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Extracting 5-MeO-DMT from alvarius venom

Migrated topic.
I know its sort of pointless to do so, but I am interested in extracting the 5-MeO-DMT from the alvarius venom and was wondering: is it possible, has anyone already done this, and if so what was the tek?

My reasoning is a desire to figure out which conditions make for the most potent alvarius venom; age, captive or not, virgin milking, etc etc... Also to be able to confidently work with a more consistently potent material, as toad venom varies widely in its potency, which I assume has to do with 5-MeO-DMT content. Any insights!?
well, swim is working with a generous harvest, so swim has no need to buy virola, swim simply wants to find a tek for extracting the 5-MeO-DMT from the venom.

And I promise you, no toads are harmed during these collecting ceremonies. I would be more than willing to argue that the toads we make contact with, end up with a better quality of living than they had in the first place. The group I work with collects them from the inner city washes that are filled with heavy pollutants which cause a lot of them to abnormally die, and so we relocate them to nearby areas that are not nearly as effected by human destruction or dispassion. There is no way we can save all of them, as there are hundreds of thousands in the city washes alone, but we do what we can, and give back as much as possible. The endeavor has been blessed by game and fish, and we have the support of the locals. Even on the subject of milking them, when we really get into the discussion, most 'normal' folks end up joining us for the annual divinity/hyperspace ceremony which we only hold during the monsoon season once a year.

To us, its more about helping the toads than it is collecting venom, the past couple of years we had not even needed to collect, though still continued our work for the Alvarius.

To me, a plant and an animal, are equally as intelligent and infinitely sacred, no different than me and nature, its all an extension of divine mind, and both or all deserve the utmost respect like every other pixel of this suggestion called reality.

Beating up toads to me, would be shipping them through the mail. Something I cannot understand justification of. But, then again, others cannot understand my justification, so to each his own. hopefully with heart.

And btw, milking toads I have learned over the years, is an art, there is a way to do it where you do not have to even search for the toad, the toad will come to you, literally connect via your heart, and again literally walk into your palms, and psychically ask to be milked. You can call this delusion, but it comes to me with the same crystal clear validity that the DMT and 5-MeO-DMT spaces provide, more real than what I thought was real as my life.

anyways, thanks friends, swim is going to start experimenting, swim will post any worthwile results, in the meantime, any experiential comments would be greatly welcomed.
Toad subject aside, how can you make sure all the toxins are removed? That’s my concern. With Virola there aren’t any toxins to be concerned about removing, but with venom there is.
Thats an interesting and good point, and it would be nice to find more information on that subject as well, because I have read some places that most of these toxins are not active when vaporized, but I dont really know how in depth of a study was backing these claims. In swims experience, there has yet to be any adverse effects of the venom, and I have yet to read or hear of any side effects that arent also common to the lab produced or plant extracts of 5meo. I cant find any death reports either so, yeah, its definitely a smart thing to be getting it from virola for the reason of uncertainty, but living in the sonoran and being amidst tons of toad practitioners, its hard to imagine the venom not being a part of our sonoran culture. Thanks for the reply!

btw, I have read up on the virola situation, and it seems a lot of people have had difficulties with the virola resin you can get online, is there a better way to go about this? Are there specific vendors that have a better reputation for these things? Perhaps just grow the plant myself? Anyways, thanks!
All the resin is good that SWIM has tried. Some better than others, but SWIM never had bunk resin before. He’s got it from a few vendors out there and never had any problems with it.

It's all about dosage. People don't use enough and then they assume it doesn't work. Dosage varies A LOT from person to person for 5-MeO-DMT. Some people get full effects from as little as 2 mg smoked. Others need 50 mg!

SWIM learned this was the case when he started passing around a batch of Virola resin he knew was of excellent quality. Some people were BLOWN AWAY. Others got no effects at all. That’s from the exact same batch of resin.

SWIM can consistently get decent effects from 250 mg of Virola resin no matter which vendor he gets it from.

So I don’t believe there is bunk resin out there. It’s just that some people require a very large dose of 5-MeO-DMT in order to feel anything from it. For some people 250 mg of resin does nothing at all, for others its a heavy dose. Some people need as much as 2000 mg of resin!

Also how you use it makes a big difference.

Unlike the resin, SWIM has found the quality of Virola bark to be very inconsistent and often void of alkaloids altogether.
psychedeliack said:
I know its sort of pointless to do so, but I am interested in extracting the 5-MeO-DMT from the alvarius venom and was wondering: is it possible, has anyone already done this, and if so what was the tek?

My reasoning is a desire to figure out which conditions make for the most potent alvarius venom; age, captive or not, virgin milking, etc etc... Also to be able to confidently work with a more consistently potent material, as toad venom varies widely in its potency, which I assume has to do with 5-MeO-DMT content. Any insights!?

Ron is the real chem guy but I would think a standard A/B would remove the glycosides. If it was me I would still treat it like any other unknown or possibly toxic substance. start low real low and wait it took me about six weeks to work up to moderate effects.

You sound like you know the toads well and I would agree milking them and releasing them back into the wild should be comended because you truly are helping them buy relocating from city sewers ect..so you got a pat on the back from me friend I like reptiles and anphibians.

I bought 2 at a reptile expo once when i came across them one lived for 6years the other for 8. They had a cushy life all you can eat rodents twice a week. They were two FAT HAPPY toads.

I understand they spend most of there time underground emerging in large numbers during rains. Fasinating I would love to see it some day. The rain thousands of toads swarming out of the ground to mate. Its a big party for the toads when the rain comes. I do feel sorry for all the shipped toads and other not given proper care because of the moronic toad/frog licking myth that can poision you.

Thanks for helpen the toads8)

I don't know the properties of the toxins in the venom, but assuming they're not alkaloidal, I would personally do an acid wash on the venom, filter out and discard any insolubles, then basify the acidic solution and extract into some limonene, then salt it back out with an acid, then convert back to freebase form. That way only alkaloids should make it past; any water soluble components will be left in the basified solution, and any nonpolar solubles will be left in the limonene.

Hope that helps. Please post results if you try this, it's something Swim's considered as well.

And props on the toad relocation!
I have gotten over a gram of DRY form(one) adult toad many times.(RIP one lived six years the other eight average life span in wild 5years. BTY I TAKE CARE!) The toad that is happy has no need for venom usage. Take good care of the toad and he MAY reward you with riches beyond you wildest dreams

he/she will come if you are worthy.

I never considering having, of ever par taking in toad venom experiments until ONE DAY they found me.

There they were last two on sale, tired and weary from long rides back and forth to reptile expos

This is the second largest toad species in the world.

Dont seek just be maybe the TOAD will find you.:lol:

PS I hate getting venomous but, just like the toad who has been snatched by a eagle.
I WILL release venom to protect myself and my fellow ladies/Gentlemen.


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