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Dried Liberty Cap dosage

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
After some serious hunting my friend eventually found some lib's! They only seemed to come up in November near me this year, but it has been very dry until recently in south UK.

Anyway, he has 4g of dried liberty caps and was wondering what people think is a good dose? Whenever he has taken them before it has been a bit of a "lets make a brew and drink the lot between us" type affair. Not very scientific or controlled! He is going solo this time though, and wants to get the most out of the experience, so wondered what kind of effects people have had from different weighed doses (of liberty caps). He is after some strong effects, but nothing that will shatter reality too greatly! Also, just out of interest, are UK lib's strong or weak gram for gram v's other common types of mushroom?

Apologies if this has been covered elsewhere already, but I couldn't seem to find much on lib's dose.
If you have perfect control over a very comfortable setting, then all 4g's may be feasible. That is quite a large dose though I have to say, but if your up for the ride then go for it.

However if you have litte experience with mushrooms, I'd say no more than 2. usually around 3 for a fairly strong trip.

I had a crazy one on 3g's of libs. I was walking across a corn field at one point and every eye of corn was winking at me :)
I say take the lot, sometimes taking too little is counterproductive, but only if you have a bit of experience of good doses. If not then split them into to doses.
4 grams of libs was intense. I had one of the most "out there" experiences I've ever had on mushrooms. Personally, I would say take the full 4 if you've got the setting/stomach for it. I experienced some really weird god-complex thought loops and the initial rush was both intense and jittery, I had a hard time settling in, but once I did, it was incredible, absolutely incredible.:shock:
4 grams of liberty caps sounds like a lot. I live in a place where there are no liberty caps. but from what I was told was that 2.5 grams was good for a solid trip. Anything more I might dub as heroic. Speaking from no experience of course.

Hey man.

PAge 39 of this book has got a table of different psilocybin levels in different shrooms.
As you can see, libs (Psilocybe semilanceata) arwe third on the list with a content of around 1%, so pound for pound, yeah, these little blighters can pack a punch.

I had my first full blown psychedelic experience with these dudes.
Went picking last year, came back and ate the lot, must have been well over 50. It was lovely.

But yeah, this is a quetion i was wanting to ask too.
I was gonna start with 3g and see who that goes, but i guess if youve only got 4 then you might aswell munch the lot.

BTW recently, from scootin around on these forums several people have said that you can either mix dried powedered shroom with oj, or steam the dried shrooms. Either of these i supposed to convert psilocybin into psilocin....which means the conversion dosent have to occur in your stomach and so the effects come on quicker and are more potent, with the downside (or upside depending on how you look at it) of the trip not lasting as long.

Anyhow...journey well brotherman and please keep us posted on what 4g feels like :)
Thanks guys, as always some well informed replies. He says he will either pluck up the courage to go all in on 4g, or maybe share them with a pal.

This leads me to another question - how long can he store them before they lose potency? Again, he has read a fair bit about drying / storage, but nothing specific to UK lib's.

He has dried them, ground them down and has them stored in a little airtight vial. He figured this was about as good as he would get, and hopefully they will last 6 months or more? Does anyone have any advice on the best method of storage (freezing etc?) He's prepared to bide his time and have a wonderful summer trip out in the forest rather than struggle to find the right outdoors setting now winter has come around.

Thanks again all!
1664 said:
Thanks guys, as always some well informed replies. He says he will either pluck up the courage to go all in on 4g, or maybe share them with a pal.

This leads me to another question - how long can he store them before they lose potency? Again, he has read a fair bit about drying / storage, but nothing specific to UK lib's.

He has dried them, ground them down and has them stored in a little airtight vial. He figured this was about as good as he would get, and hopefully they will last 6 months or more? Does anyone have any advice on the best method of storage (freezing etc?) He's prepared to bide his time and have a wonderful summer trip out in the forest rather than struggle to find the right outdoors setting now winter has come around.

Thanks again all!
4 grams is a good strong dose, it won't let you asking for more. 4 grams dry is almost equivalent to 120-140 mushrooms. Basically 1 gram dry is for fun and giggles, 2-3 grams to get shit done and reach the moon, and 4 grams for reaching pluto. All subject to individual sensitivity of course.

If you want to play safe eat 1 gram to test the waters, then on another occasion eat the rest 3 which will not let you unsatisfied at all.

As for storage, libs have mostly psilocybin (which is far more stable than psilocin) and only traces of psilocin. If kept dried and stored in the freezer they will last for ages. SWIM once found 40-50 libs under his bed after moving house, forgotten for 5-6 years and they were satisfying in effect. 😉
They seem to be flushing later this year. Definitely the time to be looking now...have had two hunts on a good field nearby and found a few hundred each time...less than last year by a long way, but what these lack in numbers they make up for in size! Some of the biggest libs, and many of them, I've ever seen!

When dried they are about twice as potent as I remember than being last year, likely due their size...ingested 15 on Friday eve and it produced surprisngly strong effects for that many (unfortunately we were in a pub early on in the eve, which had to be fled...)There might be some post-Iboga potentiation at play as well though, not sure.
Agreed Bancopuma, my friend found them very hard to find, but when found they were huge (for lib's), the biggest he found was 2.5cm across the top, which is by far the biggest he has ever seen. The only sources my friend knows of all seem empty now though, but with it being so mild it may be worth him having another look! I laughed at you "fleeing" the pub, that's kinda why he may wait till summer ;-)
Thanks for the posts all.
liberty caps!
we tried so hard to find them in nz, but they proved elusive. i remember being on vashon island, and a 15yr old ish kid comes up to us on a bmx bike holding a paper bag. he asked us if we wanted some shrooms, and dumps a HUGE pile of liberty caps on his buddys' skateboard-still fresh! this was my first experience with that mushroom, and i have no idea how many we ate, but they were still wet. this was 10 yrs ago. 4 dried grams? i would go for the whole lot on an EMPTY stomach, comfortable setting, so when they come looking, you can say "go ahead, take a look, there is nothing there!"
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