Rising Star
I just wanted to get some feedback from all you psychonaughts on your opinion of the possible existence of heaven. Does it exist and how do you achieve it?
Same here, I think there is a place that exists in which infinite bliss comes with the territory. Though I'm not sure if that place is only made of infinite bliss and good things, I'd have to say there is a chance that pain and sadness reside there too.ChaoticMethod said:My answer may differ depending on how you define "heaven".
archaic_architect said:ChaoticMethod said:My answer may differ depending on how you define "heaven".
At the moment I believe when we die we all return to "the point" or the single place which has no time or space and everything exists as one. Past, present, and future all exist simultaneously along with EVERYTHING else. I don't have a single thought beyond that about what goes on there, or how long we stay.
But this is only my current thought of the afterlife, it will probably change with the wind.
actually i feel it would nicer if there wasn't a heaven. For me its more attractive to just have a perfect self perpetuating force that we are all part of rather than fields of flowers and white fluffy blissful cloud cities with angles and all our dead loved ones.AlbertKLloyd said:It would be nice wouldn't it?
I hope there is one, but do not believe there is one.
I would have to say that the similarities and consistencies between the descriptions of NDE's and strong psychedelic and meditation states, it's all just too much to be a coincidence
olympus mon said:Do i think there is a heaven, No. Do i think our consciousness continues after our body's die, Most certainly. Do some choose to call this etheric soup of consciuosness heaven, yes they do and thats where i feel putting a label my naming this state is short sighted but harmless.
My work and pondering with these substances and quite contemplation has shown me zero evidence of a rewarding blissful definitive place called heaven. What it HAS shown me is when we shed our bodies and our conciousness returns to the UNKOWN we leave our human ego's with our corpse. We see the true nature of everything and are able to think and understand in higher dimensions. Im quite sure this would be blissful as reported by thousands of NDE survivors, but is this a heaven? I really don't think so. Unless that just what you choose to call it.
Pearly gates, men with a big book or good people and sinners allowing or denying entry. That idea to me is pretty silly and what the church uses to keep the masses in fear and not thinking for themselves.
Were so engrained by millennia of dogma that even an atheist has it residue in his or hers thoughts. Its nearly impossible to fully escape its influences at very subconscious levels. NEARLY. I am an atheist in that i don't believe in any Christian/personified God that makes decisions with human like thoughts and judgments or any other type of God such as intentional self aware intelligence. To me the idea is very short sighted and an attempt of a 3 dimensional human explanation of that which cant not possible be explained here in this dimension.
So its a slippery slope for me because as an atheist with my non beliefs of God expressed above but my belief that out consciousness continues after death i don't really fall into any one label.
I do feel one CAN NOT believe in God but believe in some un definable state after human death. the 2 dont need to go hand in hand as so many of my atheist friends feel they must. Even science is showing us a lot of evidence that there are other forms and states of consciousness we dont understand but are finding more and more evidence of. If you choose to call that state heaven because its blissful and allows the true nature of everything to be seen felt and comprehended then to you heaven does exist. Its really just word play.