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Experience with "leftovers"?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
swim has some remainder left over and wants to know what the typical consensus is on its effects. he said it is brownish in color and changed from a liquid state to solid over the course of the night...kind of like wet sand or something. is there anything I should let him know about this "resin".
WOW. in response to my own thread: swim just called me and said that it 100% works. this is the gist of what he told me: "I was in this space that seemed more like a four cornered room than anything else. The difference being that I could only see the two corners to my left and right. My view of the diagonal corner was obscured by this shapeless entity (for lack of a better word). It took on the basic shape of a human, i suppose, but much larger...like body-builder/robot kind of large. Maybe like something you would see in Transformers or something. It seemed like he had a bright yellow orb that emitted energy and colors in the center of it...where a humans chest would be. So this entity did not speak. The only sounds were digital beeps and blips. The only real movement that was discernible was his "arm" kept reaching out to me. The arm was really the only indication I had that this was an entity and not just random shapes that resembled the figure of a human. Anyway, the outreached arm seemed to have it's pointer finger extended. The arm/finger would reach out to me very slowly, then, right as it got close to me, it would retract just as slowly as it had approached. This action repeated itself several times...every time just like the first. The entity very closely resembled it's surroundings as far as colors are concerned, but it stood out from them...kind of like one of those Magic Eye posters." My friend also stated that he has now realized that it is of utmost importance to get your procedure down as far as smoking it is concerned. He took two small hits, followed by two very large chalky ones that he was able to hold in for an extended amount of time...something he had not been able to do with DMT up to this point. He did not add any crystals on top...only what had been left over from the previous night and said that it was far more of an experience than he had before. I am interested to know if this is a common experience with leftovers and also, if there is a point where it would be in his benefit to clear it out and start over from scratch...seeing as how there is usually a little bit left.
[quote:113ce700ba]if there is a point where it would be in his benefit to clear it out and start over from scratch...[/quote:113ce700ba] My friend almost never clean his glass pipe and he tend to think that 'burned' spice might be as potent if not more potent than 'clean' ones. Also doing that way, he guess that the impurities that vaporize at higher temp are cumulating. But that impurities smell pretty close to the jungle spice extracted with xylene, so he even guess that theses impurities are active and works in synergie with the spice itself.
starting to think 50mgs is definitely not needed to achieve breakthrough from the remainder in the vessel, many, many experiences have been had with little reloading
[quote:fc20a86a8d="demius"]starting to think 50mgs is definitely not needed to achieve breakthrough from the remainder in the vessel, many, many experiences have been had with little reloading[/quote:fc20a86a8d] 50 mg is def a large dose. Swim finds that 30 mg is sufficient for a break thru experience, maybe even less. Swim also finds that if the pipe is covered in those not so beautiful brownish yellow crystals inside that one can simply heat that up and smoke it, anything visible is smokable even that brown jell that used spice turns into in the bottom of the pipe. It just takes a bit of effort to heat it up properly.
I always have a good amount of leftovers in my oil pipe, i never weigh my spice anymore i just add a bit and smoke till i can't smoke no more. Don't always breakthrough but im new to using a oil pipe, takes skill to get really good hits.
to be honest swim use a bulb crafted in to a pipe works wonders and there is always spice leftovers, swim did try it and defnatly there some strong stuff in there free hits out of normal hits wicked 8) 8)
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