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Extracting a resin from dried smelly shrooms using water or vinegar

Migrated topic.
with amanitas, yes.
added the dried shrooms to a partially filled waterbottle then shook till it would absorb no more color, squeezed the shrooms, and did again with fresh water about 4 times or so.
then i reduced it down on low low heat until it was goopy-resiny water, then i scraped it all up and let it dry (it came out active and tasting like salty-honey).

idk if that answers any questions at all...

-Actually, i meant Psylocibe mushrooms. I read that vinegar is great for extracting the goodies, as is water. I have read that although psilocin is easily damaged, that psilocybin is more stable, and should be able to withstand gentle simmering. So i was wandering if anyone tried this with their dried shrooms, especially ones 1/2 bad to see if any goodies were worth extracting??
you can boil shroom tea, its fine, dont go to crazy with it but simmering wont hurt anything.

What do you mean "especially ones 1/2 bad"?
Harmalosa, i was wondering about "rescuing" shrooms that had blackened whilst drying. Although some slight mould on gills, and are black most are ok'ish. But they do smell a bit strong, but not as bad as slimy ones. I thought of making a vinegar extract since this kills mould and bacteria, and is superior than a water extraction. I then thought of making a concentrated resin. Just a little experiment.
ahh i see, wish i could be of more help, ive never tried this, but ive made many teas, and boiled them many times so i would think you could just start making a tea from them
and boil the tea down 100% into a gunk. Than any moldy funkiness from the aged shrooms should
be destroyed by the boiling process anyways, then maybe cap up the gunk and eat it..

It would be a great experiment, and im really curious to see if it works

edit: your vinegar extract idea is good too, either way, let us know how it works out
You could also use the Crystals of the Gods tek with 190 proof liquor. That will definitely take care of any mold. and probably wont taste as bad as vinegar goo.
Thanks for your input guys. They are all worthy ideas, but i'm battling against a strong smell here. Something says try, and something else says throw away. I don't know if they are worth the effort now. Actually, it looks like these are gonna be thrown. It's a shame, but there is nothing worse than stinky shroom sweat!😉
You should definitely toss them if there is mold present. In the future, you can make tea with citric acid/lemon juice and store that in the freezer for the long term.
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