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Everything is Computer

Migrated topic.

Final Incarnate

Rising Star
Was a toss up to put in philosophy thread vs this one, but this felt more religious n spiritual to me, but like most things everything is in some form a philosophy.

on a dmt "breakthrough" "Revelation" warped pass the elf realm went to underground like city, darkish brown "support" beams, darkish rainbow colors. serpent was in me sorta like a "Tourguide" ( if you were there watching my movements breathing techs it woulda reminded you of some sort of "possession" ( the quotes coz it was consensual " )

the tour guides name i call her Sshura . its best i could spell it, since most of these gods dont really have names , but tend to go by some sort of name that resonates with them apon scanning the human tongue .

SShura was what appeared to be some sort of dancing, raised my arms and connected to something.

From there i was being scanned. this presence started to talk ( i sounded like a mentally challenged person who had too much too drink )

what you call computer everything, real , illusion , all computer, making computer is playing a God role . too much ape classifying bastardizes everything and creates locks and jams in system .

this is roughly translating into English , even though i was speaking out loud, lots of info was being Downloaded or flooding into me.

anyone else ever have these kinda talks with Gods of psychedelic realms or w/e you wana call it if so please share it be kinda cool to "pool" info together.

Infinities possibilities are endless, everything and nothing.

Beside all ever loved unimaginable crazyness and weirdness, to operate fluently in "this 3d reality right here", keep your mind (believes) liquid.


Happy and safe travels, tseuq
tseuq said:
Infinities possibilities are endless, everything and nothing.

Beside all ever loved unimaginable crazyness and weirdness, to operate fluently in "this 3d reality right here", keep your mind (believes) liquid.


Happy and safe travels, tseuq

Thank you
I have had similar experiences with both shrooms and DMT in regards to the computer glitches. As the trip starts to intensify, I become aware of the digital nature of my own thoughts. This is where I differ. I am seeing them as my own thoughts rather than information being thrown at me from outside my own head and maybe this is misperceived. Next time it happens, I will try to view it as a download and see if that helps because it always creates fear and anxiety as I perceive my brain becoming defective, misfiring, dropping packets, stuggling to stay in phase, etc. This happens to some degree on shrooms, but mostly DMT.

DMT is the only drug other than salvia that causes me significant fear of becoming permanently mentally handicapped. I know better and have plenty of experience, but my rational mind evaporates under the influence of DMT. As I sober up, my rational mind tells me that DMT was turning off filters and allowing an uninterrupted stream of information to pour in from my senses and allowing portions of my brain to communicate with one another completely unfiltered and that my brain simply lacks the bandwidth to process everything.
syberdelic said:
I have had similar experiences with both shrooms and DMT in regards to the computer glitches. As the trip starts to intensify, I become aware of the digital nature of my own thoughts. This is where I differ. I am seeing them as my own thoughts rather than information being thrown at me from outside my own head and maybe this is misperceived. Next time it happens, I will try to view it as a download and see if that helps because it always creates fear and anxiety as I perceive my brain becoming defective, misfiring, dropping packets, stuggling to stay in phase, etc. This happens to some degree on shrooms, but mostly DMT.

DMT is the only drug other than salvia that causes me significant fear of becoming permanently mentally handicapped. I know better and have plenty of experience, but my rational mind evaporates under the influence of DMT. As I sober up, my rational mind tells me that DMT was turning off filters and allowing an uninterrupted stream of information to pour in from my senses and allowing portions of my brain to communicate with one another completely unfiltered and that my brain simply lacks the bandwidth to process everything.

Hmm at least on the dmt aspect of the fear etc, try saying to them im here as a friend etc, in your own style, lets play etc. sometimes i think some of the dmt images are actually a "Sandbox" that surround you to prevent humans infecting their realm . ( kinda like if people from different countries have different vaccines etc or traveling to X country requires additional shots etc ) .

Sometimes i think Processing DMT info etc maybe something as simple as wiggling a finger. like if u have to burp, fart, cough, sneeze, inhale, exhale etc, those motions trigger other movements or can be triggered by others ( somewhat like reflexology in a way but more hyperspace version )

ive watched my inhalations my left arm will take the 2 pointer fingers and slide it up from the ground up the front of the body to way above the head, on inhale, then the exhale is like a slice with the left arm . ( this is what im 100% convinced of having a Serpent inside me during this)

the breath from that is idk how to describe it, even trying normal state feels more normal. ( considering culture among other crap am not really able to perform like that at work etc lol )

like human realm is so locked and rigged and fixed etc , that doing all those above body functions, ( cough sneeze) were more less programed and not trained from birth to "activate the triggers that resonate n move with those functions "

As of l8ly for me the dmt visuals is as common as me staring at my wall in my house/ its nothing special just another beings house decorations . its almost like im here lets chill/hang out convey download upload, overall feel etc .

Mushrooms are kinda like dmt in the "data" aspect ? hmm seems interesting. at what dose where you using ? ( im only asking not for personal dosing reasons more less for info and collecting data to determine if after research if Shrooms maybe something id try someday .

have a good day/night M8
I have used shrooms many many times at varying doses. The doses that I'm referring to as to the computer glitches is 4-5 grams. These are of course full potency. I have encountered shrooms that are weak around 1/4 to 1/2 of full potency for whatever reason. My GF tried some in the Amazon recently that were so weak that people were eating handfuls to very mild effects. Naturally harvested shrooms are often weak and so many people don't handle/process them properly. Unfortunately, I have found that the only way to insure consistently potent shrooms is to know the grower or grow them your self.

One other recommendation that I would offer is to either make a tea or run an extraction. Eating raw or dried shrooms is usually fine, but they do contain mycotoxins and can easily pull toxins from their environment. I have had a few experiences where the trip gets a bit nasty from stuff in the shrooms, but never experienced this from making tea as all oil soluble chemicals stay in the fibers. Eating raw shrooms grown on food media is perfectly safe given that there is ZERO mold but sometimes I can feel a little funk on higher doses. For these reasons, I almost always make tea or extract. The other advantage of tea is that it hits quicker and harder but it is also over quicker (10-20%).
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