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Enteric coated capsules? More effective? Dangerous? Less vomit?

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Rising Star
Hey folks, so I just bought some enteric coated capsules on ebay (you'll find 'em, they're 100 size 1 for like $10 inc. shipping). Some people here were skeptical that it was possible to buy pre-coated caps and just fill 'em yourself, but I just tried it and after 2hrs in vinegar, my gel cap is melted yet this EC cap is perfectly intact with all the powder inside totally dry.

SOO basically it is really easy to do this. My question is, would this method of ingestion be more powerful than regular caps? Either for the harmalas or the DMT, or, in my case, a crude-extract MHRB? Actually the main thing I'd like to avoid is vomiting... although I'm also wondering, isn't vomiting kind of like a natural reaction to overdose on pharma? Or am I being naive? I mean, what happens if you overdose and it's already in your intestines, so you can't vomit anything out?

And how would you take this? Same dosage as with reg. gelcaps? Same timeframe of 20-30mins apart?

I would just do all the experiments myself but right now I'm abstaining for a few weeks so I can take part in some fMRI studies.
It would be interesting to try out. One thought that occured to me is that how would it be to take this right before bed. The experience should start happening only after you are soundly asleep. A dmt journey during sleep sounds intriguing.
Also, maybe this would actually be LESS effective? Someone mentioned that gelcaps themselves can hinder the effectiveness of absorption, and that they have to puncture the gelcaps in order to aid absorption. If that is the case, it seems as though bypassing the stomach would make pharmahuasca totally ineffective?
barfing is not normal for pharma, in my experience. You may have a sensitive stomach. Are you using salted dmt or freebase. But, of course, if you OVERDOSE on almost anything, you'll probably throw up. Don't take too much. How much are you talking about taking?
Well, I don't do true pharma, because I just do a crude extract (using alcohol+ammonia) of the MHRB. I've tried numerous diff. teks to extract DMT and none have resulted in anything viable as far as I could tell, so I've given up on that. The only time I've actually done my crude pharma (anything in gelcaps, I call pharma, lol), which was a week ago, I had a super intense experience and barfed some nasty barf. I took 10g of ground rue in caps, but wasn't sure that was doing anything, so then I put 120mg or so of the old "THH" (or whatever flowingvisions was selling) under my tongue for a few mins, then swallowed it. Then I took ~5g of my crude extracted MHRB in 10 size 0 caps. Felt like I overdosed (semi-intentionally, because I was underdosing on my harmalas before and having sub-hyperspace experiences), but it was still a great ride.

Anyway, so far I'm thinking that this EC cap thing is either going to fry my brain or result in no trip at all.
10g of rue!! dude you dont need that much. 2-3 should be fine.

btw did you ever try a STB tek? cause its almost too easy.
So the EC caps actually just passed right through me. I told the manufacturer and they are working on fixing the flaw. They seem sincere and dedicated.
Anyway @Seven, yes you are right, STB tek got me some DMT. But I'm done with STB now. MHRB Cake tek is the only way to fly. You can get 50g from one cook.
Oh shit bender, thanks for the heads up... But have you tried mescaline ec? I've heard it's the best way to take it.
moyshekapoyre said:
So the EC caps actually just passed right through me. I told the manufacturer and they are working on fixing the flaw. They seem sincere and dedicated.

So I tried the EC cap again today with mescaline, this time drinking a huge tall glass of water (like 20oz) a few minutes BEFORE taking the pill. I think last time I tried drinking the pill and water at the same time and probably did not drink enough water either. Anyway I feel the effects of the mesc and very little nausea, so I guess it does work!
Hm, I took the cap at 7:45am I think. I started feeling it a bit around 9am, and it was very noticeable by 10am. I had absolutely nothing in my stomach to empty except the water and the cap so maybe that is why it didn't take so long. I have sometimes had to wait 2.5hrs for mesc to take effect, even without the EC cap.
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