I have a shamanic practice with the mushrooms, that is, I guide ceremonies for individuals, couples and small groups (10 people is already a bit much for deep work IMHO), by singing traditional amazonian songs and playing instruments (gong, flutes, jew's harps and a few others).
But before starting that practice (and learning from experienced shamans from many different traditions, I didn't improvise myself a guide), I was a psychonaut and introduced many people to DMT and changa.
At the time, all I could do was to provide them with a safe, dark and silent environment, as well as a tried out ROA for DMT (GVG).
Thing is, the (pure) DMT trip is so fast and so alien, that even today with my experience as a guide, all I can do is to provide a nice setting and prepare their mindset. The rest is in the hands of the spirits.
Now with changa, due to the longer trip, which is closer to Ayahuasca (IMHE), I find it possible to guide others with my singing.
I'll share my most significant experience in that regard...
I had a student of mine visiting me at home, who had never experienced a shamanic ceremony, but wasn't ready yet for a complete night (it lasts 4h to 6h with the mushroom), so I proposed a little changa ceremony, which she accepted with joy, as she had had another experience with changa (with me).
While preparing the setting, I heard (in my head) a voice saying : "take a bucket with you."
I answered "nah, I've never had anybody puke with changa before" (I had discovered changa 3 years before that moment and partaken it with at least 20 people.) The voice repeated "TAKE A BUCKET with you", which I didn't want to listen to.
So there we are, in my living room, at night with lights off, but there was a huge window in that room and it was a full moon...
I roll her a changa joint (tobacco+changa, no weed of course), but before giving it to her to smoke, I put 40mg * in my GVG so that I can connect with the elves before she does, and show her how I "do" it ** (that is, lying down with eyes closed and a huge smile on my face.)
I had only put 40mg of changa in the GVG, because I was sure it wasn't enough for me to have a full breakthrough experience so I could still be present for my "patient" afterwards but would still connect with the energy of changa... LOL, sometimes, I'm still so naïve I can only laugh at myself

7 seconds later, the elves showed up, saying "hey look who's there, someone who didn't want to visit us so he could keep control, hihihihihi"

Still, it wasn't very heavy, and a few minutes later I'm back, telling my "patient" everything's perfect, she can light up the joint now...
As soon as she finished the joint and leaves to hyperspace, the spirits talk to me again, saying : "sit straight, center yourself and sing for her"...
So I do and sing a pretty song, which starts like this : "
Hermanito, hermanita, hermanito, hermanita x2
Hermanita, te pedimos mirar tu tristeza,
Hermanita, te pedimos reconocer tu tristeza,
Hermanita, te pedimos dejar tu tristeza,
En el camino a Dios, no puedes llevar, tu tristeza, hermanita,
En el camino a Dios, no puedes llevar, tu tristeza"
And voila, she starts puking on the floor, of course, as I didn't want to get her a bucket

So I finished the song, but had only time to sing her another song/icaros and maybe play her a little flute and she was back to usual consciousness.
My conclusion to that experience, is that healing with changa like a traditional shaman is possible, but very short (10-15 minutes max) and is a bit pointless from a practicioner's perspective compared with ayahuasca or the mushrooms in a ceremony lasting 4 to 6h...
So, to your question, "could one be considered a DMT shaman", my answer would be "not really", but like universecannon said :
universecannon said:
[...] I'm not sure just giving people dmt and being a good host is the same thing.
But at any rate...who cares?
It's all just made up words anyways
Being a good host is the best thing you can do with DMT anyways, the rest is up to the person and the DMT spirits...
Horuscope said:
is there such thing as a DMT shaman and what would it really take to be one
IMHO, you cannot be a shaman, you can only be yourself

Now if you'd like to behave like a shaman, then you have to learn from shamans, directly.
Attend as many ceremonies as you can from as many different shamans as you can, observe everything but don't judge, try to understand what they're doing, with your heart (not your mind), and find a maestro who will teach you through experience...
Don't be afraid of a good spiritual spanking from time to time, don't take things personally but most of all : only do it because you love it.
* [... now that changa batch was special, I had used my usual ratio (2.5g FB DMT/2.5g caapi leaf/625mg FB harmalas) but added a pinch of mapacho and a pinch of chaliponga in it and I sang shipibo icaros to it for a few hours while the acetone was evaporating, so I had prepared it like I would prepare ayahuasca ...]
** [... Every time I initiate someone to changa/DMT (I don't initiate people with straight DMT anymore, as IMHE changa is softer, slower coming, much longer lasting and allows for a much easier integration of the experience compared to pure DMT, which is also more difficult to administer properly, even with the GVG which needs a little practice - though that may change as I'm experimenting now with e-cigs, but I'm disgressing), the spirits have always told me to go first. ...]