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Enhancing caapi leaf with concentrated caapi vine brew

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I am currently in the process of enhancing caapi leaf with an extraordinarily potent concentrated vine brew. I am evaporating approximately 150ml of the brew (containing equivalent of about 3-5 MAO-inhibiting doses of harmalas) onto about 3 grams of shredded caapi leaf (cielo strain).

I was wondering if anyone here has had experience with enhancing caapi leaf with a concentrated ayahuasca brew, and if so, how were the results? I will post results of my current experiment (final weight of leaves, potency, etc) once the brew evaporates. Considering the stability of water at room temperature, how long should it take for the water to evaporate? I currently have it under a seedling heat mat and am worried that putting it in a heat bath on a stove could degrade the flavor of the final product. I was wondering if it would be safe to expose it to more heat than a heat mat can provide in order to speed up evaporating process.

Thanks for your time and advice,
Sounds interesting.
Adding heat isn't a good idea , I speak from past mistakes.

A PC fan is the best thing. They are cheap and easy to rig up.
My advice is to go slow with smoking harmalas. All the physical side effects of harmalas taken orally... strong, purge-like feelings, nausea, possible confusion... come on at the speed of smoked DMT when you smoke harmalas.

I made changa once with some enhanced Caapi extract. I also botched a decimal in my calculations and made it 10x stronger than planned. :roll:

It was the only time I seriously contemplated calling the ER, questioned if I was in any actual physical danger, and had random strangers from Nexus chat talk me through a rough night on the phone. This included very scary chest pains for about five hours. Extremely menacing vibrations.

Some people smoke harmala extracts and love it. The body load is different, however, and CAN come on very strong... so I advise to start slowly and work your way up.

I personally prefer sipping some Caapi (less than 10% of an active dose for me) before smoking changa. Caapi leaves without any extra extracts are enough for me in a changa blend. Some like it a bit stronger.

I just caution against going senselessly overboard. :thumb_up:

Also, for the reasons stated above, I'm sorry I am not qualified to answer questions about your tech. :p Dehydrators are awesome for evaporating, though, and you can probably find used ones online for cheap.
I am also curious about your results. Im going with an IPA soak. Soaking a bunch of shredded caapi vine in 99% IPA for a month. From what I understand from olympus mon's thread, I'll strain and discard the plant matter and let the IPA evaporate, adding a few grams of dried leaves to absorb the harmalas. If you post pics of your process/results, I'll post mine. I was actually looking for a good comparison of the 2 anyways. Unfortunately, mine won't be done soaking until Christmas.
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