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DMT - Vibrationally keyed to receive higher frequency vibrations

Migrated topic.
So being that the nature of this discussion comes from a place of 'spirituality & mysticism', I'll post this one here. Excuse me if it gets a little 'woo-woo'.

5 years after my first LSD trip, I was still searching for someone/something/somewhere that could give me ANY kind of reference or placement to the experience I had. In short, it was the first and only time that I truly astral projected, to a sea of white/yellow light, and was there long enough to perceive "This is love. This is energy. This is source. This is where we come from."

It wasn't until I ran across some videos on YouTube of this guy called Darryl Anka who channels an entity called Bashar. Now at this point I had dived into everything that was metaphysics/the unknown/aliens/conspiracy theory's/DMT/Ayahuasca... so the idea of someone channeling an entity didn't seem so far out. After watching a few of his videos and listening to the content of his messages and not getting hung up on the fact that he 'might' be making all this up, the messages and information he was relaying struck a chord in me that hadn't been struck since my first LSD trip. This guy (Bashar) spoke from a place of such a high vibration and divinity that made every cell in my body scream "He gets it! He knows!" I began to watch all his videos, and if you haven't seen anything by him before, I highly suggest that you do. His messages and teachings can reach anyone of any race/religion/belief. He also goes on to explain the physics of consciousness and how we are constantly manifesting our reality.

Fast forward to a random day at work, and I'm listening to this artist I've never heard of called Merkaba (the track I was listening to was 'Hooked on Jungle' ). Electro/tribal kinda sound, but halfway through the track was an audio clip of Bashar from one of his seminars where he was talking about DMT. I'll do my best to recreate the quote from the track, as I cant seem to find it via Google or any YouTube video. It also seems that the Merkaba - Hooked on Jungle track I have might be remixed/have the audio clip added later, but the important part is what he says:

"The idea is that your pineal gland creates certain neurochemical transmitters. Primarily among them are what you call dimethyltryptamine, serotonin and melatonin. Dimethyltryptamine is the primary one. It is vibrationally keyed to received higher frequency vibrations."

So with that idea in mind, does this change the way you think about/perceive DMT? I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this, as it definitely opened my eyes up in a new way to what may be going on.

Much love
As far as I know, the idea atm is that the lungs, heart and adrenals all produce DMT. DMT has yet to be found to be a product of the pineal gland itself. It has been found to be produced within rat pineals.
dedliyeti said:
...This guy (Bashar) spoke from a place of such a high vibration and divinity...

...Dimethyltryptamine is the primary one. It is vibrationally keyed to received higher frequency vibrations."...
This sounds much like "higher" is better or more, but I've always wondered about this kind of quantisizing.

In many new age et al style, the low frequencies are often considered as a bad thing happening like dark and hell and sick and torn and cold and stagnation. While the high frequencies are often considered a good thing happening, like light and heaven and divine and ether and high sounds and life and flexibility. To me this comes across as typical human extrapolating of emotional frameworks to some physical parameters. A weak attempt to consolidate, ratify, credibilize, upgrade, pimp-up strict mental/emotional concepts. Spiritual labeling of a frequency is quite a naive thing to do IMHO unless someone come up with a clear and general indication that higher = better and vise verse.

For all high frequency lovers out there: how do you feel about a very high one, let's say 30000000000000000000 Hz? Well, it's one most deadly: gamma rays.
To me the very low, down to zero, frequency is most fascinating and deserves removal of pejorative connotations.

Sorry for striking against the hairs :oops:
The "highest" (infinity) and the "lowest" (0) frequency is the same, the ever present I-amness.

For "consciousness/god" it doens't matter in which frequency consciousness oscillates, it is always consciousness. Imagine a spectrum of colours, they are all boarderless in their transitions, different in their qualities and still same in value, because they are all colours of the same spectrum.

The reality of matter is consciousness on a certain frequency. I wake up in this dream, in this reality of matter and by staying in the now and letting go of the game of ego, the game of dualism, seeking and restlessness, "it"/I becomes/am lucid.

jamie said:
As far as I know, the idea atm is that the lungs, heart and adrenals all produce DMT. DMT has yet to be found to be a product of the pineal gland itself. It has been found to be produced within rat pineals.

No one has ever found significant amounts of DMT in any specific tissue (brain, heart, lungs, etc). There's been some evidence of it in the blood, although there's only been one study where the minimum technological requirements have really been met.

The fact of the matter is, we know jack about endogenous DMT. We don't know where it's made. We don't know what (if anything) it does. I like to say that, for all we know, it could be a neurohormone that regulates toenail growth rates and all the magic stuff is just a coincidence of biochemistry. Yes, there was that study in rats but: 1) it was one study in need of replication 2) rats and humans have different biochemistry 3) just because it's in the pineal gland doesn't mean that's it's doing anything (it could just be a metabolite, and 3) even if it is doing something, we have no reason to believe that thing is anything related to the 'magic' of the experience.

