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Entheogens for KIDS!

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
My girlfriend is great. She's always keeping an eye out for gifts to give to my niece and nephew when we see them.

Last week she came home with a cool little seed in an egg. When she told me that the leaves of the plant move when you touch them it caught my attention right away for obvious reasons.

Turns out it's Mimosa plant for kids to grow!

I thought it was ironic that that they even call it a "space plant" and there is a picture of an alien on the packaging.....



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Specifically, Mimosa Pudica for those who were wondering. Here is a nice little video of it. Pretty neat stuff, grown a lot for college botany departments.

smoalker said:
that gave me a good laugh haha , great stuff :)
Hey smoalker, welcome.

I haven't seen you on the boards before. Have you written an introduction essay yet? How about your experience with DMT?

i had this shit growing in large quantaties by my house in venezuela when i was a kid. i touched every leaf and they where all closed after a few onths
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