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Entities wanted to eat me. Should I let them?

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Rising Star
Hello everyone,

I had an experience recently where I encountered some hyperspace entities. Many showed me a million things I can't remember now. It's as if, after the quick come up I was put into a classroom with a million different teachers showing me different objects and I just understood I must pay attention and learn this. They told me to bring back some sort of breathing method? No idea how to interpret that right now. However, I do have a question.

During this experience, there was a time where it got extremely dark and something wanted to eat me. I debated whether or not this was supposed to be me facing the fear of letting go, and whether or not that as I'm slipping into hyperspace some higher dimensional horror finds me and attempts to evelope me. As I was thinking all of that some light being took it away and I felt saved.

After that experience, it gifted me with the knowledge that I can focus on my pineal gland and make objects in that space. So I did and I noticed that I could navigate to different.. folders? in different "dimensions" that had different kinds of information. As I was navigating this, I had the thought of why am I trying to control things I think this is all just toys, like they're trying to distract me from breaking through or something.

As I had that thought, I decided to relax. Once I relaxed completely every object in hyperspace around me turned into black-like creatures that wanted to just eat me and that I always knew that. As they slowly came in to try and eat me I felt as though they couldn't because I was about to come down and me and those things just looked at eachother as I came down. My question to anyone is... am I supposed to let them eat me?
If you were to meet random people at the street making such requests, you wouldn't let them. In my opinion it's good idea to retain and strengthen your autonomy in the hyperspace. That's usually the way to get respect.
I appreciate the response! It is very odd indeed. We hear that the "good" entities out there are scary, and the "evil" ones look enticing. It's more enticing to go with the understanding entities who just want to show you things than to allow some creature you've never met to swallow you whole. But maybe it's some sort of test? Or maybe, for what ever reason, that is my "spirit's" way of breaking through proper, or achieving truly deeper and understandable insight. I don't know. I will take your advice and stay strong against entities I view are negative. I wish I could sit in a room with the good entitiy and the bad entity and talk to them and figure out wtf is going on.
The valuable stuff is further down the road. Initially you are presented with spectacular illusions and lower level entities that want your attention, but if you keep your head strong and show some character the experience is likely to change. You might want to check the article in my signature by Nick Sand, if you don't find it too long.
I think ultimately no one can really tell you the answer to your question as your experience is specific to you.. it sounds like you are getting more affiliated with the 'language' of hyperspace though.. I'd say you will answer your question in future experiences :) .. i think one of the most powerful tools as a grounding agent when in hyperspace is simple observation.. observing the content you are presented with will often resolve dark or scary moments.. and yield really beautiful ones
I appreciate all the responses. I'm interpretting the majority of advice as that I need to explore deeper and actually look for answers. Through the many, many experiences in my time and I would have previously expressed that going into the DMT experience with questions, expectations, or something of which involved an attempt to "control" the experience is a bad thing. Sometimes, when I've tried to enter hyperspace, the entity who is coming along with me, or inviting me, or whatever, sometimes expresses to me in some way that I am doing a bad thing by trying to think. As if thought itself is a blockade to what they intend. It is weird to think that I should not think, for if I do not think how can I understand? Even when I attempt to go in thoughtless and just put my trust/faith in those entities I still get extremely muddy things. A lot of the time, they just want to play or hang out. I think the "easy-out" is that I need to not explore or look for answers for some reason, that I need to just relax and enjoy my time, but that seems too simple. It also seems like some entities want to distract me. Sorry for the rambling. Does this make sense to anyone? Am I supposed to use thoughtlessness to enter hyperspace, then when I enter I'm supposed to realize it and form autonomy?
Again you are asking how to understand. It's impossible to give practical advice on this matter, each must come to their own realizations.

It's hard to integrate while actively tripping, so I would suggest forfeiting trying to understand for now.
It's healthy to take breaks to integrate between trips. Also diving deeper can turn out deeping diver and bringing in more questions. 😁

I think you will find answers that you need with time.
I second what acacian said about simply observing. It's a very useful skill that you can develop and use in your everyday life too with regards to your thoughts and feelings.

Another thing that can help you is to stop and pay attention to why you are going for the trip. Are you seeking something? Wanting to learn or just have fun? If you are clear about your intentions it's easier to follow the thread once in the hyperspace and not get lost on the stray paths.
Various shamanic cultures have described being dismembered or devoured as a common feature of initiatory experiences. That doesn't mean it's a good idea to let some random entity devour you - but nor does it suggest that there will necessarily be any discernible real(?) world consequence therefrom.

It is typically said that accepting initiation into a shamanic path is not something to be taken lightly, nor something that can be considered remotely desirable by any normal metric.
Kahrn said:
the entity who is coming along with me, or inviting me, or whatever, sometimes expresses to me in some way that I am doing a bad thing by trying to think. As if thought itself is a blockade to what they intend. It is weird to think that I should not think, for if I do not think how can I understand?

