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Do I dare eat the peach?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey guys, I am here for your advice. I've been going through a lot of life changes and personal insights. I have been seriously considering the use of psychadelics as a catalyst. I have never tripped before and I'm not sure if my mind is ready for them. The hardest drug I've taken is MDMA. For me, the idea of tripping out for hours on end from shrooms or LSD is a bit frightening. I recently heard about DMT and since it only lasts about 10 minutes it sounded very apealing. What are your thoughts on starting out with DMT? If not DMT as a first, than what are your recommendations?


hey how you going.sounds like you might of just stumbled upon one of the greatest things on earth one of the most fascinating substances known to man.I believe every human should try it at least once in there life especially those who think they know it all because the sad truth is they know nothing.

We are all learning and i believe alot can be learnt from spice and phycidelics in general but you have to have the right intensions dont do it to just trip out you will miss the boat altogether.Do your research a lot of research and do it for a journey of discovery because lets face it everybody want answers,not saying you will get any solid proof but i think you will be wiser and you might just get a figment of the big picture the real one not this made up corrupt thing we call general society.

p.s your on your way to being aware of whats out there.good luck be safe.
I welcome you with all my heart. Discover yourself, who you are but most importantly why you are. good journeys, my friend.

i do have a suggestion. Salvia Divinorum, for me this is an absolute must, if i hadn't tried anything before dmt i wouldn't know wtf i was doing and be scared half to death or maybe got addicted to the rush everyday. Salvia is very much about knowing how you feel in order to project yourself through the trip. and this is very important on dmt. less with the feeling but being able to stay conscious of your breathing and thoughts, or in total loss of body, having a way of still knowing that you're breathing. which reminds me i really need to get more salvia to journey further, but my last vendor stopped shipping to aus. kinda sucks
shakeonzo said:
I recently heard about DMT and since it only lasts about 10 minutes it sounded very apealing.
10 minutes of crazyness and mayhem:)

This is not just a short trip, there is alot more to it, it gets kinda deep. take a read through Health & Safety. What DMT shows one can stick with one for a long time.

My only advise is for you to read about DMT, and read even more. I dont think its a good idea for anyone to be giving advise on using mind alterating subsances. You gotta go with what feels right for you. If you feel confident then grab the bull by the horns and go for it.

All the best bro, and welcome to the forum:)
Good luck to you, shakeonzo! Tho I've experimented with other substances, I'm just getting ready for first spice-related journey, and this Nexus has been great. There is so much helpful information here, as well, now, as safety precautions! Read, read, read, ask questions of people here - even in chat - and have a sitter who has done the same. We exist here for helping each other.
In preparing yourself for psychedelics and the ideas/thought processes they produce, I think that 1 hit of LSD might be a good eye opener. Let me also say again that half a pill/ a whole pill, and then blasting off when u feel completely ready is also a great technique for anxiety.

Be open to new experience and accept whatever comes your way. Remember why you're seeking/taking this path and enjoy yourself =)
Avatar in Oz said:
I believe every human should try it at least once in there life ...

This is ABSOLUTELY NOT a view shared by everyone here, and to my mind is not good advice at all.

This substance is not for everyone. Really. Please, please, read the guidelines as suggested by Ghostman - they've been drawn up collectively by this community to help people to decide whether this really is a path they want to embark on - because it is not always easy.

I would read that before taking the advice of someone who's only been on this forum for about five minutes.

good luck with your research
As a first time experience I would recommend mushrooms in nature with a friend during the daytime.

I don't think I would recommend you to start with DMT. It's not like a 20 minutes intense version of acid, I would rate it as a completely different kind of substance, more like a portal to another world. You will have more insights and answers to your real-world problems from other psychedelics, unless you take a sub-breakthrough dose - but it has always been my belief that the first time of any drug should be done 'properly' as it will stay with you for ever!

Much love
Lucia, I completely agree that the easiest way to take hallucinogens is in the daytime with abundant sunshine and natural beauty present, however, I have found that mushrooms seem to be more rough than acid on a consistent basis.

For me, mushrooms is tough love. Mushrooms test you to see if your actions match your words/beliefs and frankly, they can be a bit rude in communicating their message. You are forced to evaluate yourself in a sometimes uncomfortable and serious setting (intense introspection). Everything that you push to your subconscious so that you don't have to deal with it, it gets dug up here and you have to face it before you can let it go (facing your demons, nearly literally). There is immense potential for personal growth, but mushrooms tend to be eerie and difficult for new users at times.

Acid is different for me. Usually you spend the first stage of acid being insane on some level (higher levels of psychosis can happen in higher doses), but at lower doses it's not bad at all. After some time tripping, it seems like all your habits have been temporarily erased. For example, when you get into the car, you put the keys in the ignition, you put your seat-belt on, and perhaps you switch to your favorite station. When on acid, you get into the car, you find yourself sitting there, not performing any of those activities like you do as second-nature during baseline states of mind. This is an excellent tool as it forces you to hold onto intention to operate and it forces you to observe things that have always been there, but you are so stuck in habit that you never once noticed them. By simply observing and pondering, you seem to find some incredible insights. You learn that in your day to day, you're actually not as in control of your body as you thought (habit actually lives your life more than you'd believe). By holding onto intention and being aware of your actions, you gain control of your life.

Anyways, this was meant to be a more casual comparison to support my advice, but as I was saying, I think maybe 1 hit of LSD is a good introduction. Sorry for the prolonged post!
Agree with your points in general Rob. OTOH, getting pure LSD remains very difficult and always involves the drug trade. I cannot believe how many different substances get sold as LSD. Cultivating mushrooms goes very easily, develops a relationship with the plant teacher and you know exactly what you have.

Really, it's kind of a toss-up. SWIM says she thinks either cacti or a good strong (40-60g) brew of straight Caapi bark would make the best introduction.
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