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I always observe my dreams very intentfully before events that are important to me. I'm so used to doing it, that theres a part of me understanding the manifestations whilst dreaming. I've only ever had one bad experience with psychedellics, and that bad was a terrible bad, even though I weren't really tripping (nausea). Anyway, the night before that event I clearly remember certain images I saw, which didn't have the normal dream look and feel, in these clips one was of a guy (which I new to be me) trying to surf on water which was on a narrow kinda passage, and I couldn't do it, the water was still, anyway, all of a sudden a huge wave came down this narrow passage and I was trying with all might to surf it so it wouldn't swallow me. Second clip was of me being in this huge dark space walking on a narrow path in the dark, and i could see many other paths all over the place.

What was so funny, was the clips of that dream popping up whilst being in the bad experience as if saying "well, you was warned.." -I felt like an idiot.

So now I'm always on the look out for certin dreams before certain events, and when I do catch these certain dreams I pay attention to them and listen to it because it always helps me. These particular dreams have a different look to them which is a good way of spotting them, plus if I read them there and then whilst it's happening, I read them like they have words and voices emanating the meaning from the vision.

What I love about after my trips, is that when I sleep, the dreams seem more vast, the size of my dream screen increases alot, which makes me feel like im more immersed in the dream rather than feeling like im watching it from a distance. Colours seem more vibrant, my sense of total time dreaming seems much much longer. I have much more dreams.

But, my dreams pretty much stay the same in whats going on, normally quite mystical in some point of the dream is usual, although the most frequent type of scenes I remember after I've tripped is of winning a battle of some sort, I get a lot of fighting with lions, tigers and panthers. Which I either battle with them and win the battle, or I'm at peace with them. Also memory of my dreams is super clear.. Fuck I love dreaming..

Sorry for the read, but when it comes to dreams, I'm really fascinated with them.


Have to mention what I've just remembered of one time whilst dreaming, coz it was fucking b i z a r r e.

There was a point in my dreaming that I took a mushroom but that part had just a normal type look to it, was just a manifestation of my desire for some shrooms which I couldn't get at the time, anyway I remember warping after eating it, which at that point I became very conscious and so fucking clear, like I had just taken some mushrooms (even though I have never had the following type experience from shrooms)

I was tunneling in a way I can't describe, I was going somewhere but location unknown, then 'poof' or 'whoosh' (..) and I was all of a sudden in huge forest just stood there not having a clue wtf was going on and what just happend, I felt very exposed, honestly, I was fucking there it was weird, next though, as I was still processing what was happening, I felt a presence coming in the distance, like you know when you look at someone, and you get a sense of there presence and what kind of person they seem to be, I could feel that presence really clearly without it being there, I could feel it at a long distance coming in fast, and I mean fast, but this presence didn't feel like someone I'd want to sit and have tea and biscuits with, it felt.. hmmm.. like it was negative, but not, like it was really fucking dark but hmm.. can't descibe it, it was just one dark mother that was coming and it seemed to have this super urgent curiosity to see who just showed up. oh, it's presence reminds me a bit of the faceless things on lord of the rings which fly about looking for the ring..

anyway, my instinct was simply to just fucking hide, it was too late I couldn't even move to hide because I was in a state of shock. This thing shows up beside me, now I can't quite describe this thing, it had like a dark cloak and hood over it, but it was like it was a part of him like it had life to it, but this thing didn't seem to have thought like us, again can't describe it. It had parts of it that didn't seem to have thoughts, like it was an automatic machine but very animal beast alien like. Don't ask me what it's face looked like or image, coz it was just ODD. I got the impression it didn't know what to do with me and seemed kinda confused with me. parts of this memory is blurred because the part of me writting this doesn't have that comprehension I had then. There was this part I can't remember then it going away, but it was going to come back, I wasn't sticking around because this thing just freaked me out, so when it went I decided to get a way fast, I sensed it wouldn't be long, so I tried to calculate the best hiding spot in the time I knew I had left before it's return and went towards it, but this spot was on higher ground, and I was having trouble getting up it, I remember that in my dreams I can fly, so I tried that, but because of the fear of not being able to get out of there fast enough I couldn't navigate properly but I was sort of getting to this spot, whilst doing this some red ball of living light showed up to observe me, it seemed very quite, I didn't give it much attention, just focusing on getting to this spot. then The thing showed up in the distance, at this point I got fed up with what was happening, was highly stressed and tried to wake my actual body up, but couldn't do it like normal because of the fear of not doing it haha so I just kinda twisted about in the air trying to warp myself out then like normal, when you keep the persistance, I woke up and when I was in my actual body I was trying to rid myself of some visual patterns I was getting so I could see like normal again, then when fully back, "fuck me fuck me"

When I think back to that experience, it always inspires me to explore. If I saw that thing again, I'd probably have tea and biscuits with it now..

Again sorry for the read:roll:

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