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It seems kind of logical too. If you had psychedelic experiences of any sort I don't see it likely for someone to get an idea "Hey, let's pop some Vicodin for fun!"

A typical opoid (ab)user these days is a person that doesn't really know something better than that exists. It's really sad to see more people get prescribed pain pills than those who smoke cigarettes.

Even when it comes to heroin, so far I've only heard of a few people being interested in the rave scene because they have to pop a handful of ecstasy pills to barely feel anything. Those are also people that use drugs just to experience quick euphoria and don't really see outside the box either.

I used to almost become that kind of person before I had my psychedelic adventures. The idea of something that could make you feel at the top of the world regardless of the circumstances seems great at first, just to realize at the end of the day that it didn't solve anything.

Psychedelics show you that there is more to life than it meets the eye, the remind of what your options are and that you actually have them. It can always show amazing things to anyone and fill you with insights. After experiencing something like that, I don't see why degrade back to those empty, boring drugs that don't offer pretty much anything, you're basically better of taking a bath than taking an opiate.

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