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Dosage for a first time pharma

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
OG Pioneer
Hey guys,

SWIMs psychedelic crocodile is fairly experienced with freebase DMT and has a number of crazy experiences under his belt; but he has never experienced
psychedelic ayahuasca. theres a special psy night which my partner and I will be attending coming up soon and we want to be trippin.
I weigh about 10 st, she's a little heavier.

We've never done pharma before, so whats your recommendation?
Thanks boys 'n girls :)
Are you talking pharmahusca at a trance party?!?

My recommendation would be to do it at home first.

That aside I find 50mg to be a good dose. Seriously thoug... this aint a good "going out" combination.
yes, theres surely a dosage where visuals and tryptamine giggles could add alot to an allready special night. I just don't take well to damaging my brain with methylenedioxy's, its not in line with my values. But DMT - no memory loss, hardly any side effects, except an unpleasant experience, at worse. I realise of course that DMT is much, much more powerful than this because it opens the gateway to the spirit world, but in terms of chemistry.

... I need my brain for future use. :D
for an hour maybe...

but it's not really like that in the sense mushrooms and acid is. It's probably one of the least social substances there is when it comes down to it.

That's just my advice though. Seriously take no more than 50mg with 150mg harmalas and expect vomit.
Jork reccomended 30mg. Its probably wise to try it at home first too, I plan on doing that.
the reason i recommend 30mg is because this is FASI extracted spice from d-limo..and so far...from my own experiences and a few other peoples experiences..this spice seems to be extremely powerful when taken orally...
although SWIM completely agrees to start with 30-50mg. Do not plan for anything. If you are super-sensitive like some (69ron for one) then it will fully visual intense spiritual feelings etc.

If you are like SWIM and his roomie, you will feel absolutely nothing at all on 50mg, no pupil dilation, just mild mild sedation from the harmalas

SWIM is definately not telling you to take more, just be prepared for both spectrums, super intense or super mild
Jorkest said:
the reason i recommend 30mg is because this is FASI extracted spice from d-limo..and so far...from my own experiences and a few other peoples experiences..this spice seems to be extremely powerful when taken orally...

Yes. I would follow this statement. I recently did FASI on a LB of bark.

I loaded up one of my 000 caps with 75mg Harmine/75mg Harmaline/50mg THH & 40mg FASI furm. Poked a hole in the end just to try it (reccomendation of psychosisdoses).

I swallowed it at 9:00pm. At about 9:30pm I felt a little body difference transpiring..not much in the way of visions though.

Around 9:50pm that slight body sensations started to CREEEEEEP up mooooreee and moooreee. I started laughing histaricaly for no apparent reason; but coupled with the extreme laughter I was brought this heavy euphoria and I felt great!

Around 10:15pm this body sensation that was growiinngg and growwwing kept doing just that! Kept growiinngg! I was sitting there in my back garage with my buddy (he knew i had taken it) and my tone went from much laughter to a little more serious. Everything in my back garage started to make several copies of itself holographically and started shifting to different intensities.

I knew it had begun and I was on an official pharma journey! The waves just kept coming...stronger and stronger. They were all coming directly from my heart region..Heavy vibrations building and building from my center and expanding outwards. I couldnt sit anymore...I had to go outside!

I went outside to witness one of the most beautiful but craziest sights i've ever seen.. A multi-luminous web with sparkling luminescense drove through everything...the sky....the grounds...me...the trees. This web would shift in design and structure according to what i was feeling. It was amazingly intricate....Then I realized something.. the DMT visuals that you would normally see upon breakthrough were overlaying reality.. Looked like another freestanding reality on top of our own!

Around 11:30 I ended up going in my house to see everything still with this multi luminous web running itself through my entire house! It almost seemed like I could drag and drop parts of this web with my mind and that would determine what structure it would perform and take hede to.... It was all centered to the observer...ME. :)

Theres quite a bit more that happened but my memory cant seem to put words on it right now....all i know is.. when you experience exactly this...it changes you...for the better...much better infact. :)

Like a still pond on a crisp spring morning. The stillness is what I experienced....difficulty arises from trying to understand and make sense of.

