Rising Star
Hello all. Thanks for making a great community based around the spirit molecule. This site is a wealth of information and I certainly have made full use of it
Well to get down to it - I have had extensive experience with drugs, and it has not always been good. Years ago, I was a full blown heroin addict. That is long gone and now the thought of opiates just sickens me.
The first time I smoked DMT though was far before I was even a heroin addict. It was years ago and I can barely recall what that one was like. All I remember is coming back to reality and thinking "Wow, so THIS was the real reality after all?"
Psychadelics (LSD and Mushies) helped me get over my addictions and my selfish ways and allowed me to love life for what it is. They showed me my bad aspects and how I could change them.
They have given me motivation to love life and try to be successful, they have made me realize the beauty of family and friends, and I barely ever get angry at ANYONE anymore. All in all they have been beautiful and thought provoking learning experiences. I have returned to college now as a 4.0 student, and work a job that requires lots of trust. I never thought I would be able to make above a C in school, much less get a student of the semester award like I did last semester, but psychadelics gave me the appreciation for life to want to make my family proud of me and be successful. I thank them greatly for that.
The spirituality stuff, I am still not so sure. I believe in *a* god, I just don't know who or what he is yet. I almost want to say I believe god is the universe itself but I have not explored the depths of that subject quite enough yet I suppose, most of my work so far has been on improving myself.
I am not really one to eat some acid and go trip out with friends at a show. Usually it was just me alone or with one other person at home exploring consciousness.
Recently I decided to dive deeper into hyperspace.
My dog recently completed his first extraction, and did a superb job! Nice fluffy white pretty crystals!!!
Well a few nights ago he had his second smoke ever. He packed very little into the pipe, wanting to test the waters and move along slowly this time instead of blasting right off like his first time years ago.
He loaded up .014. POINT ZERO FOURTEEN. He expected some slight visuals and feeling strange, and was planning on meditating and contemplating life in general.
He asked the spice to let him feel the warmth and love of the universe, and noted how his main goal was improving his thought patterns to be more happy and Buddah like in every day life
What happened, he did not expect at all. By the third toke he was getting torn away from reality and he had to quickly place the pipe down and lay back with his eyes closed. He had "A Shower of Sparks" by Ott playing.
The experience was nothing like what he expected. He didn't speak or communicate with entities or anything of the nature, all he experienced was beautiful 3-d goo like colorful shining neon textures swirling, morphing, cascading, and teleporting.
The wierd part was his thought process. He kept trying to focus on contemplating life and how to better himself, but found himself slipping further and further away until all he could ask was "Who am I? What do I like to do? Is that really me? Doesn't seem like it....Strange." Contemplating bettering his 3-D self became impossible.
He started to freak a little bit and realized he had completely forgotten his identity. He started thinking about when he came back what if he couldnt remember still and was changed forever?
Eventually, he learned to "Let go" and just let the experience take over. overall I couldn't say the experience was 100% lovey dovey happiness, at times it was somewhat uncomortable.
But the love and appreciation he had for life when he returned to sanity was just unbelievable. He has been on a natural high and happy to be alive ever since that incident a few days ago...
Although he couldn't contemplate about bettering himself while actually on the substance, the Spice gave him everything he had asked for and more...
Now he is just trying to figure out how to go into the situation better next time. He is thinking he should not go into the experience ready to ask questions and contemplate life, but that he just has to be ready to let completely go and let the universe take him where it wishes.
Thanks for reading this long report and any advice you veterans could give my dog on the Spice ritual would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks guys!!
Well to get down to it - I have had extensive experience with drugs, and it has not always been good. Years ago, I was a full blown heroin addict. That is long gone and now the thought of opiates just sickens me.
The first time I smoked DMT though was far before I was even a heroin addict. It was years ago and I can barely recall what that one was like. All I remember is coming back to reality and thinking "Wow, so THIS was the real reality after all?"
Psychadelics (LSD and Mushies) helped me get over my addictions and my selfish ways and allowed me to love life for what it is. They showed me my bad aspects and how I could change them.
They have given me motivation to love life and try to be successful, they have made me realize the beauty of family and friends, and I barely ever get angry at ANYONE anymore. All in all they have been beautiful and thought provoking learning experiences. I have returned to college now as a 4.0 student, and work a job that requires lots of trust. I never thought I would be able to make above a C in school, much less get a student of the semester award like I did last semester, but psychadelics gave me the appreciation for life to want to make my family proud of me and be successful. I thank them greatly for that.
The spirituality stuff, I am still not so sure. I believe in *a* god, I just don't know who or what he is yet. I almost want to say I believe god is the universe itself but I have not explored the depths of that subject quite enough yet I suppose, most of my work so far has been on improving myself.
I am not really one to eat some acid and go trip out with friends at a show. Usually it was just me alone or with one other person at home exploring consciousness.
Recently I decided to dive deeper into hyperspace.
My dog recently completed his first extraction, and did a superb job! Nice fluffy white pretty crystals!!!
Well a few nights ago he had his second smoke ever. He packed very little into the pipe, wanting to test the waters and move along slowly this time instead of blasting right off like his first time years ago.
He loaded up .014. POINT ZERO FOURTEEN. He expected some slight visuals and feeling strange, and was planning on meditating and contemplating life in general.
He asked the spice to let him feel the warmth and love of the universe, and noted how his main goal was improving his thought patterns to be more happy and Buddah like in every day life
What happened, he did not expect at all. By the third toke he was getting torn away from reality and he had to quickly place the pipe down and lay back with his eyes closed. He had "A Shower of Sparks" by Ott playing.
The experience was nothing like what he expected. He didn't speak or communicate with entities or anything of the nature, all he experienced was beautiful 3-d goo like colorful shining neon textures swirling, morphing, cascading, and teleporting.
The wierd part was his thought process. He kept trying to focus on contemplating life and how to better himself, but found himself slipping further and further away until all he could ask was "Who am I? What do I like to do? Is that really me? Doesn't seem like it....Strange." Contemplating bettering his 3-D self became impossible.
He started to freak a little bit and realized he had completely forgotten his identity. He started thinking about when he came back what if he couldnt remember still and was changed forever?
Eventually, he learned to "Let go" and just let the experience take over. overall I couldn't say the experience was 100% lovey dovey happiness, at times it was somewhat uncomortable.
But the love and appreciation he had for life when he returned to sanity was just unbelievable. He has been on a natural high and happy to be alive ever since that incident a few days ago...
Although he couldn't contemplate about bettering himself while actually on the substance, the Spice gave him everything he had asked for and more...
Now he is just trying to figure out how to go into the situation better next time. He is thinking he should not go into the experience ready to ask questions and contemplate life, but that he just has to be ready to let completely go and let the universe take him where it wishes.
Thanks for reading this long report and any advice you veterans could give my dog on the Spice ritual would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks guys!!