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I think both PTSD and ADHD are commonly underdiagnosed conditions.. in the case of PTSD I think people pass it off as being for 'more serious' traumas - forgetting that their experiences of suffering and pleasure are relative to their own unique set of circumstances and the contrasting feelings they elicit. Don't feel as if you need to have been abused or bared witness to some extreme heinous act towards you or those around you - or that you need to be jumping across the walls with your fingers in a million pies. What you feel matters and is always relevant.. !

This is a question I've asked myself as well, however like yourself, pass it off due to feeling like my trauma and lack of concentration don't 'qualify' in contrast to the experiences of those around me. Certainly in the case of ADHD I am not the really energetic/frantic type.. yet I do have trouble concentrating on tasks, especially if not something I am really interested in. As far as PTSD .. again I'd say people would probably gauge my trauma as quite mild compared to others.. but I'm realising this is an incompassionate attitude towards myself.

I admire that you use the forum as a vehicle to express things that you might have trouble expressing in the flesh. We're a community of pretty likeminded people.. you're always welcome to bounce your thoughts and vulnerabilities here.. I'm sure most of us will resonate with what you say and maybe help in whatever way we can. :)

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