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Entheogenic university or DMT university? Nexus

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Senior Member
OG Pioneer
So I was curious as to what direction the nexus is going to take. My assumption from what I've seen is that eventually we will be an actual university for entheogens. Are we going to evolve away from being mainly about DMT or is it going to continue to be the main focus while others like cacti and mushrooms will remain second?

If we do go about it being equally responsible for the learning of all entheogens I would say we have more than the ability to do so. I also wonder why more people haven't created more stickies as to growing mushrooms and I find it difficult to sift through all the posts to find all the right info on how to start my own cactus growing. I know there are stickies for a bunch of stuff but I personally would like to see more info on mushrooms and cacti written up by some of you. I know there's quite a few people that are pretty much experts on these matters.

I see teks for mescaline extraction but I'm having a hard time finding info on start to finish taking a cutting, rooting it, growing it, winterizing, so on.

Also the mushroom forum needs you guys. It's lacking a ton of info. There's one sticky. I'm not trying to be selfish or anything like that. But what do you guys think?
We need people to post, instead of wanting others to post the information they are looking for. So for example, you say we are missing on a tek with full info from growing and harvesting to extraction of mescaline? Well why dont you start one yourself? Make a thread like "cactus, from seed to consumption full tek" . Then you can start copy-pasting relevant information (and linking the references), and people can keep adding to it, until we eventually come up with a good structured tek for all steps.

Even if you don't have great experience, you can always just start linking things and/or asking questions you cant find answers to, and then others can build up on it. This is much easier than expecting someone else to write it all from start to finish.

Or the same with anything else with mushrooms or any other substance you feel is missing. Please help us, we need more people actively contributing :)
This actually excites me. I wanted to contribute this way but thought it would be frowned upon if I make a post intended to be a sticky of how to info that I don't have a lot/any experience with. But will do!

Ill prolly start with mushrooms since I do have quite a bit of knowledge for not having grown any myself, but I do plan to. I'm glad actually, this is something I CAN do. Alright I'm gonna hit the bed and start planning and hittin the books as well
This has me excited this forum has always had the best info tutorials on teks for this pacific
Entheogen I can't wait to see what direction it goes what ever direction that is I support it:thumb_up:
This topic got the gears turning in my head;

With the focus of being an entheogenic university, could we develop a global zone standard of entheogenic gardening?

I've found it hard to find plants based on if they would grow in my climate zone. Specifically, I'm looking for a cold-weather dmt plant. (Jamie, acacian, or others, any help would be appreciated) I'm in USDA zone 5b. With a zone range of 5 to 7. Acuminata? Outdoors?

The USDA (united states department of agriculture) has a climate zone that maybe we could model the standard from.
Then have stickies for each zone and when people find a plant that fits withing that zone, its added with links to the growing of that plant. This way when someone wants to start an outdoor entheogenic garden, they find their climate zone and research the zone and its plants instead of sifting through all possible entheogenic plants.

Is there a global climate map currently?
I think the USDA has almost all of the possible climate zones except tundra. True?

Maybe also indoor zones? Where the irradiance and temp. measures of a plants natural location are used to calculate the necessary indoor temp and lighting.

Oh, irradiance is how much energy is coming from the sun. Units of watts per meter squared. Standard is 1000 W per meter squared. Irradiance - Wikipedia

I'm no botanist
Do any botanists know if irradiance is an appropriate measure of how well a plant grows in a specific zone?
Would humidity temperature or other things play a more important role in a plants outdoor survival?

Maybe for indoors, a calculator that matches the average irradiance of a plants natural zone to how energy one would have to use to grow that plant with no sunlight. Example. Input; acacia acuminata, zone 6, 1 year old, cost of electricity is 12 cents per kWhour. Output, to grow indoors you need 4 16W compact fluorescent light bulbs, running 8 hours per day for an annual cost of 23 dollars.

Whew, this is all brianstorming.
Any thoughts/suggestions?
Is it worth pursuing?
Does any one thing stand out a something that would be a good tool?
Anyone want to help?

I feel that the stickies with the climate zones would be the most reasonable and useful for the nexus.
Especially with all the MHRB stuff that happened lately.

The indoor calculator would be awesome too :)

Where on the nexus would be appropriate for a space for this? The garden area? The research area?

Peace and love.
Well you could start by making threads specific to locations, [european DMT containing plants] ect. Then you could make one thread with links to each of those threads according to locations, and then it becomes a sticky. Eventually evolving from there to a interactive map or something of the sort.
I think you're onto something here anarchy. The only time we really engage is when we need something from somebody else, thats a just a human trait of necessity. This thread here has almost inspired me to write more of what i know on the forums instead of asking and answering on the chat. I mean, not everyone goes on chat, and it would be great to have more 'out the front' information in easily readable format for the 'classic psychedelics'. mind you, there is a search function on the forum for a reason.
One thing I would like to do when I get a good amount of spare time is scan through all the threads in the mushroom forum and pick out all the threads asking questions. I think if I make a database of the questions and answers that alone would prove to be helpful.

Should thank endlessness if anything. Before this thread I was hesitant to start something like this and now I know this is an "activity" we all should promote.

This is going to take some time for me to be able to make a write up of info for the mushrooms section. Once I get enough stuff written down ill make a how to thread of sorts and then knowledgable people will have a portal they can contribute to.

Another thing that works well that I would like to encourage more people to start doing is making guides for your own methods of doing things and then creating a link to it in your sig, like I did for the vaping guide I made. Even if its not a sticky this has proven to be an effective way of being quite viewable to anyone reading your posts. Kind of like an ad.

If anyone can contribute in helping me create a thread with a wealth of info on growing mushrooms you can PM me info and/or links and ill put everything together as a nice easy to understand sticky for the mushrooms section.

If you read this "Dan" and "Jamie" I'd like to collaborate with you two. Jamie I think you could contribute a lot to the mushroom section, and I think you should either write a Tek or send me some info so I can write one. There's not much info on your style of growing using volcanic rock.

Dan, I'd like to get some info on cacti.

We also need to add quite a few things to the wiki for BOTH cacti and mushrooms. I have no experience with doing this so I have no idea where to start. If someone can help me with this I can provide some info and someone can add it or whatever.

Stuff like "PF Tek" and some others so on and so forth.
I'm about to start my own little garden of eden containing as many entheogenic plants as I can get my hooves on, starting with Mimosa Hostilis, Mimosa Verrucosa, Psycotria Viridis, Psycotria Alba, 2 types of Caapi, 4 types of cactus, Syrian Rue, and Wormwood. Later I hope to add other things as I'm able.

Since I've never grown any of these things before it will definitely be a learning experience, and I'll be digging for whatever info I can find about all this stuff. If it would be helpful I'll start a journal about it and post links to anything useful I find.
You have no idea how much I would appreciate that. The more help I get the better. Thanks man! I could either start a thread and build it as we go or I could gather the info first then make the thread. Whichever you guys think would be easiest to help out
werepoeple wrote:
Do any botanists know if irradiance is an appropriate measure of how well a plant grows in a specific zone?
Would humidity temperature or other things play a more important role in a plants outdoor survival?
..i'm half-a-botanist..temperature/humidity are the more important factors..light affects flowering times..

yes, we need more active contributors..bring it on..!
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