Rising Star
Electric Gristle
Many people interpret the psychedelic experience in terms of the mystical and spiritual. I love reading it and I love you all for believing it
For you the psychedelic experience is more ‘real’ than it is for me. But, I think, no less beautiful.
I would like to present an alternative interpretation because I sometimes see that the materialistic perspective is not treated fairly in the psychedelic community. Although this may clash with other interpretations and the philosophies that inform them and I would love a discussion it’ll be a lot more fun if we pleasantly ponder each others ideas with no bickering
I am a fantastic being.
I am a three pound lump of amazing electric gristle. This matter is arranged into the most complicated structure known to man. I am wired to reality by spectacularly sensitive and acute sensory modalities honed over 600 million years of evolution to give me the most pertinent information about my surroundings. My vision can finely discriminate wavelengths and relative intensity of electromagnetic radiation. My sense of sound is no less amazing. The cochlea is an altogether psychedelic organ. Look it up if you’re bored sometime!
All of this raw data is brought together and processed by structural motifs of the electric gristle. The gristle analyzes the scattered radiation and I see a cat and not a dog. It analyzes compression waves in the air and fills itself with CSNY.
I am the crest of an ancient wave.
The basic mechanisms of nerve transduction and neurotransmitter release are over 600 million years old and first appeared in animals that resembled modern sea anemones. These critters had all the basic types of neurons (and neurochemicals) that all animals share today. This is basically all the basic building blocks of the human mind. What is peculiar about the mammalian lineage among all of life is that selection has really focused on sensory acuity and processing power rather than ‘somatic’ adaptations. In the hominid lineage selection has strongly favored sensory acuity and processing power OVER somatic adaptation. Evidence of this is found in all of us. We really are maladapted animals. Natural childbirth can be very dangerous to us, this represents a huge evolutionary cost and part of the problem is the giant human head. If we keep evolving gianter heads I predict a time when the human species will be totally dependant on caesarian for survival, especially since western society prizes women with small pelvis. But I digress. . .
The mind sees much more than the consciousness.
My premise is that we are amazing animals crafted over eons to have accurate sensory awareness of our environment. This takes both the gristle and the senses working in great harmony to decide what to present to your conscious awareness because the senses are far more powerful than most people (outside of this community) realize. The senses are always collecting much more data than is presented to you sensory awareness. This data is the same light and sound data and it is not filtered its just processed differently. It enters your brain and informs your awareness of your environment in ways you are ordinarily not aware of.
You don’t need eyes to see.
In the absence of sensory stimulus the gain in the gristle goes through the roof. Patterns are almost always reported and occasionally more intense visions involving multiple modalities. These are happening in your gristle without any sensory input at all. Just amplified noise that becomes reinforced by a system ready to spring. Our gristle is perfectly capable of generating ‘unimaginable’ things.
The psychedelic experience.
You wouldn’t want to see all the code in a computer program superimposed over the user interface. When the code is displayed it looks alien to most of us and we just want to get our programs back up and running. Part of the psychedelic experience is showing you the code. But we have no real programmers that can fully understand it. (although I bet some members of the psychedelic community are as close as you could get)
Your pattern recognition systems, normally so honed to show only patterns that exist, creates patterns and forms. Fractals and swirlies and mandalas and blossoming waves of hyperspace. Your gristle is exquisitely attuned to patterns. A huge amount of processing has to go on to reveal the most useful patterns to hominid reproduction (the ones that are actually in our environment. Tweaking the system even a little bit begins to loosen these processing mechanisms. If you project the code for recognizing, say, a rapidly expanding electric paisley pattern onto a blank wall it will exist in your vision. Noise can can lead to cascades leading to visions. These cascades will be shaped by the structure of your gristle. This is in turn shaped by your life.
Some of the patterns and visions are so amazing people think they could not possibly have originated from the gristle. This is selling your self far short. Everyone has an extremely creative core that can often be reached with psychedelics (although few of us have the skill to present it to others.) All of these wonderful and strange things are contained in you and have always been in you. They are you. They are made from fine structures that are always present.
Psychedelics show you this and it looks unutterably alien and strange but familiar at the same time. They show your code.
The gristle runs deep. Human creativity resides there. This is where god lives too.
