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Doorway to the Multiverse

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Another DMT report from The Nook, is this yours free spirit? If it is you should post more, their pretty cool: ok.. went to hyperspace. i found beings taking my ... what can i say . knowledge. looked into what i was, and who i had become. they showed me that we are all conection to another .... conection. we are all one. we are connected to help each other (universally) move frowards... was great. cant go any farther as im still thinking... love it. Just woke up after a long sleep... I am not sure if I can expand much farther. Should have written more down or some thing last night. But you know how that usually works (kiddy writing about rubbish) need a Dictaphone... This is what I managed to relay. The mind (soul) whatever you want to call it is connected to the universe. This is the doorway to the rest of the universe. You can move about using this via various methods. E.g. dmt, mediation, mesc, mushrooms and acid to name a few. The body is a separate entity, which is tied to the planet. This is connected with Mother Nature, and we will lose this part when we move forwards. My trip consisted of eventually being contacted by some sort of being, they downloaded my brain as it were, showed me an image of the universe one we are all connected to but we just dont realise it normally. they showed me the other planets that are inhabited by intelligent life forms, told me I was doing well... sort of a pat on the back. And sent me on my merry way. All this was accompanied by great psychedelic imagery... Wow. I am going back there soon. (the shits not cheap)
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