There is 3 useful types so far as I know:
PERUVIANUS (Peruvian Torch)
BRIDGESII (Achuma Cactus)
PACHANOI (San Pedro)
I have the Pachanoi/SanPedro. In Alaska, we have about 4 hours of daylight now. The plant sits in a south double-pane window (blocks radiation). It gets about 16 hours of sun in the summer (but it doesn't turn blue). It hasn't been watered for a few months now (Oct-Dec). It had a lime-green tip, but solid and dark green otherwise. Much thinner than most I see - the plant seems to max-out at about 2 (actually, 1.5 inches in diameter after measuring it).
The effects were not very potent, but I don't attribute it to the method, I attribute it to the potency, and the amount. I think I will buy a Bridgesii, as many say it is more consistent. I probably should have eaten 3-4ft since the diameter was so small.
Area of a circle is Pi * r^2 ... so, roughly:
1.0in radius (2in diameter) = 3.14
1.5in radius (3in diameter) = 7.07
2.0in radius (4in diameter) = 12.6
Roughly, doubling the diameter should increase the potency 4x. So a 4in wide section should have 4x the potency of a 2in wide section.
It was my 1st time eating San Pedro, though I have grown it for about 20 years. I am about 50 years old. The effects were just up & happy & energizing, with slight plays on light/vision. I felt a rush coming on at about 1.5 hours, but it didn't amount to much. Just worked happily all day with a very positive attitude, and slept nicely. I would say the general level of the buzz was equal to Coca Tea made from a 1L glass jam-packed with Coca Leaves (with 2 teaspoons of baking soda). Or a dose of caffiene that makes you wired and jittery, or 1g of dry cubes.
I am into engergizing things since late 40s when you get lazy easily, and need extra energy, beyond good health, to enjoy life fully. I am of the opinion that it's better to burn out than to fade away.
Anyway, about that level of buzz. The eating experience wasn't bad at all. But maybe it was less bitter because of less alkaloids. I think the cactus would be great in a Guacamole or Salsa ... Or bred for higher sugar and lower alkaloid content as an easily harvestable food for arid climates. I had no upset stomach or nausea or anything. Once you remove the core, and the tough rind/skin, it is very edible, tasting almost exactly like a whole cucumber with the rind/skin, same texture and flavor. In my studies, it seems that it would be important to get as much flesh off near the rind/skin as possible, since darker green = more alkaloids. The rind/skin is definitely NOT edible - tough as leather.
As far as Coca Tea goes, I would not recommend it, and will not buy it again, but I guess it is worth trying. It tastes good, like a rich flavorful green tea, and it is probably very healthy for you, but it takes a massive amount of leaves for a tiny tiny barely noticeable buzz. But if you use 1L of jam-packed leaves, and 1 teaspoon of baking soda, you will notice easy breathing, a little extra energy for a few hours, and maybe a hyper-active mind/talking for an hour or so. It is very expensive using those amounts, and not much more energy than a strong coffee.
I have tried many things over the years, and I am a chemist (but have other degrees and worked most of my life in other areas) and experiment with things from time to time, just to acquire experience in life. Life is so damn short in the end. Ethnobotany & Herbd has always been a hobby since mid-1980s.
By the time we are ready to die, we are only beginning to learn how to live. IMHO, a very strong psychedelic trip should be mandatory, like part of high school graduation
Everyone should experience ego death at least once.
Final reflection: All wealth comes from the earth. There is no more wealth in this country or on this earth other than what we can grow, fish, or mine. All other forms of wealth are merely derivatives (manufacturing, transportation, services, investing=capitalism). Once a population maximizes it's ability to extract valuable things from the earth, more people only impoverish. All the economic/political trickeries merely forward socialism to distribute the wealth, a last humanitarian gasp to avoid impoverishment. If we don't learn to live within abundance, we will surely have to learn to live without it. As I see it, the big problem is that what is abundant, healthy, and sustainable, is not powerful. And worldly power seems to rule in this world, until it all self-destructs. If I could take my knowledge and start life over again at this time, I would try to be a self-sustainable farmer (which is the direction I have chosen in the last 10 years). Wealth is land/resources, not paper. Isn't it so funny how most everyone wants to avoid "drones + civilization" on psychedelics?
Heheh. Maybe some intelligence is trying to tell us something.