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E-cig changa

Migrated topic.
a bit of surface level research here on the Nexus would have informed you that trying to dissolve harmalas in ejuice is almost impossible; nowhere near the trouble.

make some 10x caapi, vaporize that in a separate unit, then vape your spice. or make changa the traditional way using IPA or Acetone and then try to vape it since you are trying to avoid combustion.

i have had some changa luck with the "Mighty" vaporizer from S&B (makers of the Volcano). it is nowhere near as effective as combustion of changa or enhanced leaf, but it does work. problem seems to be effectively vaporizing part of the dose whilst the unit is warming up leaving just a fraction of the initial dose!

the ecig method is best with DMT alone mixed with juice; the harmalas just don't dissolve well, even with heat.

Vaporhuasca is very intense and longer acting than if you were to smoke changa, IME. I've never tried to vaporize/smoke harmala salts but freebase is generally recommended.

Yes, orally ingesting the harmine will be incredibly effective. On a completely empty stomach, anywhere from 30-60min is usually enough for it to start working properly, just make sure you take enough for proper inhibition. Then vape your DMT.

Don't vape/smoke salts...

endlessness said:
As a general guide, substances should be in their freebase form to be smoked, and in their salt form they are better to consume orally.

That being said, there are some exceptions and some other aspects related to this. For example, a lot of people smoke changa using caapi leaves which havent been freebased. The caapi leaves themselves contain harmalas in salt form (which exact salt is unknown), and yet they are successfully smoked.

Smoking certain alkaloids in certain salt forms may work because the energy from the lighter might be enough to simply dissociate the acid ions from the alkaloid. But we generally say to avoid this and only smoke freebase alkaloids because more often than not, smoking alkaloid salts won't be effective or might even be dangerous for the following reasons:

1- The salt form of the given alkaloid may have a too high boiling point
2- The alkaloid might break down during combustion instead of vaporizing
3- The combustion could generate irritating/toxic byproducts (for example when smoking fumarate alkaloids, it can lead to the formation of maleic anhydride, hence why we really don't ever recommend fumarates)
This seems doubly important as you're dosing someone with asthma :|

Please do your homework before exposing people to undue risks.

I'm not gonna touch your dosing as you seem convinced this person needs absurd amounts, just make sure you take precautions. It's all fun and games until everything goes sideways...
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