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Thank you VoidMatrix for starting this thread. This touches close to home for me as I have stated in other threads with my struggles with C-PTSD. I definitely hit all the hallmarks for it and was diagnosed to get my medical cannabis card over ten years ago.  Did a thorough six years of talk therapy to feel like I only scratched the surface. I've rewritten this post many times feeling it's not good enough.

I feel that we all have a certain level of ptsd since life in general involves trauma. It's just a matter of how we go forward when we are exposed to a similar experience that triggers the negatives. I.e over startling, on edge,  not trusting, etc... but with C-PTSD it's so subtle yet insidious that there are other hallmarks mainly fear of abandonment and everything that goes with that. Also how often we are currently being exposed to those triggers on a continual basis is huge. I've also struggled with suicidal ideations which is a topic many are not comfortable discussing.

So to answer your question if your treating your ptsd to dmt with more dmt? I feel it's a double edged sword. Depends if it's causing more trauma symptoms or resolving them could be the deciding factor. Everyone is different as one man's medicine is another man's poison. Even within our life there may be times when it may be more beneficial than other times.

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