LOL yeah like the ufo thing, personal accounts dont count as evidence. eye witness testimony doesnt count, then people say oh you must have hallucinated etc. I think a lot of people who state I dont beleive it give me the evidence have already made their minds up so will dismiss evidence when presented. You starting this and then getting what you didnt expect is kinda like an atheist starting a thread asking does god exist?? then shooting down any believers of god trying to say they are wrong, similiar analogy though I think there is evidence of such things like ghosts and ufo's, moreso than god but personal experiences arent good enough.
Ive read one of Oliver sachs books, the man who mistook his wife for a hat and was a great read and shows the power of the brain but all these alien and ghost reports go back a long time and the many personal accounts you read is evidence to me, I dont think its all hallucination, why do different people experience the same things?? see the same ghosts in certain places but then no offense but debating such things to me is like an atheist debating with a beleiver of God, doesnt excite me and its always the same rhetoric, round in circles etc. more ghost storys please