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ethanol extraction

Migrated topic.


illudium Q-36
9 grams crispy dried mushrooms

190 proof grain alcohol

Ridiculously oversized 1000ml pyrex beaker


Tight cottonball filter

1/2 pint jar

Powdered the fungus.

Covered with several times the volume in alcohol in 1/2 pint mason jar.

Put in the bottom of the freezer for 3 days.

Transferred entire contents of the jar to my massive beaker and placed beaker into saucepan.

Heated the boozey shroom slurry til it was almost boiling...stirring for 20-30 minutes.

Filtered solids out while still hot and allowed to cool to room temp.... then I threw it in the freezer again for 16-20 hours.

Got home today (from playing golf on a tiny bit mescaline) and there were the "crystals of the gods"

I believe the general consensus is that the "crystals" are really just sugars and proteins.

When i attempted to re-disolve the precipitants, most of it did dissolve but some flaky bits would not dissolve in fresh alcohol even when heated to just boiling.

The alcohol was divided. As it cooled it clouded from crystal clear to completely opaque yellow. I have protected it from the light and put it in the fridge.

I guess I'm gonna get down tomorrow. I will most likely make some sort of lemondrop shooter with the laced everclear. Any chance the acid from the lemon juice will convert the goods? I hope so... I am gonna let the mixture sit in the dark for a bit before drinking and hope for a reaction.

I will keep you updated.
yes this does work, a friend did this a few years ago and I tried it. It does work.
Here here to ethanol.
It does indeed work. not sure the lemon juice converted the goods.

Potency was a bit low. Very little body load... hardly any.

worth the extra trouble over tea? Maybe ...it was really smooth any clean. a little weak this time, but this was the first go.
being a chef, and having seen thousands of bottles of lemon juice with solids precipitating out, murky liquid, etc i have no idea how you guys use it for anything but food. and im not talking about bad or sub par/open bottles. theres so much stuff in it other than acid.

if you want food safe get a bottle of citric acid, they sell it at nearly every grocery.
benzyme said:
i don't think lemon juice has a low enough pH to do anything other than protonate one of the psilocybin oxygens. people claim that the 'lemon tek' removes the phosphate, but the phosphate can accept protons

What pH would be sufficient to remove the phosphate?

I have plenty of citric acid... I was just thinking lemon-drop shooter. I had read the lorax's lemon ice cube tek... eh' I'll try a stronger acid next time. I have no idea how long the reaction needs to take place.... but we'll see.

The lemon juice did dissolve the "crystals" that alcohol couldn't. It took em out instantly... could that icecube tek do just as good of a job of pulling the goods?

Anyhow, It was a mighty nice ride!
benzyme said:

pH < 1.
citric acid is not strong enough.

tbh, I don't even think a strong acid would do it. the overall molecule will have a +2 charge.

so... if not acid? How about heat? .... or heat and acid?

I'm guessing that heating it to the proper temp and not burning it up may require more precision than a kitchen can facilitate.

But, I've got more material than I will consume... so I will try again.
Check this out

If you're just doing an ethanol soak you are probably leaving plenty of actives behind.

Data seems to show better do a dry methanol soak (for psilocybin) and then a longer 70% ethanol soak (for psilocin, which is contained deeper in the cells and takes longer to be extracted)
benzyme said:
heat always speeds up oxidation; though heat + acid may work, if done under inert atmosphere, yielding psilocin and phosphoric acid.

otherwise, it may certainly kill activity.
anhydrous methanol is the way to go, or high %age ethanol.
if you can get the pH to 3.8, that would be a'ight. psilocybin is a stable zwitterion at around that pH

Heat and citric acid are probably enough to cleave the phosphate. The key is stop the oxidation once it happens. The best way I've found to do that is to add vitamin C.

I did an experiment where I made two batches of shroom tea...no acid.

In one batch I added 1000mgs of vitamin C. In the other batch no vitamin C.

We then consumed the tea and a good time was had by all. However I set aside 2 shot glasses.. each filled with a separate tea.

The next day the shot glasses were examined and the shot glass with no vitamin C had turned a deep blue color from the oxidative break down of psilocin. The tea with vitamin C was still clear. It remained clear for 7 more days until I threw the remaining amount out.


Thanks! I have read journeyman's question and Shulgin's response, but had not read the paper.

Was your tea made from freshies or dried?

It is my understanding that once dried, there is very little psilocin. Of course, after reading Endless's articles, that may not be fact...as psilocin extraction is a different beast from psilocybin

Shulgin says: .... the numbers with psilocin are strange. With aqueous ethanol, the optimum extraction was with a 70% ethanol concentration, and the extraction efficiency dropped almost to zero when there was no water present.
benzyme said:
heat always speeds up oxidation; though heat + acid may work, if done under inert atmosphere, yielding psilocin and phosphoric acid.

otherwise, it may certainly kill activity.
anhydrous methanol is the way to go, or high %age ethanol.
if you can get the pH to 3.8, that would be a'ight. psilocybin is a stable zwitterion at around that pH

I'm using 190 proof. Didn't add any acid or base to the alcohol while extracting.... but did not test pH. I did use a bit of heat though.

I've googled, searched mycotopia and the shroomery. There have been plenty of discussions. Allot of contradictory statements and a ton of experimentation....some of it done in the kitchen (my arena)

I'll keep plugging away. I'm not really going for a true extraction (not looking for crystals) and I love booze so the few ml's of grain alcohol isn't an issue. I really want a psilocin heavy 1/2 shot glass dose. I probably should start another (more concise) thread, but I've started a few in this forum already touching on the subject... so for now, I guess its back to the kitchen.
Madcap said:

Was your tea made from freshies or dried?

It is my understanding that once dried, there is very little psilocin. Of course, after reading Endless's articles, that may not be fact...as psilocin extraction is a different beast from psilocybin

Shulgin says: .... the numbers with psilocin are strange. With aqueous ethanol, the optimum extraction was with a 70% ethanol concentration, and the extraction efficiency dropped almost to zero when there was no water present.

Dried. The amount of psilocin present depends upon the strain. Cubes and cyans appear to have dephosphoralation enzymes that are active under aqueous acidic conditions. Thus drying them first actually preserves psilocybin. Then when you make shroom tea it's mostly converted to psilocin because of the heat. The vit c. protects against oxidation f psilocin.

When using fresh citrus juice (squeezed directly from the fruit, bottled stuff doesn't have the same effect) to take dried powdered fungus, it hits much harder and faster than the same amount either eaten or drank as a tea. Something in the fruit is definitely adding to the effects, is it possible something in the fresh fruit juice is able to convert the molecule? or what could be responsible for the increased effects?
dreamer042 said:
SWIM will note that in his experiences when using fresh citrus juice (squeezed directly from the fruit, bottled stuff doesn't have the same effect) to take dried powdered fungus, it hits much harder and faster than the same amount either eaten or drank as a tea. Something in the fruit is definitely adding to the effects, is it possible something in the fresh fruit juice is able to convert the molecule? or what could be responsible for the increased effects?

What's going on here is that the acid from the fruit juice is pushing the dephosporylation of psilocybin to psilocin. Thus making the shrooms come on harder and faster, and also leaving faster.
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