Just be still..and you will see.

shoe said:
SWIMs psychedelic crocodile is fairly experienced with freebase DMT and has a number of crazy experiences under his belt; but he has never experienced
psychedelic ayahuasca. theres a special psy night which my partner and I will be attending coming up soon and we want to be trippin.
I weigh about 10 st, she's a little heavier.

Alright, so you never did pharma but like to go to a trance party on a low dose?????!?!?! :shock: :roll:

If this is your plan then I think you don't need DMT at all since you are already in some altered state with your mind. With pharma you never know how hard it will hit and when taking it for the first time its even more unpredictable.

What will you do when it hits too hard and the thumping music and strobing lights will drive you to insanity? Remember those hard times that you wanted to stop the experience so badly since it was way too intense? With pharma that moment will be there too but much longer. Not only the intensity is unpredictable but also the moment it will hit you, one moment you are fine, the next moment you are in hyperspace waving at entities.

What will other party people think when they see you suddenly go insane? I can bet you that they will call 911 and with the ambulance the police will arrive too, asking you what kind of drugs you took. If this goes bad, we can expect another headline with DMT in it: "Youth goes insane on dangerous new 'DMT' drug while attending trance party". This idea only makes me angry.

To get a more complete picture of this: what is it with people wanting to turn DMT into a party drug? DMT IS NOT A PARTY DRUG! It's way to intense and unpredictable for that. If you want to go to a trance party on DMT the only rational thing I can advice you is to take your journey in the morning and with the experience of that morning go to the Trance party at night, if done well, you will still glow from your morning experience.

This response probably sounds pretty hard and grumpy, but I don't like the idea of 'DMT for parties' at all... :?


The Traveler
amazing post trippin :D
that is exactly why pharma/aya fuckin pwn smoked dmt
it is the RIGHT way to take it

what you said about being still yessss i know what you mean man
id often take hikes out to the middle of the woods and pause and lock myself in perfect stillness
gazing at the web in everything.... so nice to hear this from someone else

The Traveler said:
I don't like the idea of 'DMT for parties' at all... :?


The Traveler

this is too true..
if you want to party take lsd that is a toy
but certainly not pharma
The Traveler said:
. Not only the intensity is unpredictable but also the moment it will hit you, one moment you are fine, the next moment you are in hyperspace waving at entities.

Yes. That statement is very true. This happened many times throughout my experience that night.
ayahuasca is sacred..not a "party drug"..you might end up in a really strange space not suitable for social and public gatherings...and its a waste of the pharma...I would save it for at home and find something more social instead.
What is this awesome mystery that is taking place within me?.... My intellect sees what has happened, but it cannot explain it. It can see and wishes to explain it. But can find no word that will suffice...this my friend is pharma... :)

As I was telling psychosis, this experience seemed to be complete..not a shorthand version of the unexplainable such as smoked freebase, but the ACTUAL full experience of the unexplainable.

Laugh, joy, sorrow, lust, love, fear, excitement....the list goes on from that night. I felt all of that and more. It was almost too much at times, but I would always go back in my head and look at everything that was being layed upon me. The network of life itself. Infinite potentiality in every fractalized space. Pure harmony dancing upon the air I was breathing.

Brought a tear I must say..

And yes fractal, sacred...it is very much so. And please to anyone...do use this with the upmost respect.....it deserves that..

Traveler: Thanks for the reminder, trav i'll get on it. the entities sure haven't paied me a visit for a while to be honest, they've become abstractness for myself - rather quite confusing.
I wouldn't feel bad, I've been doing it for a year and they still leave me alone and hide out of sight...
Just did my first rue extraction this week, can't wait to attemt the pharma thing next w/end with another unicorn I know, thhat often join me for gallops around the hyperspace track..
This stuff is so damn powerful and can be unpredictable that I wouldn't trip outside of my own home. There have been times when I was on the floor of my living room reliving a death crawl through the Egyptian desert before I morphed into the motherfucking sphinx (true story!) I don't want anyone to witness me experiencing such an event and I can only imagine the panic it would create for onlookers. You need familiar surroundings and be alone or at least with a loved one, not random strangers under strobe lights pulsing to some wacky music. Learn to navigate hyperspace and there will be no reason to do DMT anyplace else but a comfortable couch.
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