Thanks to anyone who read all of this
<light grammer editing>
Many people interpret the psychedelic experience in terms of the mystical and spiritual. I love reading it and I love you all for believing it
For you the psychedelic experience is more ‘real’ than it is for me. But, I think, no less beautiful.
I would like to present an alternative interpretation because I sometimes see that the materialistic perspective is not treated fairly in the psychedelic community. Although this may clash with other interpretations and the philosophies that inform them and I would love a discussion it’ll be a lot more fun if we pleasantly ponder each others ideas with no bickering
I am a fantastic being.
I am a three pound lump of amazing electric gristle. This matter is arranged into the most complicated structure known to man. I am wired to reality by spectacularly sensitive and acute sensory modalities honed over 600 million years of evolution to give me the most pertinent information about my surroundings. My vision can finely discriminate wavelengths and relative intensity of electromagnetic radiation. My sense of sound is no less amazing. The cochlea is an altogether psychedelic organ. Look it up if you’re bored sometime!
All of this raw data is brought together and processed by structural motifs of the electric gristle. The gristle analyzes the scattered radiation and I see a cat and not a dog. It analyzes compression waves in the air and fills itself with CSNY.
I am the crest of an ancient wave.
The basic mechanisms of nerve transduction and neurotransmitter release are over 600 million years old and first appeared in animals that resembled modern sea anemones. These critters had all the basic types of neurons (and neurochemicals) that all animals share today. This is basically all the basic building blocks of the human mind. What is peculiar about the mammalian lineage among all of life is that selection has really focused on sensory acuity and processing power rather than ‘somatic’ adaptations. In the hominid lineage selection has strongly favored sensory acuity and processing power OVER somatic adaptation. Evidence of this is found in all of us. We really are maladapted animals. Natural childbirth can be very dangerous to us, this represents a huge evolutionary cost and part of the problem is the giant human head. If we keep evolving gianter heads I predict a time when the human species will be totally dependant on caesarian for survival, especially since western society prizes women with small pelvis. But I digress. . .
The mind sees much more than the consciousness.
My premise is that we are amazing animals crafted over eons to have accurate sensory awareness of our environment. This takes both the gristle and the senses working in great harmony to decide what to present to your conscious awareness because the senses are far more powerful than most people (outside of this community) realize. The senses are always collecting much more data than is presented to you sensory awareness. This data is the same light and sound data and it is not filtered its just processed differently. It enters your brain and informs your awareness of your environment in ways you are ordinarily not aware of.
You don’t need eyes to see.
In the absence of sensory stimulus the gain in the gristle goes through the roof. Patterns are almost always reported and occasionally more intense visions involving multiple modalities. These are happening in your gristle without any sensory input at all. Just amplified noise that becomes reinforced by a system ready to spring. Our gristle is perfectly capable of generating ‘unimaginable’ things.
The psychedelic experience.
You wouldn’t want to see all the code in a computer program superimposed over the user interface. When the code is displayed it looks alien to most of us and we just want to get our programs back up and running. Part of the psychedelic experience is showing you the code. But we have no real programmers that can fully understand it. (although I bet some members of the psychedelic community are as close as you could get)
Your pattern recognition systems, normally so honed to show only patterns that exist, creates patterns and forms. Fractals and swirlies and mandalas and blossoming waves of hyperspace. Your gristle is exquisitely attuned to patterns. A huge amount of processing has to go on to reveal the most useful patterns to hominid reproduction (the ones that are actually in our environment. Tweaking the system even a little bit begins to loosen these processing mechanisms. If you project the code for recognizing, say, a rapidly expanding electric paisley pattern onto a blank wall it will exist in your vision. Noise can can lead to cascades leading to visions. These cascades will be shaped by the structure of your gristle. This is in turn shaped by your life.
Some of the patterns and visions are so amazing people think they could not possibly have originated from the gristle. This is selling your self far short. Everyone has an extremely creative core that can often be reached with psychedelics (although few of us have the skill to present it to others.) All of these wonderful and strange things are contained in you and have always been in you. They are you. They are made from fine structures that are always present.
Psychedelics show you this and it looks unutterably alien and strange but familiar at the same time. They show your code.
The gristle runs deep. Human creativity resides there. This is where god lives too.
Thanks to anyone who read all of this
<light grammer editing>