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Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello fellow travelers,

I have been reading through the forum in the past 4 months and have found it a remarkably helpful resource. It has peeked my interest on a variety of new subjects and answered many questions I have had.

Recently I have been going through psychedelic renaissance. I thought this part of my life was long over but found that in my older years I have a new understanding and appreciation for entheogens as a tool for exploring the mind and answering the question, "what does it mean to be human?".

It is a liberating feeling to know that there are still things in this existence that can surprise me.

I hope to take part in the discussion.

Thank you
Hello Zetagun,
Nice to welcome another oldtimer aboard. I also have come back around after many years of disuse to give Psychedelics a second look. What I do know is that looking back from my very first experiences as a young man, entheogens have given me a broader and deeper appreciation for this life I live. I also must say that I too am still learning what it is to be on this Human journey. Welcome and I hope to see you round.
"psychedelic renaissance" - I like it!
happened to me too. Got the call some time after I thought I'd quit for good. Maybe I didn't really believe that, but it sure felt like it at times. And then BOOM I get this urge and I need to dig deep into the material and I end up HERE!!!

Nice to meet you zetagun! Welcome to the Nexus!
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