The science of endogenous DMT has a long way to go before anyone can make the kinds of claims that folks (including Merkaba) make all the time.

As for the rest of it: where did this idea of 'frequencies' come from? Why is that just a given in the world of new-age belief systems. To be honest, I've been had a psychedelic experience (or any out-of-body experience) where I thought 'hmm, frequencies are the best way to think about this.'

Why does no one ever talk about universal Fourier Transforms?

Nathanial.Dread said:
...Why does no one ever talk about universal Foreir Transforms?
Fourier? New age isn't well served with hard math-science, where's the woowoo in that?
Jees said:
Nathanial.Dread said:
...Why does no one ever talk about universal Foreir Transforms?
Fourier? New age isn't well served with hard math-science, where's the woowoo in that?
The term 'fourier transform' is not a very familiar term to most people. Though the underlying ideas and concepts are not that hard to understand, and most people are aware of them. I think the underlying principles háve actually been discussed on a few occasions.
Haha... Here's a task for frequency nerds, describe your spirit as a linear system transforming divine signal to human thought, draw up its poles and zeroes, and its Nyquist diagram. :p

I guess "frequency" as a word may have been adopted by the New Age community due to its association with color. However, I think it's problematic, due to its association with time. Going into woo-woo spiritual mode for a moment, my current perception / belief is that "higher" or "outer" layers of our existence are beyond the timeline of this physical universe (as in the timeline appears as a single static object from the outside).

The pineal gland stuff is definitely suspect. I kinda rank it as an outdated popular myth, along with 'ectoplasm' and the spiritual properties of radioactivity. :) A spiritual thinker / guru can, though, definitely say valid and true teachings while (through cultural contagion) also regurgitating some of this dumb stuff. I mean, from a viewpoint of spirit, frequencies and pineal glands are meaningless, one could equally talk about "higher and lower acidity" and receiving spiritual information through your little toe, and it wouldn't make a real difference.
PsyDuckmonkey said:
Haha... Here's a task for frequency nerds, describe your spirit as a linear system transforming divine signal to human thought, draw up its poles and zeroes, and its Nyquist diagram. :p

So I made the Fourier Transform statement as a joke, but it's actually gotten me thinking. Statements have logical consequences: if X is true, then you should be able to derive some kind of Y, but often I see people say 'X is true,' as a factual statement, and then when pressed on what the logical implications of X are, they often fall apart.

If consciousness is a frequency then you should be able to do exactly what you're describing: frequencies mean certain things and have certain properties. If you say 'well, you can't do it to this frequency,' then you're really just abusing the word.

I see a lot of vaguely defined terms without any sustained interrogation of what they mean.

It's not *rigorous.*

Say what you like about established faiths like Christianity, Buddhism, or Islam: it's hard to deny that theologins in all those traditions have subjected their faith to extremely rigorous scrutiny and analysis.

As a scientist, one is aware of the anti-reductionist-oath. What ever we create are metaphors, models which can be mapped onto our percieved reality but are never reality itself. Like the finger pointing to the moon is always just the finger and never the moon.

What ever model or mapping you are using in y/our reality design, be aware of the unknown and maybe never "fully" comprehensible (mind based) properties of life.

So many amazing perspectives, thank you all for sharing!

Sounds like I should build on my post a little more, as to not lead anyone in the direction I wasn't intending.

In response to Jees statement on "higher" being better or more... this was definitely not my intention to label it as such. When I said that this guy Bashar spoke from a place of such high vibration, I meant that it was like the difference between a student giving a lecture, and a teacher giving a lecture. The way the message was conveyed and the attitude behind it felt like it was coming from a guru or a teacher of teachers. In his statement where he says "It is vibrationally keyed to receive higher frequency vibrations", I didn't perceive this to be a matter of 'higher is better or more', but in the idea that DMT might have a relation to receiving those higher frequency vibrations/radio waves/higher states of consciousness (whatever word/metaphor you want to use to label that 'plane of existence' )... similar to how a radio can dial into a certain frequency or radio band.

tseuq said:
The "highest" (infinity) and the "lowest" (0) frequency is the same, the ever present I-amness.

For "consciousness/god" it doens't matter in which frequency consciousness oscillates, it is always consciousness. Imagine a spectrum of colours, they are all boarderless in their transitions, different in their qualities and still same in value, because they are all colours of the same spectrum.

The reality of matter is consciousness on a certain frequency. I wake up in this dream, in this reality of matter and by staying in the now and letting go of the game of ego, the game of dualism, seeking and restlessness, "it"/I becomes/am lucid.


This is exactly how I feel. Higher and lower frequencies being boarderless in their transitions, different in their qualities and still the same in value, because they are all colours of the same spectrum. There is no "good/bad" in the spectrum. We can label it as "higher/lower/brighter/darker", but not to be confused with one part of the spectrum being better or worse than another.

