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Easy to grow entheogens

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
If anyone could provide me with info on their growing experiences I would be very grateful. I will be able to grow anything pretty soon but I want to see what people enjoyed growing the most. Info like, how long it took and if you used seeds, would be awesome. I could always grow weed but I failed at tomatoes. Because I feel a connection to these types of plants, I will always think of, and take care of them.
Calea zacatechichi is unbelievably easy to grow. It's a weed that grows naturally where other plants can't grow, and it's damn near impossible to kill or to prevent a stem in water from rooting.

In fact, I had a piece of calea stem that I picked off so I could harvest the leaves from it. It was just a stem -- no roots, no leaves, nothing at all except the nodes where leaves used to be. I put it in water just for the hell of it, since I was rooting some other cuttings. I'll be damned if that thing isn't growing leaves AND roots! You can't get rid of this plant, and the only way to slow it down is to deprive it of sunlight.
Samadhi-Sukha-Upekkha said:
Calea zacatechichi is unbelievably easy to grow. It's a weed that grows naturally where other plants can't grow, and it's damn near impossible to kill or to prevent a stem in water from rooting.

In fact, I had a piece of calea stem that I picked off so I could harvest the leaves from it. It was just a stem -- no roots, no leaves, nothing at all except the nodes where leaves used to be. I put it in water just for the hell of it, since I was rooting some other cuttings. I'll be damned if that thing isn't growing leaves AND roots! You can't get rid of this plant, and the only way to slow it down is to deprive it of sunlight.
It's a pity they are so damn hard to germinate from seeds!

I would have to concur on the mushrooms, they are very easy to grow for the amount of 'magic' you get back. Salvia divinorum is also not that hard to grow, you just have to find a spot where it can get a good amount of light without ever getting any light directly on it. Delosperma bosseranum, a relative of Kanna, will grow under next to any condition.

Ipomoea with LSA is easy if you have a good spot they can climb, a fair amount of sun and remember to water them regularly. Datura/Brugmansia is both relatively easy to grow if they get a rich soil and a good amount of sun, although you should never use them for anything else than micro-doses together with other entheogens.
I've smoked Calea zacatechichi before and I didn't really like it, but if I can get a cheap cutting, I'll be down to make an addition.
I'm working on mushies for about 2 months. I've been able to harvest once before and I'm still getting my technique down.
I want to grow either Ipomoea, HBWR, or morning glories. I've done HBWR seeds and they were alright, but I've heard they are better for extracting. I'll probably grow any LSA containing plant that has a good extraction tek.
About Salvia. I have to get a cutting (illegaly) mailed, or drive a few hours to the next state to pick one up. This is probably going to the hardest plant to get.
I want to get a mimosa hostiles started as well as caapi.
I don't know about Tabernanthe iboga yet so I'll have to look into that.
I'm very interested in cacti, I've never done mesc. I've always wanted to make the mescaline pellets from fear and loathing.
I may get into the realm of blue lotus and mullien, they are last on my list though.

I think if I get most of these plants, I'll never have to buy a psychedelic again, and I'll have them collected if some fascists try and make them illegal.
i put off growing mushrooms for years thinking it was going to be a pain then one day after i finally got myself a debit card i ordered a prefab mushroom growing kit (entirely legal!!) online from a very popular auction site and then ordered a spore syringe of b+. it took me a total of 5 minutes to put the kit together, another 5 minutes to inject my jars with spores, forgot about it for a month, after that period of time the mycellium had completely colonized all 6 jars and i birthed the cakes, waited about a week give or take a few days and mushroom fruits began sprouting, 5 days later i tripped on my home grown b+ for the first time in my life and ill most deffinitely be doing it again soon. it takes a tiny bit of patience but is deffinitely the ultimate lazy mans growing entheogen lol
ditto, fungi are easy, and certainly faster than most other stuff.

weed is damn easy as well, actually most ethnos are real easy...its more a time thing than anything else.
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