The thing is though, if in the moment you are actively trying to understand what is before you - then that in itself is removing you from being present with the unfolding moment and not allowing it to unfold. Maybe by just being present with it you will find the 'answer' to what you were leaving the moment to try and grasp. I think hyperspace is in itself a kind of language of how the moment unfolds..
acacian said:
Kahrn said:
the entity who is coming along with me, or inviting me, or whatever, sometimes expresses to me in some way that I am doing a bad thing by trying to think. As if thought itself is a blockade to what they intend. It is weird to think that I should not think, for if I do not think how can I understand?

The thing is though, if in the moment you are actively trying to understand what is before you - then that in itself is removing you from being present with the unfolding moment and not allowing it to unfold. Maybe by just being present with it you will find the 'answer' to what you were leaving the moment to try and grasp. I think hyperspace is in itself a kind of language of how the moment unfolds..
This very much reflects an ayahuasca experience I once had. We were in a locked-down space station under attack from giant, trans-dimensional linguistic isopods and the best mode of defence was to shut down all linguistic thought. I didn't speak for several hours after that! But it was perfectly possible to experience without translating it into verbal/linguistic symbolisation and abstraction.
"Various shamanic cultures have described being dismembered or devoured as a common feature of initiatory experiences"

Thank you for the reply, downwardsfromzero. Is there anyway you could expand on this? I have heard of shamans describing experiences of dismemberment as some sort of cleansing, but I don't recall it being some sort of initiation. Do you have any sites you could point me toward?

Thank you all so much for your replies. I appreciate all of the advice. I will continue to try and integrate these recent experiences. I have a laundry list of extremely weird hyperspace experiences from the past few years (then again, we all do) and, while the epiphanies do come eventually, it seems as though there is something on the other side that I am missing. Something that I want to understand eventually but am worried I may never. Whatever that is/means.
I don't mean initiation as in some form of ritual, rather it is part of an experience where the person first encounters spirit world journeys. It something I've read about in various accounts of shamanic cultures, particularly among circumpolar peoples - who, of course, do not have any know source of DMT in their environments.

I'd have to check my bookshelf for titles but it's all there in the literature.
downwardsfromzero said:
I don't mean initiation as in some form of ritual, rather it is part of an experience where the person first encounters spirit world journeys. It something I've read about in various accounts of shamanic cultures, particularly among circumpolar peoples - who, of course, do not have any know source of DMT in their environments.

I'd have to check my bookshelf for titles but it's all there in the literature.

Esoterically, initiation in this context is a kind of rite, whether implicit or explicit and can last a long time.

One love
From my experience the entitys are welcoming and care,to me they care with love,I trust them
,I trust them,they have tested me and had scary experience but that was ment to be I feel,once I trusted them I experience love like never before tr, except from my mother ,I really do feel ther a guide to reach there love and compassion don't be afraid,but we all experience differently,trust is really hard but I trust them
Voidmatrix said:
downwardsfromzero said:
I don't mean initiation as in some form of ritual, rather it is part of an experience where the person first encounters spirit world journeys. It something I've read about in various accounts of shamanic cultures, particularly among circumpolar peoples - who, of course, do not have any know source of DMT in their environments.

I'd have to check my bookshelf for titles but it's all there in the literature.

Esoterically, initiation in this context is a kind of rite, whether implicit or explicit and can last a long time.

One love
"Initiation" literally refers to the starting of a process, indeed.
downwardsfromzero said:
Voidmatrix said:
downwardsfromzero said:
I don't mean initiation as in some form of ritual, rather it is part of an experience where the person first encounters spirit world journeys. It something I've read about in various accounts of shamanic cultures, particularly among circumpolar peoples - who, of course, do not have any know source of DMT in their environments.

I'd have to check my bookshelf for titles but it's all there in the literature.

Esoterically, initiation in this context is a kind of rite, whether implicit or explicit and can last a long time.

One love
"Initiation" literally refers to the starting of a process, indeed.

Hahaha, yes, I guess I was more commenting on the idea in some practices that initiation (while being something that is the genesis) can be a long process.

One love
I echo downwardsfromzero and discern there is no real consequence from being devourered. Yet, the experience and insight you might gain is considerably valuable.

What these entities are, and why they like to devourer parts of us is an enigma I don't want to get into.

But I will share my experience when a voice incurred me to let one particular entity eat me. Many shadows met my periphary and my intuition was to avoid them and be wary but this internal voice has a trusting effect so I 'allowed' something to eat me and a shark ate my legs or so it felt and seconds after that it spit out glittery shiny coloured sparkles across my vision and an awe and peaceful feeling accompanied. It felt rejunevating.

My guess is some kind of energy transmutation is occurring and it is very useful and might help to evolve the experience into higher levels. Another entity came very close into my vision field. The thing appeared as a black-white checkered jester from a cube-like flat almost glass window surrounding my vision field. Which in my wildest theories suggests that to the entities I appear as a cube and it has found a way to manifest itself to me. The whole experience included many variety of cubes.

But it is all poly-istic. Nothing ever remains statically one thing without changing into another seconds later.
Listen to your soul, noone can really advise you what to do.
It depends on you, on your situation in trip, actually you have to say "f*ck off" to some entities but another entities can be just curious or wanna make friends and gonna help you.
Only you can recognize.
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