Rising Star
Big hello to everyone here!
While living on this planet for almost 20 years now, alot of questions accured and little answers to those questions came, despite looking for them everywhere I could. I was really alone in this lost, wandering mindset, confused upon life. I just couldn't accept a "normal" look on this reality, becouse I always knew, even when I was a little child that there is something more to it. Talking to people about my way of thinking was near to impossible as everyone would just say I'm talking nonsense.
But 4-5 years ago I saw Terence Mckeena video on youtube, talking about psychadelics. The compounds themself weren't the biggest interest after listening to him, it was rather his way of thinking about reality and life which was so much like mine. Now that was a big surprise, as I always tought I am alone in this and after reading and listening more on this subject, I also found DMT Nexus, and after readying and lurking trough the forums I felt as if a big burden feel of my shoulders. There were really people like me, thinking about similiar stuff. I must THANK YOU from my heart guys! You don't know how much you made my life easier, even by not speaking a word directly with me, with your help by seeing your kindness and openess I feel like I became a better person than I was before. THANKS AGAIN AND FOREVER!
So after reading and educating myself about psychadelics and other related subjects, knowing that a different perspectives than those I know exist, I tryed my first psychadelic, 5 grams of mushrooms. It was like and opening of the eyes for me. A level of introspection and avereness not known to me before. So I started to build from this experience, knowing that I had a glimpse of insight in to the realm that I always knew existed, but was unreachable to me in the past.
I ofcourse knew I must not be carried away by these effects and just load myself up with these substances, get lost in the psychadelic void and forgett about my life, my everyday life, rather integrate these experiences in to something useful. My life got better soon after I received all this new knowledge.
These days things are easier as they were before. I found a few people that think similiar to me, that understand me. These are my brothers for life, and I can't thank enough for having them in my life. We share experiences and grow with each others help, learing what understanding, loving and trust is. I learned to accept different people, wishing the best for everyone and by that I get alot of positive feedback from the world around me.
OK.... So after reading these forums, my biggest wish for quite some time is to try DMT, and see what is has to teach me as it seems really amazing after reading your experiences with it.
I could get some from a FOAF but I don't really trust him, and I feel like it is better to make my own becouse I enjoy seeing results of my own effort. I am really new to all this chemistry and I can easily get lost by large amount of information becouse of my poor english (as you can see probably
) and I hope I can get some help from you members, but I also hope I will meet some nice people and new friends along the way!
See yaaaa!
While living on this planet for almost 20 years now, alot of questions accured and little answers to those questions came, despite looking for them everywhere I could. I was really alone in this lost, wandering mindset, confused upon life. I just couldn't accept a "normal" look on this reality, becouse I always knew, even when I was a little child that there is something more to it. Talking to people about my way of thinking was near to impossible as everyone would just say I'm talking nonsense.
But 4-5 years ago I saw Terence Mckeena video on youtube, talking about psychadelics. The compounds themself weren't the biggest interest after listening to him, it was rather his way of thinking about reality and life which was so much like mine. Now that was a big surprise, as I always tought I am alone in this and after reading and listening more on this subject, I also found DMT Nexus, and after readying and lurking trough the forums I felt as if a big burden feel of my shoulders. There were really people like me, thinking about similiar stuff. I must THANK YOU from my heart guys! You don't know how much you made my life easier, even by not speaking a word directly with me, with your help by seeing your kindness and openess I feel like I became a better person than I was before. THANKS AGAIN AND FOREVER!
So after reading and educating myself about psychadelics and other related subjects, knowing that a different perspectives than those I know exist, I tryed my first psychadelic, 5 grams of mushrooms. It was like and opening of the eyes for me. A level of introspection and avereness not known to me before. So I started to build from this experience, knowing that I had a glimpse of insight in to the realm that I always knew existed, but was unreachable to me in the past.
I ofcourse knew I must not be carried away by these effects and just load myself up with these substances, get lost in the psychadelic void and forgett about my life, my everyday life, rather integrate these experiences in to something useful. My life got better soon after I received all this new knowledge.
These days things are easier as they were before. I found a few people that think similiar to me, that understand me. These are my brothers for life, and I can't thank enough for having them in my life. We share experiences and grow with each others help, learing what understanding, loving and trust is. I learned to accept different people, wishing the best for everyone and by that I get alot of positive feedback from the world around me.
OK.... So after reading these forums, my biggest wish for quite some time is to try DMT, and see what is has to teach me as it seems really amazing after reading your experiences with it.
I could get some from a FOAF but I don't really trust him, and I feel like it is better to make my own becouse I enjoy seeing results of my own effort. I am really new to all this chemistry and I can easily get lost by large amount of information becouse of my poor english (as you can see probably
See yaaaa!