SWIM thinks its fine and all to use all these techniques for storing, since the more care, the better and longer it can be stored..
SWIM thinks it is unnecessary, at least from SWIM´s experience... SWIM has smoked over year old spice that was just kept in a folded filter paper inside a ziplock in the freezer, and it was perfect
SWIM also smoked 6 months old spice that was just kept in a ziplock in drawer (in a tropical country) and it was perfectly potent too, no noticeable loss...
so if you can and want, then get all these dessicants and I dont know what, but if you just want easy, just try to follow the simple rules of ´airtight´, ´cold´, and ´away from light´, knowing that DMT is relatively stable (plus the fact that reports seem to show that dmt oxide is also very active compound)