endlessness said:
If you dont mind sharing, what is your method of vapping?
Here is the method I have been using with success:
Launch mechanism: The Machine fitted with coarse stainless steel wool
Ancillary equipment: heat gun, butane torch
Other requisites: a comfortable, safe place, a good sitter, a clear state of mind
Optional: soothing music, quick meditation, toasty socks, whatever adds to my sense of comfort and safety
The Launch Procedure
Preheat the Machine. Those with a Machine or glass-type device will notice crystals (hopefully not burnt) coating the neck. This will serve as a visual indicator of the temperature of the glass. Using a heat gun, holding the Machine either sideways, or upside down, I warm the neck while rotating the Machine until the spice turns clear (do this carefully or over something soft in case you fumble the Machine!) The liquid state of spice seems to have a very narrow temperature range (ie, it will begin to vaporize with very little added heat from that point). A wisp of smoke will indicate you are at that limit. Stop there if this occurs. You are ready to go, no need to rush, as the heat soak will warm up the stainless steel (which will contain spice from prior use). This is good.
Add amount of desired spice to the Machine. You will notice that the spice will begin to melt almost immediately. This is also good. When no dry spice remains, you are ready. Go to your launch pad and get comfortable.
Butane torch, on, holding the Machine like a big cigar, start with the flame about 1cm from the neck (the Machine's, not yours) SLOWLY (just a bit more than a taking a normal breath from your mouth), draw air into the Machine. This will prime the plug (like glow plugs on an old diesel). A sitter comes in handy here. He/she should indicate when the spice begins to vaporize (white smoke will start running from the plug into the chamber) At this point, you are ready for ignition.
Withdraw the Machine and breathe out. With the sitter holding the torch, begin a steady draw on the Machine, like a deep drag on a cigarette (bless you if you have never smoked one). The Machine will start to fill with very dense white smoke. At this point the sitter should indicate "go" or "white" or "holy shit" or whatever and STOP ignition. The chamber will be filled with more vapor than you will (likely) be able to take in. Clear the chamber (or do your best) and give the Machine to the sitter. Hold your breath until you begin to warp. Not too long, or you may slip into hyperspace and won't have the faculties for a subsequent burn.
***NOTE: if this is your or your traveler's first time, the sitter should hold the Machine and torch through the entire process!
Booster Stage
Sitter, holding the Machine and torch puts the Machine to your mouth and instructs you to hit (because you are slipping and don't have much time). Draw on the Machine as long as you can maintain, lie back (or down) and hold your breath for as long as is comfortable.
Exhale with enthusiasm, as you are now experiencing
Liftoff...Second star to the right and straight on 'til morning.
Safe and wondrous travels in hyperspace to you...
note: if you have the constitution for a 2nd boost, by all means. I am able to breakthrough easily after this (as I usually am starting to do so midway through this stage), and have having the feeling that the first ignition may be just enough.