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Do They Change?

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Rising Star
OG Pioneer
Hi, This is mainly a question to the DMT Veterans out there who smoke it. I was wondering if thoughout your voyages to the otherside weather you noticed any changes in your trips from when you started. Do the trips seem to take you deeper down the rabbit hole each time you smoke it and are they different each time? Do the journeys get weirder, scarier, more fantastic as time goes on or do you seem to get aquainted to the same hyperealms and meet similar entities on successive trips? Any feedback would be great.
That is a good question Blackclo.I think the setting has a lot to do with it.As I mentioned in another post ,as entities I usually get these little round guys that look a bit like the south park characters.Also I often find myself in what appears to be a hyperspace daycare center and these little roung guys are the kids.there is usually a shower or a sink and always ceramic tiles of different colors and designs.But the thing I noriced is everytime I end up at this place I smoked the DMT at home in my appartment.It is always very bizzare,but in no way I would say it's a mystical or religious experience like when I do shrooms.With shrooms I feel like I am in contact with god at times feeling as if I am god and can read people's minds and move objects with my mind and stuff like that.Shrooms feel a lot more natural and smoked DMT freebase feels more like I'm in a computer generated cartoon(when I'm at home like I said) But if I smoke DMT freebase outdoors in the daytime it gets better and isn't always the same daycare center with the same round guys and the same ceramic tiles.I've only done ayahuasca once back in 1991 in Iquitos Peru with a local shaman and from what I remember it was more like a real good mushroom trip with a twist.I finally have some caapi vine and psychotria viridis leaves and I'm waiting for the right feeling to catch me to do it.I don't wanna do it just because I have it available,it's gotta be the right time to do it.I don't like using entheos recreationally exept for freebase DMT.But even that is getting a bit old and I will likely stop smoking it altogether.I don't find any shamanic use in being blasted to cartoonland for about ten minutes and coming back not really having learned anything exept for being overwhelmed at how far one can go_Oh yeah I forgot to mention the insectoids.I've only mey them a few times also when in my appartment.they're a little scary compared to the round guys.They are humanoids with insect features like half man half praying mantis and they want somthing from me.they don't just wanna play.One time one of those was preparing surgical tools to probe me with and I aborted by opening my eyes and lighting a cigarette.One time one of them came right up to my face and was poking at one of my eyes with his long skinny fingers.I told him to fuck off and he did only to come right back and do it all over again.again I aborted by opening my eyes but I had mega open eyed visuals that time.One of my dogs morphed into a black panther and came to lay next to me and it scared the shit out of me.And Jungle DMT forget about it way too fucking scary.It's likely yurememine(that other alkaloid in MHRB that is insoluble in naptha but can be extracted with xylene)I don't think I'll be doing that for a while.Red crystals about 10 -20 times stronger and wierder that DMT freebase.
Thanks for the feedback Quantum. Those round little southpark ball dudes sound a bit like Terrences jeweled basketballs although his description made them sound really weird and fantastically bizarre, I wonder if their the same hyperdimensional species? :) It's interesting that you also encounter alien type beings, it seems to be a common theme among DMT experiences especially smoked. The funny thing is that to me it feels like the alien type beings seem to be very interested in the person while in that realm and their usually doing some experiments on them and it's hard to tell if their benevolent or not or what there really up to. I read another report of yours on here a while back about you blasting past the elf balls and entering some kind of beautiful viking realm with people with blue hair, is that a rare occurance for you to go there and do you think you ended up there because you upped the dose? One other thing I wanted to ask you is that when you smoke it and you initially start entering those realms does it feel to you that at first you are travelling extremely fast through some sort of colorful neon tunnel before arriving at the place, wherever it may be?
Hello Blackclo_Oh yes the time of those blue haired Vikings.I would say that was the best DMT trip I ever had.I really feel as if I was dead that time and I was in the afterlife.First of all the setting was not my appartment ,it was outdoors in the coutry just at about dawn.and second the mega eyballed dose I took must have been 100mg's and that's what catapulted me far beyond the ceramic southpark daycare center.These blue haired people (notice I say people and not entities) were exactly like you and me exept for thier clothes and thier hair.I was in a field that looked very real like a field we would see here on earth,not psychedelic or cartoonish in any way.With grass and trees and in my mind I was wondering who the hell they are and I wasn't even sure anymore if it was a DMT trip or everyday reality.But as soon as that one particular dude came about one foot from me with a funny grin on his face who was dressed like the jack in a deck of cards I was no longer in that realm and I was just a wave of energy or light or something floating through the cosmos.I can tell I was orbiting earth,and at one point I started catching a radio station from venezuela and lost it hearing sounds like when you are trying to tune a radio and are between stations.then I met the spirit of a dog I had years ago that had died,and she was asking me how things are.next thing I know I am starting to come back to reality and my friends little dog was licking my face I was lying down in my buddies driveway the whole time it from what the people I was with told me.I can't wait to do another trip like that one,but I'm gonna have to wait for summer to do it outdoors.Indoors and outdoors there is a big difference outdoors beiing much much better.
