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Entheographical Explorations : Global Research on the most viable 5-MeO-DMT containing plants

Migrated topic.
Oh! Looks interesting if the info is good.

I think one of the best things that could happen to the state of the art of 5 meo provision would be the identification or development of a viable plant source so the poor toads could be left alone.

It would be am interesting test of the veracity of the claims of people like the so called Bufo
Foundation if the source of their income shifted away from the toad. We'd probably see the birth of the Phalaris Institute to save the grasses.
I watched it last night, and half way through the book. This is really nice work, and much needed. I have not seen much work come this far, in this vein since ayahuasca analogues, appleseed and others work of the time. Thanks for it!..
Have not the time to listen to it but when I hear about 5 meo DMT I immediately think of anadenanthera root. 0,69% almost pure 5 meo DMT...
The only experience I have with this was to take young vilcas from the ground in a vilca forest to transplant (hard to do by the way). He has big roots that can contain water so he can resist well in dry climates. The rootbark is thick and red. Taste horribly bitter. Chewing a very small piece of it (less than 100mg) gave me a strong warm effect. Active and psychedelic with visual and mind distortions, no visions. Warm floaty feeling for about 1 hour and half radically different from the effects of the seeds. I didn't know that it could contain something, he told me "medicine for humans in seeds and root(bark). Can prepare seeds for snuff, enema, drink and smoke. Root bark have to cook and drink. Can mix with aya. Please purge before with tobacco." After the experience I looked for info's and found this 5 meo content (69% almost pure) in roots. I have no experience with 5 meo so I can't match with an effect of reference. The words I would use would be "warm and psychedelic (something little bit similar to LSD in the very beginning)"
Have not the time to listen to it but when I hear about 5 meo DMT I immediately think of anadenanthera root. 0,69% almost pure 5 meo DMT...

Very interesting experience. But currently it seems it is even almost impossible to get even the right Anadenanthera seeds. Basically most what is sold has only Bufotenin.

You sure yours was Vilca (Anadenanthera colubrina), for AFAIK they only contain trace amounts of 5-MeO-DMT, but mainly 5-HO-DMT?
Have not the time to listen to it but when I hear about 5 meo DMT I immediately think of anadenanthera root. 0,69% almost pure 5 meo DMT...

What is the source for this statement? Is it your own experience (and if so how did you analyse the sample to confirm 5 meo dmt content?) or od it Schultes 1977 publication? Because in that case, it was a single test from a tree in Puerto Rico, and in this same tree they found 5-meo-dmt also in the seeds, at 20% of total alkaloid content. I mention this because it seems to be an outlier, not the norm, since dozens of tests of anadenanthera peregrina seeds have shown no 5-meo-dmt at all, only bufotenine for the most part.. I tested myself 3 samples, one I collected myself in Brazil and two from ethnobotanical suppliers and they all turned out to be all bufotenine.

I am not saying to give up on this or that it will always be like that, but just saying to be careful with assumptions drawn from a single test decades ago in a particular place.
OK, I'm talking about a small self experiment with a tiny piece of anadenanthera colubrina rootbark from rumi willka mountain in Ecuador. I was traveling by this place (south Ecuador) a few month ago. I wanted to take with me small vilca trees to transplant into my land in Sauce, region San martin, Peru. I took a few small plants from the ground and discovered that even with one or two years old they have big hard roots that go deep in the ground. The roots have a very thick red bark. I was walking in this vilca forest and I picked a piece of the rootbark from the plants I was carrying. I put it in my mouth and chew it a little bit. Very, very bitter, that could be the high tannins concentration. After 1 minute or so I start to feel this strong tryptamin buzz. For me no doubt possible, this is active and potent (the piece was less than 100mg). At this point I have absolutely no idea of what can be active in it but the effect is definitely different from the effect i know from the seeds. The buzz is warm and with a kind of "strange" mental feeling or best said a mental feeling of strangeness.
Bufo from the seeds never gave me this kind of mental psychedelic distortion. In some occasions it could have blown me away to the point where mental feeling of time and space simply disappear in one flash, in a salvia like effect but never the kind of flow I felt with this small piece of rootbark. The effect had some similarities with LSA but without the depressant effect.
Of course shorter in time and warm in the body.
After some research I found this statement (which is in the wiki) : "69% 5-meo-dmt in anadenanthera colubrina roots, (97% of total alkaloid content).
That is the only info I have for the moment. No material to bioassay or extract now. Someone who have access to adult tree and roots could give it a try...
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