"Arial parts, rhizome and roots of eupatorium cannabinum are used in traditional and experimental medicine and homeopathy. According to the literature, essential oil, sesquiterpenoids, sapenins, alkaloids, pehnolcarboxylic, acids, coumaries, flavenoids, triterpenolds, carbohydrates, steroids, and others have been isolated from e. cannabinum." Chemistry of Natural Compounds, Vol 47
"Fats atom bombardment mass-spectrometry and gas chromatography-electron impact mass spectrometry showed viridiflorine, cynaustraline, amabiline, supinine, echinatine, rinderine and isomers of these alkaloids in the Eupatorium [cannabium] species."
Am J Chin Med. 1992;20(3-4):281-8. Pyrrolizidine alkaloid composition...
You would have to remove the pyrrolizidine alkaloids so you wouldn't get liver damage/cancer from, IMO, anything above a very occasional use.
Peroksycannabinolid and Eucannabolid - one of several parts of seskviterpenlaktoner (no idea)
"seskviterpenlaktonet eupatoriopikrin have anti-cancer effect and inhibit cell growth. Isolated pyrrolzidinalkaloider is shown to be carcinogenic and may have a harmful effect on the liver."
I'm thinking cannabinolid doesn't have anything to do with cannabinoid, seems like a specific language attachment or something. Maybe not the best choice?