Wow that journey sounded pretty amazing. You know maybe there is a link between DMT and mythology. Your journey sounded a little like Norse mythology with Vikings and the like and some DMT trips seem to involve elves, faerys, sprites etc, very Celtic mythologies. Maybe these ancient mythologies aren't "myths" at all but vague and incomplete little visions and maps of these other realms and dimensions, wherever they may be.
No I haven't but I have heard DMT'sters that have. From what I've read their usually manevolent and theres a trip report from DMT: The Spirit Molecule that paints a rather evil picture of these beings. Most of my Aya journeys have been amazingly benevolent affairs filled with holy and beautiful visions and insights apart from 2 times during 2 seperate trips where things got a bit hairy. One time I saw this what looked like a demon genie being smiling at me and it was absolutely scary, it looked vaguelly like I guess that aphex twin smiley dude only all hyperdimensional and very alien, I don't know what it was all about but I had to open my eyes at the sight of it and I said to my trip sitter that I just saw the demon of love!, lol, he thought it was kinda funny. Another time I saw this what I can only describe as a demonic tiger being gnashing its claws/teeth and floating about, it looked like a rather nasty negative entity so I tried to ignore him and it dissapeared after a while. I have a feeling that DMT doesn't just take you to positive and benevolent realms, it's pretty random where this hyperdimensional vechile is going to take you to although I feel Shamans have worked out how to travel and move about in these realms rather well.
I can navigate through the shroom realms not too bad,but not always.It takes years and years of tripping and practicing to control it totally. I have been shrooming for about 29 years and I still haven't mastered it.Only did aya once and too long ago,and have been smoking DMT freebase gor about a year and a half only.So it pretty much takes me where it wnats to.Especially smoking it ,It's too fucken fast and the trip lasts such little time that I find it almost impossible to navigate hyperspace.Practicing with aya I'll probably start to kind of controll it in a few years.This I think is a lifetime apprenticeship we get oueselves into_Oh well it's the path we chose and it's worth every minute of it bad trips as well as good trips.
Wow that's a ton of hyperspacial exploration under your belt, definetly a veteran! :) Do you find alot of difference between Aya and Mushrooms, I heard from another person who does both that they are quite similiar only that Aya seems a little cleaner and theres less toll on the mind after a trip, what are your thoughts? Also you mentioned the reptillian beings, have you ever encountered them in your journeys?
My trips definitely do change over time. Many of my trips are very similar, especially with the machine elves. They always tell me that they're here and it's only a matter time before everyone realizes this. That theme has been in my most recent trips. Before that, almost a year ago I found myself confronting a plethora of beings. I met a red lizard who told me why I have always been so troubled in life. Many times have I encountered a female entity, sometimes she appears as two of a kind. She was the most fascinating, beautiful person I've met. So kind was her presence, it felt like pure love was flowing through me from her. She has shown me many unspeakable things. The only word I can use to describe her doesn't give her any kind of justice. She is the goddess. Mother Nature. Or something to that extent. The last few trips were the first times I saw the machine elves, as Terence Mckenna describes them. And it's marvelous how accurate, and inaccurate he is. As I become more experienced the trips have gotten scarier and more strange. This could be because I'm able to pay more attention, and I've been able to let it take hold of me, rather than let my ego fight it. It's extemely hard and scary to let that happen.
[quote:931ab94b0d="blackclo"]Wow that's a ton of hyperspacial exploration under your belt, definetly a veteran! :) Do you find alot of difference between Aya and Mushrooms, I heard from another person who does both that they are quite similiar only that Aya seems a little cleaner and theres less toll on the mind after a trip, what are your thoughts? Also you mentioned the reptillian beings, have you ever encountered them in your journeys?[/quote:931ab94b0d] Like I said I only did aya once and it was back in 91.From what I remember it was quite a bit like shroom,but I will have to do it again to make sure.I was planning on doing the aya thing anyways soon.Yes,I encountered the reptilians many times on shroom and a few times on DMT.The time that I remember the most clearly was on shroom.he was a reptilian god sitting on a throne in what looked like a cave,and he didn't really say anything to me but I can tell he acknowledged my presence by the way he looked at me.His face was morphing from a lizard type of head to a more elongated snout like a crocodile.I don't find either shroom or DMT take a toll on my mind.I actually feel refreshed after a trip with all my thoughts in order as if I defragmented my hard disc.
Hey Quantumbrujo how are you? I have a question for you. How do you consume your shrooms? I find that when I have high doses I tend to feel a bit sick and by the time I get over it I have passed my peak. I just eat them with honey but I would like to break through on them but dont want the sick feeling. Any ideas?
