Wishing you all the best with this adventure ~
The stimulant plant medicines have really helped me bring wholeness, beauty, and peace/resilience into my soul.
My first incredibly healing experience was a San Pedro + Tobacco medicine ceremony (Overnight Drumming ceremony, conducted in a traditional indigenous manner)
This experience really just, bathed my mind in a healing golden psychedelic ocean of trance. It completely healed a specific PTSD, as well as just generally made me a more whole person in general.
My other healing experiences have come from LSD + MDMA + Lotus Posture (and some streching/movement intermittently) + Nature
These experiences have really woven so much beauty of this life into me, as well as kindness and respect.
I feel like these euphoric psychedelic medicines are deeply healing voices to have for individuals seeking PTSD recover. I feel I am a much more balanced person going into medince trips, and just life as a whole these days. I feel more space in myself for exploring the wide wide gammut which can be explored with these powerful spirits.
Notably I mentioned the drumming, and the nature-lotus as very powerful key dimensions to those experiences I had.
Just some of my experiences!
Much love
It's a beautiful summer here these past weeks