-your-face trippy. I designed it that way on purpose, as I have to spend a lot of 8 to 10 hour days in there and keep the energy not only [i:d408b6bf60]going[/i:d408b6bf60], but on a consistant vibe all day long. And, unfortunetly, not all of my clients are [i:d408b6bf60]"heads"[/i:d408b6bf60], and one needs to be accessable to all types, if one wishes to be successful. [i:d408b6bf60][b:d408b6bf60]Anyyyywaaaay...[/b:d408b6bf60][/i:d408b6bf60] The room is really nothing [b:d408b6bf60][i:d408b6bf60]too[/i:d408b6bf60][/b:d408b6bf60] special, but on a regular basis clients comment on how well they tap into their creative side while in my mastering room & a number have asked if I would record them here because of the positive vibe, but I'm not really set up for recoding much more than one or two mics at a time. I have been working out of this particular room for about three years now and I do go in there sometimes just to meditate when its too noisy to do it in my bedroom or livingroom, and it works nicely. What really was on my mind though, was all of the [i:d408b6bf60]power cables, analog cable lines, digital cable lines & general computer data lines[/i:d408b6bf60] running throughout the room. I wonder if, even though the main power supply (that everything eventually plugs into) was turned off, if all of that restrained power had some kind of effect on our brain waves and the activity of the synapses while in that room. [b:d408b6bf60]Lots[/b:d408b6bf60] of [i:d408b6bf60]physical[/i:d408b6bf60] power in that room! (to power all the gear) Seems like a lot of [i:d408b6bf60]meta-physical[/i:d408b6bf60] power in there to!! (that last experience felt more externally driven than any other before) Like I said, there was an "information download" type of learning [b:d408b6bf60][i:d408b6bf60]given[/i:d408b6bf60][/b:d408b6bf60] to me. Or thats at least the best I can explain it. I'm still assimilating this one & remembering things about it every now & then during the day. Even though the experience was three days ago now. Not "flashbacks" or anything, just thinking about it almost 95% of the time and getting a clearer picture about different stages of the experience as time goes on. Much like a 3rd-eye-visual/mental fog is lifting a little bit more every few hours or so. As I [i:d408b6bf60]think[/i:d408b6bf60] I'm starting to understand a little bit more about what I experienced, I [i:d408b6bf60]"see"[/i:d408b6bf60] another part of the process in my minds eye and it starts the whole trying to "get it", over again. Of course I [b:d408b6bf60]do[/b:d408b6bf60] know that I can never [b:d408b6bf60]really[/b:d408b6bf60] "get it". But I sure do enjoy trying to intergrate these experiences and it always puts another angle into my life analizer!! [b:d408b6bf60]WOW![/b:d408b6bf60] Thanks again for all of your input!!! I'm needing it on this one! WS
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