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Ecstasy in a dream

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
So I recently had an amazing lucid dream that im sure i will remember for the rest of my life. Now before I start let it be known that SWIM had not taken any substances other than the odd coffee for at least a couple of weeks prior to this experience.

So I woke up one morning with the sound of a tune from my radio alarm clock. Seeing the time I decided that I had enough time to go back to sleep. So I reset my alarm clock and closed my eyes.

What seemed like seconds later I was in a dream... and a lucid dream at that (which I rarely get). (Please note that the dream switches between 1st and 3rd person view a lot). I saw myself as, best as I can describe it, an "avatar" like creature. I held a wooden staff in my hand that had strange cravings/symbols on it. I viewed my surroundings and noticed that I was in a lush forest/jungle at night with minimal light outlining the plants.

At that moment another "avatar" creature came up to me through the jungle, distinctly female, and told me that "they were waiting" in an almost angelic voice. I decided to follow this creature through some vines and bush and noticed that we had come up to an oddly small and delicate bridge that had strange green glowing symbols embedded in the wood. This bridge was more built like a horizontal ladder, as for there were gaps in between the boards (purposely spaced out) that i easily could have fallen through.

After crossing the bridge we came upon a small village, circular houses with a cone shaped roof. These houses were all built in a circular fashion in which there would be one bigger circular house in the middle of 6 of so other smaller circular houses. Some of these houses where decorated with what seemed like almost multicoloured parrots feathers (not normal colours) decorating the roofs and dangling down from the ceilings of these houses. These houses were also decorated with what seemed like diamonds that gave off an almost "mystical" sparkle to them (for lack of better words). These "diamonds" where embedded in the walls and roofs of these houses so that light could be seen through them to the inside of the house.

After walking back outside, I noticed that a large group of "avatar" creatures (presumably the people who live at the village) were waiting for me outside. I noticed that they had formed almost a crescent moon around what appeared to be an "elder/shaman" of the village who I approached. He chanted in a deep voice something that I couldn't understand. Then the "avatar" that i had followed earlier approached me and looked at me for a few seconds, then pointed up at the sky. This was the first time that I had looked up at the sky during this entire dream.

When I looked up I was greeted by bright silver moon shining down and illuminating everything its rays touched. (There were no clouds in the sky and the moon seemed magnified and overlapping a combination of the northern lights and a milky-way galaxy) And when the moon's rays touched me I was was brought to tears and fell to my knees. A magnificent state of bliss and ecstasy washed over me in relentless waves and tears of joy poured down my cheeks. The stars shone like nothing I have ever witnessed before. Just an amazing state of bliss, happiness, peace.... is was so intense i am still at a loss for words. (This experience even topped SWIM's most blissful mushroom experiences) I gazed around at everyone and they seemed pleased with my state of bliss. I looked around at the jungle and all the plants were given a silver ora around them. I looked at the "avatar's" houses and they shone like stars themselves. The diamonds reflecting the moons rays and creating a beautiful sight. I cried and cried with the villagers watching me, pleased with my state.

I suddenly woke up still crying and still in the magnificent state of bliss and joy that I had experienced in the dream. I lay there for a half hour just trying to grasp what had happened and eventually got on with my day. To this day I still feel this has been the most intense state of bliss and ecstasy I have ever experienced.

Has anyone else ever experience this state of bliss/joy in a dream before without the aid of other substances? Please, please let me hear your dreams too.

Thanks for your response Sublime and interesting report of your own too! :d

A dream journal thread or section dedicated to dreams would be an amazing idea :d It would be amazing to hear some of the other Nexian's dreams too.

To me dreams are just as valuable as a mind manifesting trip. They can really help one realize underlying feelings or stresses when a person analyzes their dream. I've found analyzing dreams very beneficial. Unfortunately I rarely remember them, except when I am sleep in :lol: I've realized that if I wake up at say 7:30am with my alarm and then go back to sleep, I will almost always have a dream that I can remember clearly. Whether it be a lucid dream or not.

One thing that I've noticed with dreams is that the ones that are "touchy", I can actually feel the object or sensation as though it were real. One dream that I had was of one that I feel off a cliff and was falling through the air. I had that roller coaster feeling in my stomach (I could feel the sensation) and when I tried to wake up I couldn't! :shock: So I continued to fall with the ground speeding up towards me and when I hit, the bones in my legs both shattered. This is when I woke up from the dream with the WORST leg cramps I have ever had before. :x

The interesting thing is, my buddy SWIM has never tried dmt before, SWIM has read that in dmt experiences, people can actually "feel" objects or other "real" sensations while in hyperspace. Just a little connection to dreams that SWIM thought was quite fascinating 😉
Thanks for your response Entheojen.

Got some questions:

1) When you woke up, being that the ecstasy you were experiencing was at the tail end of your dream like mine, did you continue to experience this state once awake at all? physically or emotionally?

2) When SWIY had this dream, had SWIY had any alcohol to drink or weed to smoke recently or that night? (As in your post you said SWIY has never tried psychedelics really)

(Of course it was a while ago but what ever you can remember helps 😉 )

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