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Do you believe the soul exists?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello all! I just want to start off by saying how great it is to be on the DMT nexus for the first time! Well, I have a very important question that I think everyone asks themselves time and time again. And that is.. Does the soul exist? I have been absolutely fascinated with psychedelics and although I have never even tried marijuana, let alone DMT or any other psychedelic, I have done a lot of research and I am just amazed of the power of DMT. Many people who have taken DMT say they have been transported to a different dimension and have had contact with alien beings. This is absolutely fascinating and it really makes you want to believe that that is proof of the afterlife. However, my "skeptic" side still wonders.. 'Is it all in your head'? 'Is it just chemicals making you hallucinate and there really is no afterlife'? I really hope there is an afterlife and that the soul exists. I find it very depressing to think once we die, thats it, game over, there is no consciousness. I really would like to believe in the soul, but I don't know, sometimes some things are too good to be true.. Anyway, what do you believe? Do you believe we have souls? Based on your personal experiences, was your experience powerful enough to make you believe the soul/afterlife exist? I would love to hear your experiences/thought. One last thing, have you ever seen a dead person/relative while tripping on DMT/ in the other dimension? Thank you and blessings!
fourthripley said:
Hmmm. What can the experience of drugs acting upon a living brain tell you about the 'experience' of having no living brain at all?

Ugh .. i guess ur right.. Very dissapointing though :/
I believe this life is the afterlife and after this life we begin another life. Our actions in the past determined our current circumstances and options, and the choices we make determine our future circumstances and options. I believe that the organized flow of energy through spacetime begets consciousness.

I could be wrong, though.
fourthripley said:
Hmmm. What can the experience of drugs acting upon a living brain tell you about the 'experience' of having no living brain at all?
Instead of asking “What can the experience of drugs acting upon a living brain tell you about the 'experience' of having no living brain at all?” you should be asking something like this: “What can a radio receiver tell you about radio waves, which themselves exist independently of the receiver?” And the answer is – very much.
I think consciousness permeates everything and our brains are like a highly evolved mirror so it can enjoy itself in more profound ways..or something..Well..sometimes i think that :d
This soul has a human body/brain to experience human life.
Whatever the universe needs to be reflected upon it lives trough you.
SoulSeeker96 said:
I really hope there is an afterlife and that the soul exists. I find it very depressing to think once we die, thats it, game over, there is no consciousness. I really would like to believe in the soul, but I don't know, sometimes some things are too good to be true.. Anyway, what do you believe? Do you believe we have souls? Based on your personal experiences, was your experience powerful enough to make you believe the soul/afterlife exist? I would love to hear your experiences/thought. One last thing, have you ever seen a dead person/relative while tripping on DMT/ in the other dimension? Thank you and blessings!

I have an idea, but...
Whats it matter either way? Fact is, there is no proof. There is only your subjective conciousness, you dont really know for sure how long its beeen and how long it will be. No one knows. For that reason I dont spend much time on that thought.

Put your effort into RIGHT NOW! This is what you got, now what are you going to make of it?

Think if you do just die and thats it, nothing else.

If thats what it is we have to look forward to so be it. All the more reason to to experience life in the most epic fullfilling way every moment. Love, learn, experience, and respet Mother Earth!

If by soul you mean an individual core being that is unique to you (everyone has their own soul) and will survive physical death than NO I do not believe any such thing exists. I think the belief in a soul is just our egotistical desire for immortality.

In my personal experiences I have became aware of an all encompassing formless consciousness that is only self aware through a physical mind. It could also just be a spiritual connection between all conscious beings. Not at all what I consider to be a soul.
MySmelf said:
In my personal experiences I have became aware of an all encompassing formless consciousness that is only self aware through a physical mind. It could also just be a spiritual connection between all conscious beings. Not at all what I consider to be a soul.


Though I don't see a reason not to call 'it' a soul. I believe consciousness, when taking place in a physical complex living system like our human bodies, gets concentrated into a more precise mass that we call the soul. I don't know what happens to the soul when you die, but I doubt very much that it keeps the identity it has while it is installed in our living bodies. In fact I would tend to believe that it dissolves again in the flow of energy.
The soul is a complicated issue. I sometimes consider this: when we're awake, the etheric copy projects the physical body, and when we're asleep, we're projecting the etheric copy (copies). We can't have multiple physical bodies, due to very obvious issues, but this allows for multiple projected copies. How about this for a soul? :d Well, not in the traditional sense, but it's still a theory.
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