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Dreams of flying tips

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Rising Star
In my life I have had a couple of lucid dreams where I was able to fly. This always gave me a sense of euphoria during the dream and also when waking up after. These are experiences I will never forget since they were really amazing. Mostly they start with me jumping from a high building or a hill and when I realize/think I will crash I often just start flying. I've also had one where I had found this weird artifact that enabled me to fly when looking at it :)

My question is if there is a way to trigger these flying dreams? Are there things to think about before going to sleep that might help, do any of you use dreamherbs to encourage dreams?

I have been using these herbs lately on a regular basis and I must say they really tend to make the dreamworld totally different. Much more real, alive and also weird, but I would like to know how to get to the flying part more often, any tips on that?
A lot of times when I start flying in my dreams, it something that I control almost like jumping, but not. I intuitively sort of know how to do it while often simultaneously realizing I'm somehow incredibly lucky, and I shouldn't be able to do this and/or I'm just so good at jumping/gliding now :lol:

Also, I notice a lot of the times when I'm dreaming of flying, I wake up with my arms outstretched in front of me in or over my pillow. I don't know how terrific it is for your back and neck, but it might be worthwhile thinking about sleeping in that posture, cause while I don't do it on purpose, it does seem to help the flying feature in the dreams.
Building dream awareness will really help...For that you can do many things, such as a dream journal- which builds both awareness/dream recall tremendously over time. It can happen spontaneously but the majority of the times that I fly in dreams are when I'm lucid, so you might want to practice getting into a lucid state more to (many things help for that). Practicing lucid dreaming also builds awareness, so its a two way street

Either way, lucid or not, i've noticed that flying often takes a sort of relaxed focus. If I try too hard (or if i try to show off these superpowers to people in the dream), or doubt myself one bit, it might not work. The matrix comes to mind ;) You just have to let go
The thing that flips you out of flying is (lucid) self reflection that you are actually flying, so don't do that. Instead just enjoy without any thinking about it, get higher, harder, make speed, make loops, give it a go, pump up the jam, that kind of attitude. The aim is to maximize attention to your flying action and not pondering about it. I got this tip and it really works wonders. Just go crazy flying like mad, as soon as you hang there and start realizing and thinking about it, it fades. Action is the key 😉
Those are helpful tips. It seems that not trying to hard/relaxed focus are the way to go. I have tried a dream journal, but I don't really have the discipline to write my dreams down every morning before work :(

I also know about the techniques where you have to look at your hands during the day as a focus point which you can then use in a lucid dream state, but I had no luck with this yet.

Thanks a lot, nice to know that other people enjoy these dreams as well.

By the way, do you guys ever had the feeling that you went back to the exact same spot in different dreams? I'm talking about a spot which you have never seen in real life, but which you have revisited many times in drems... I've had this experience a while ago and it was really amazing, because in my dream I was conscious about having been to that place before... Anybody knows what this means?
When you develop your skills in lucid dreaming, flying is just an act of will. So the main question is, how to deepen your lucidity?

Dreamjournaling is one way to go, but it takes a lot of discipline (and some spare time in the morning :) )
Luckily, there are more techniques than just the dreamjournal. I assume you heard of the reality-check technique? that's something you can practice during the day. In my experience though, it also takes quite some discipline. It is not that you get lucid dreams after doing 10 reality checks during one day... It more like a week of reality checks at least 10 times a day....

Another strategy I tried is the remee lucid dreaming mask. It mainly consists of a programable LED mask , that is supposed to make you lucid by giving you clues (sudden red flashing lights). My problem however is that i seem to sleep to deep to have the lights actually enter my dreams. I guess I would need brighter lights. But for some it works.

Indeed, flying is a highly enjoyable experience during lucid dreaming :)

About visiting the same spot, probably there is something for you to pick up on that spot. Might help if you tell more about the characteristics of the spot. Anyway, there are lessons for you to learn on that spot, i dare to say.
Thanks cheiron,

That mask looks pretty cool, I do wonder if it would not disturb my sleep since I am a very light sleeper. About the reality check technique, you do mean asking yourself if this is not all a dream during the day don't you?

The place I went to was always a place of rest. In one dream it was a place I reached after a long walk with my dogs and in another dream it was a place where I was having a drink with my girlfriend. It is a remote place at the outskirts of some woods. It was built in stone and was pretty much of a rectangular shape. On the inside it looked much like a restaurant/bar type of place. I would have no idea what I should pick up there.
Elpo said:
I do wonder if it would not disturb my sleep since I am a very light sleeper.

I actually own one. You can program the strenght of the LED's (20-40-60-80-100 %) , the intervalls and the patterns at which it flashes. But unfortunately, i just dont wake up, even with the 100% strength. Considering to put in new batteries though, because in the beginning it did work.

And yes, I mean exactly that by reality checking. Constantly asking: Is this real? Are there any strange things happening? Do the laws of physics still apply properly? Do I know these people I am talking with? If I do, do they look familiar? Do I know how I even got into this situation, or did it just start out of nowhere? Can I fly? stuff like that. Do that every 15 minutes or so during a week, and you will get lucid....

Also, try to check your dreams for cues. Like: ok, my dream went like this and that, and there have been two or three things that i could have noticed as the whole thing being a dream. That helps sometimes, the next time you encounter the same situation.

Sounds interesting. You ever heard of the 'Let your body interpret your dreams' book by E.Gendlin? He promotes focussing as a way to interpret dreams, i found it the most usefull tech I ever used...

As far as someone else could say something about your dream, to me, it feel like a place of power. Maybe it can be used to achieve certain things, but it definitely has a vibe :) It's gift has to be unpacked yet, so it seems...
I have read the mask is affordable on another site since the link you posted seems to be dead. How much did you pay for it if I may ask?

Am certainly gonna try those reality checks!

The cues you talk about is something I have been doing these last few months, the last time I got to fly was when I noticed the grass being green that it couldn't have been real.

I have not heard of the book you mentioned but I will look into it. Seems like a very interesting book, and hopefully I'll be able to find out what that place means to me.
Thanks a lot for the advice.
Elpo said:
I have read the mask is affordable on another site since the link you posted seems to be dead. How much did you pay for it if I may ask?

You should be able to find it when you search for 'sleep with remee'. They sell it for 95$, I think I paid something comparable to that, if not the same :)

Am certainly gonna try those reality checks!

They work, but I was always amazed how much discipline it asks to really trigger a lucid dream. I mean, doing this days in a row frequently is kind of an task. I guess (actually: hope) it should get easier if you persist...

I have not heard of the book you mentioned but I will look into it. Seems like a very interesting book, and hopefully I'll be able to find out what that place means to me.
Thanks a lot for the advice.

Yeah, it is really interesting. Especially because it integrates all possible takes on a dream (archetypes, parts of subconsciousness, spiritual perspectives, etc.) and you basically learn to let your body do the interpretation. Somehow comparable to when you know you forgot something, but you cant remember it. At the moment it enters you consciousness, your body makes a shift, this aha-feeling so you know without any doubt 'this is what i was searching for'. Same is possible with dreams, and it is very satisfying indeed...

Thanks for the appreciation, you're welcome :d
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