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Drying or preserving.

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi you. I have read about two different methods for doing this, one involving dry ice and jars, the other honey and jars.

Can anyone help me out with personal experience on either of these or another method that i am missing completely.

much love
and thanks
Use a fan, desiccant, a strainer, and a bowl. Place your desiccant in the bowl, place the strainer on top of the desiccant (its helpful if you can wedge some desiccant packs between the sides of the strainer and the bowl so its not just at the bottom), place your mushrooms in the strainer and place your fan on top of the mushrooms/strainer/bowl. If your fan is too small to sit on the bowl without falling in, find something to support it on top. I use cut up porch screen when im using a computer fan, but i also have a small circular fan that sits on top without any additional materials. Now turn on your fan and let it blow down on your mushies/dessicant. I can get 4 oz of dry mushrooms from whatever wet quantity (i don't bother weighing wet, I see no point in it) using this method in under 48 hours. Sometimes I let it go a lil longer just to make sure its all dry. Once they're dry I put the mushrooms in mason jars, fill the jars with CO2 and pop em into the freezer for long term storage.

woah, thanks a bunch..

two questions then, do you have a suggest brand of desiccant and what type stores sell them?

and do you use co2 from dry ice? or what source
or use a dehydrator

My friend sets his to the lowest settting 30 degrees C and they are cracker dry by the morning.

He then grinds them to a super fine powder and caps them. Then into a ziplock bag with the air sucked out just before closing, put that into a jar and out of light.

This has served his friend well with still potently active shrooms two years later.
I got me one of those room dehumidifiers that's just a box full of calcium chloride and I put that inside a slightly larger box.

I fan dry for a day, then put them in the magic box and 2 days later they're pretty much shatter on impact dry and then I store them in a small air tight container with a smaller desicant pack.

Also try not to touch them too much when drying. I don't know how it effects them in terms of potency, but they look much prettier if not handled as much :)
antichode said:
or use a dehydrator

My friend sets his to the lowest settting 30 degrees C and they are cracker dry by the morning.

He then grinds them to a super fine powder and caps them. Then into a ziplock bag with the air sucked out just before closing, put that into a jar and out of light.

This has served his friend well with still potently active shrooms two years later.
The guy I know who uses a food dehydrator...well, let's just say I won't be eating his shrooms, ever. They are consistently underwhelming and as a result of my experience with him/his shrooms I have a strong aversion to using any sort of heat to dry my mushrooms.

Capt_Bones, the brand of desiccant should not matter, I got 4 massive bags off of ebay for cheap. They're commonly used for keeping safe's dry, so anyplace that sells safes may have them, but personally, I think you can get em cheaper online.

As for CO2, I use baking soda and vinegar. I dump some baking soda into a half gallon milk jug then pour some vinegar into the jug as well. Once this starts foaming, I pour the CO2 from the jug into my mushroom jar. CO2 is heavier than air, so just pretend that the jug is full of water and gently pour it as you would water into the mushroom jar. Be careful not to pour any solution into the jar. You can tell when the jar is full of CO2 by lighting a match or lighter and sticking it into the jar. Once it's full of CO2, the flame will go out due to oxygen deprivation.

I usually fan over a screen for a day or so until they are 90% or so dry. Then I put them in a blacked out tupperware container with a small dessicant box.

Took 3 grams the other night and it's been a little over a year.

I got the dessicant box from the hardware store in town. It's sold in the toolbox section,etc. It's actually made to put in tool boxes to keep them dry. Works great.
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