Amy S said:
Good luck on both accounts! With populations Blairised and your Congress monopolised, really, you'll need it, and much more...
What do you mean with you? Better say: we - because this going on worldwide.
You can safely assume that:
the Government Communications Headquarters of the United Kingdom,
the National Security Agency of the United States,
the Communications Security Establishment of Canada,
the Defence Signals Directorate of Australia, and
the Government Communications Security Bureau of New Zealand.
the National SIGINT Organisation (NSO) of The Netherlands
all parties of the ECHELON system
ECHELON - Wikipedia
are deeply involved in spying on citizens worldwide. The NSA is just the spearhead of this activity. XKeyscore is installed at intelligence bases all over the world.
XKeyscore - Wikipedia
Oh and here is the article why you shouldn't trust M$ your data no more:
Documents show company collaborated closely with NSA and FBI to help agencies intercept data
Delete that spyware from your computer, sell your licence to the sheeple and get Linux or BSD on your system. In case your privacy matters to you.
And here's a good read:
How Laura Poitras Helped Snowden Spill His Secrets