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DPT for Changa


Esteemed member
Hi fellow travelers,

I have some DMT at hand which I tested with several reagents. The Mecke result looked like the color for DPT. So I believe it could be DPT and not DMT. My plan was to make some Changa out of it and I like to know if this a good or bad idea. I am struggeling because of the MAOI content of the Caapi leave. Any opinions on this?
When in doubt, never use it! It's that simple.

Have your sample tested by a certified lab like Kykeon Analysis to make sure that you know what you have.

Or even better: learn how to extract your own DMT. It not only makes sure that you know what you have, but it also gives that extra connection to this special substance when you take your journey with it.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
I have not so much experience with those reagent tests. I mean if you didnt test it or have it from someone you trust or like you said extracted it yourself you can never be sure what you get 100%. Learning to extract is one thing but getting the source material is another. I will send it in to a lab.
But still the question is, would you use DPT for changa?
I will send it in to a lab.
Big plus for you! 👍

But still the question is, would you use DPT for changa?
Some people who take DPT orally also take harmalas with it to make it stronger, more intense and longer lasting.

The amount of harmalas in a single caapi leaf is not that much, so in that regards it's MAOI effects would probably not be that much.

However for safety sake and the prevention of a possible unpredictable (stronger than expected) journey I would prefer another non-MAOI herb for the smoking blend.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
OK got you. I just wanted to know how high the risk is with MAOI. I didnt find anything regarding this. I read about the longer lasting duration of DPT. Happy to see that there are some more cheaper option for labtest nowadays. Thanks for the hint and your help!
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