PsyDuckmonkey said:
I guess "frequency" as a word may have been adopted by the New Age community due to its association with color. However, I think it's problematic, due to its association with time. Going into woo-woo spiritual mode for a moment, my current perception / belief is that "higher" or "outer" layers of our existence are beyond the timeline of this physical universe (as in the timeline appears as a single static object from the outside).

Yes, I'm right there with you when you say that the "higher" or "outer" layers of our existence are beyond the timeline of this physical universe. I also understand and feel you when you say that the term "frequency" is relatively New Age and can be associated with color, but I personally do not associate time in this model/spectrum.

Koornut said:
Vibration I always understood to be something tactile and mechanical. Like sound.

Precisely this. And it was this kind of idea that I was aiming towards when posing the statement of "It is vibrationally keyed to receive higher frequency vibrations." That DMT has a connection to something tactile and mechanical, or that of a higher state of consciousness that we humans label as a "higher frequency". Similar to how dogs can hear pitches we cannot, or when something vibrates so fast that we cant see it anymore. Doesn't mean it isn't there, we just cant perceive it (consciously) in our bodies current state of being.

When I first heard the statement of DMT being vibrationally keyed to receive higher frequency vibrations, the first thing I thought of was the intense ringing you get right before you breakthrough. This almost felt the same as turning the radio dial to match a certain radio station, but with DMT, it feels more like someone is turning the dial "up", well past what our physical bodies experience on the day-to-day, and that ringing noise is us/our consciousness/awareness/vibrations breaking through the spectrum we can perceive in our human bodies, eventually accessing those 'higher frequency vibrations'.

tseuq said:
As a scientist, one is aware of the anti-reductionist-oath. What ever we create are metaphors, models which can be mapped onto our percieved reality but are never reality itself. Like the finger pointing to the moon is always just the finger and never the moon.

What ever model or mapping you are using in y/our reality design, be aware of the unknown and maybe never "fully" comprehensible (mind based) properties of life.


This! Yes! I don't want people to get too hung up on the metaphors used, as they are just models which can be mapped onto our perceived reality. I want people to know that this is being approached from a perspective that I am aware of the unknown and maybe never "fully" comprehensible (mind based) properties of life.

Much love you all! Thank you for these perspectives!
Just read through this thread, decided to give it a bump in order to share my thoughts.

I think, and this is purely my personal opinion here, that DMT is a kind of organic technology, a crystalline retuner of consciousness, which raises the frequency of consciousness to a higher frequency, launching the human into a higher state of consciousness.

When I think of higher and lower frequencies/vibrations, I think of it like this. I think of it in terms of energy, which is consciousness. Energy which vibrates at low frequencies is moar dense and corresponds to lower, moar dense, moar material dimensions of reality. And vice versa for energy vibrating at higher frequencies. This does mean that lower is worse or higher is better, it's all a spectrum, as has been stated previously.

Relating this to DMT, I think that what happens is, that when ingested, DMT raises the energetic frequency of the human consciousness, thereby raising the state of consciousness to a higher level. Graham Hancock, a man who I admire very much, speaks of psychedelics as "retuning the receiver wavelength of consciousness" an analogy which I like very much.

When I first heard the statement of DMT being vibrationally keyed to receive higher frequency vibrations, the first thing I thought of was the intense ringing you get right before you breakthrough. This almost felt the same as turning the radio dial to match a certain radio station, but with DMT, it feels more like someone is turning the dial "up", well past what our physical bodies experience on the day-to-day, and that ringing noise is us/our consciousness/awareness/vibrations breaking through the spectrum we can perceive in our human bodies, eventually accessing those 'higher frequency vibrations'.

This. I think that the carrier wave is the sound of the "receiver wavelength of consciousness" being retuned. To a higher dimension, as you said.

Anyway, that's just my humble opinion.😁
I sometimes ponder what the frequency of an EM wave with a wavelength of twice the diameter of the known universe would be, and how it would compare with the wavelength of an oscillation with a period of twice the age of the known universe. This would all be relatively easy to calculate but before doing the maths I'd rather contemplate what the implications of this would be. Tbh, I have absolutely no idea!

It would work out as a ratio - so, just a number. But what number? Would this tell us anything at all?
I've always perceived as the rising of consciousness as being concommitant with the lowering of the psycho-spiritual frequencies;
Lower heart beat frequency, lower breathing frequency, lower thought frequency.
As consciousness emanates from a non dual source, through to duality, and on and on through magnitudes of mutiplicities, through an ever-proliferating kaleidoscope of thought forms that become physical forms, like the branches of a tree, until the frequency becomes so dense that it returns to a state of unity, and the process begins again. Contraction and expansion. Forever.
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