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evap mush tea?

Migrated topic.
Afaik, psilocybin/psilocin oxidize incredibly fast when exposed to air...a minimal amount of solution may be preferable to non-aqueous resin.
The only reason I could think of why this might not be a good idea is that the molecules might degrade by the dime you get your resin. And I don't know how much of a problem this really would be. Could be that there is no real danger.
Other than that I suppose it would work so go for it. tell us your results. I imagine you will have something gooey at the end. take pics :)
i got a solid a little bit was gooey but a lot of it was golden powder sorry i didn't take pics its all mashed in a little chunk now
it was sparkly and reflective.
i will let you know how effective it is.
yes it was effective
i only used 1.6 grams of an unknown strain possibly thai
brewed, then evapped to a solid, 400mgs of sparkly golden powder mixed with a little bit of dark sticky stuff
was molded into a small pellet and swallowed.

i brewed/drunk a tea last week with the same amount +125mgs of harmine and it was pretty intense.

so as far as potency lost im not sure because my tolerance is probably up and it was def weaker although a much more enjoyable trip.
but id say it lost at least 30%

i think if it was possible and one wanted to, they could use sublingualy and it could make up for the potency loss?
i have some experiences with mushroom resin. a didnt make it but a friend gave me a tootsie roll size log of resin. its nice and discreet for traveling and its pretty darn potent. 1 oz of mushrooms in a little roll. :d

however i must admit i didnt much care for the effects compared to eating shrooms. for some reason each time i ate some it tended to be a dark trip with anxiety galore and little to no visuals. this could very well be the strain of mushrooms used to make the resin but i find that anytime i do anything other than simple chew up mushrooms the trip is never as good.

my good freind idtravlr confirmed these effects when he ate some with me multiple times, take that for what its worth.
haha damn thats cool :)

i agree
the only reason i found this trip to be enjoyable is because i was able to keep it under control because of the low dose as oppose to my stream of recent bad trips ive been on.
plus it was alright on the stomach, i have a terrible tummy.

but i can relate to the little to no visuals, it took a little bit of effort to get the CEVs going.

im just trying to find whats easiest on the stomach.

i might make more, a more potent batch and try sublingually.
im right there with you on the bad tummy. i have had bouts of IBS if you know what that is and mushrooms wreak havoc on my digestive system. BUT...... i have a good tip that works for me everytime.

eat an imodium AD pill right before you take mushrooms and then take a gas X tablet about 30 min after ingesting. this really works great for me and i have little to no stomach issues with shrooms now.

hope that helps
haha YES i do know what that is!
not fun.
you know where im coming from then haha

yes i always have some gas x haha
but i will make sure to get imodium AD now.
thanks a ton! :d
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