I'm fine Sillysyban,thanks.well if I'm only doing one or two grams,I just eat them,but that ain't enough for me to meet the reptilians or anything like that.I usually don't bother with those minuscule amounts and usually take from 5 to 7 grams dry.What I do is grind them down to a powder in a coffee grinder and mix the powder into a bowl of cream of mushroom soup or any other soup I have at the moment and eat it down like a regular soup on an empty stomach.don't sip it slowly,eat it down like if you will be late for work.this way I feel them coming on super fast(about 5-10 minutes) and start peaking like after half an hour to 45 minutes.Mixing two grams of powdered shrooms with the juice of a freshly sqweesed lemon downed in a shotglass will potentiate the shrooms and those two grams will feel like 5 grams by the way.also a chammomile tea right after eating the shrooms will potentiate them as will taking an MAOI like syrian rue seeds before.If taking MAOI's just be carefull to follow the list of foods and drugs to avoid which can be found on erowid. happy tripping bro.
Hey Quantumbrujo. Awesome, thanks for the advice. I like the idea of powdering them. I usually find my most intense trips are from fresh shrooms but havent tried dried in that dosage. I also agree with you that an empty stomach would help. Upon reflection the couple of times I have felt really ill is taking shrooms after a meal. I dont know why I didnt realize that before (sometimes you dont see the obvious staring you in the face). All I need is winter to come around again so I can go a picking. Reading your posts above have intrigued me about breaking through on the shrooms as I have always taken them and gone outside into the forest to walk. I get an incredible sense of oneness with nature and I actually feel the trees communicating with everything around them. It humbles me every time. I will take some time to do some inner work with them now. I guess the inner work is what intrigued me about DMT and led me here. Thanks mate. Always happy tripping.
hey quantumbrujo, ive never heard of using chamomile to potenate mushrooms! Any ideas of the chemistry behind that? Any links to any literature? thanks. :)
[quote:d8a9dcd372="Tribal Dreamings"]hey quantumbrujo, ive never heard of using chamomile to potenate mushrooms! Any ideas of the chemistry behind that? Any links to any literature? thanks. :)[/quote:d8a9dcd372] I had never heard of it either.I discovered it by accident.One night I was coming down from a shroomout and drank some chammomile tea and a few minutes later it was just like if I had re-dosed and starting getting visuals all over again.so to see if it was the chammomile,the next time I shroomed out I took some chammomile and yup it boosts it alright.I have no idea on the chemistry behind it,I just know that it works.
I was just googling and I found this Chamomile extracts and tea are widely used herbal preparations for the treatment of minor illnesses (e.g. indigestion, inflammation). In this study the inhibitory effect of chamomile essential oil and its major constituents on four selected human cytochrome P450 enzymes (CYP1A2, CYP2C9, CYP2D6 and CYP3A4) was investigated. Increasing concentrations of the test compounds were incubated with individual, recombinant CYP isoforms and their effect on the conversion of surrogate substances was measured fluorometrically in 96-well plates; enzyme inhibition was expressed as IC[50] and K value in relation to positive controls. Crude essential oil demonstrated inhibition of each of the enzymes, with CYP1A2 being more sensitive than the other isoforms. Three constituents of the oil, namely chamazulene (IC[50]=4.41 μM), cis-spiroether (IC[50]=2.01 μM) and trans-spiroether (IC[50]=0.47 μM) showed to be potent inhibitors of this enzyme, also being active towards CYP3A4. CYP2C9 and CYP2D6 were less inhibited, only chamazulene (IC[50]=1.06 μM) and α-bisabolol (IC[50]=2.18 μM) revealed a significant inhibition of the latter. As indicated by these in vitro data, chamomile preparations contain constituents inhibiting the activities of major human drug metabolizing enzymes; interactions with drugs whose route of elimination is mainly via cytochromes (especially CYP1A2) are therefore possible.
I've eaten fresh and dried shrooms but I have also very often just boiled them for a while in a tea. Then just put loads of honey in it and boooom! :) I've never had the need to prepare them in food or any other way. I only get a little nauseous maybe just when im breaking through the treshold but then I'm fine. Actually super-duper fine :) Physically very well and full of energy. And the next day I just feel refreshed. Like I got rid of a big clutter from my aura. Like I cleared out a lot of bullshit from my head. (Which causes a clutter in your aura :) )
"And the next day I just feel refreshed. Like I got rid of a big clutter from my aura. Like I cleared out a lot of bullshit from my head. (Which causes a clutter in your aura )" Oh definately!shrooms are non toxic,and they don't take a toll on your body like getting drunk or consuming other drugs.I can do a heavy shroomout and still get up the next morning with no type of hangover and in top shape with all my thoughts in order,ready to go to work.
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