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Migrated topic.


So I finally got my stuff from flowing visions in...

Yesterday at 12pm I had 1 full dropper of harmaline tincture and then a single drop every hour for 6 hours. At 6 I loaded a bong with a moderate sized dose of electric sheep... WOW! That one was not expected, I started to snap and crack like I was made from shards of glass, my tongue was like a bunch of crystals and when I tried to pull mysef back from this rather scary experience my throat was stuffed with even more glass shards until I could no longer tell what I was actually made of.
Serious heat emited from my body as I melted into the floor... I came back quite shocked, but amazed at the power of the vaped spice harmaline combo. I went again after that :)

10pm myself and my mate dosed our pharma, he had 200mg harmaline and 50mg spice... I had 100mg thh, 100mg copy, 50mg harmaline and 80mg spice.

An hour in he was having nice effects from it, strange thought processes and some time dialation. I got absolutely nothing! An hour and a bit in I redosed 50mg more harmaline freebase this time and 30mg more spice. Very slight wobble in my visual feild, but that was it!

We had no vinegar at his place, so we used DMT citrate each time. What went wrong here? Judging from what I've read that was a massive amount of harmalas and DMT to dose and I got nothing.
camakazi said:
10pm myself and my mate dosed our pharma, he had 200mg harmaline and 50mg spice... I had 100mg thh, 100mg copy, 50mg harmaline and 80mg spice.

That one is bizarre. The only thing I can think of is the fact that you have ingested several components which, unless you have produced them yourself, you may not be sure of their purity or effectiveness. Apparently 200 mg harmaline was enough for your friend, so I would recommend you do the same. Try to isolate what may not be working.

To actually be sure and, at the same time, assess the purity of your material, use a tea made of 3 grams of crushed rue seeds tea. + 50 mg spice (citrate or acetate) 20 minutes later. This almost never fails.
Sounds to me like you might need to up you DMT dosage. Remember that 50mg to one person is different to the next.

Next time try 200mg harmala's with say 100-120mg spice(i use fb in oj)and see how that goes. Take some boosters if you arent where you want to be. You just need to experiment and see what dosage suits you best.

And, if your pharma attempt is a fail, vape some changa or spice to make use of the MAOI's. And be safe when ingesting DMT and MAOI.
here im just gonna quote what i wrote in another thread...hope this helps

well while 100mg MAY be threshold effects..i really think it comes down to HOW you administer the dose...when i first started messing around i would take 80mg dmt with 200mg harmalas and have threshold effects..but as my TECHNIQUE improved...i HAD to drop the dosage down...right now if i do it CORRECTLY i only need 30mg of spice for a powerful experience..

this is how I do it..but you really got to figure it out yourself...on an empty stomach(havent eaten ALL day)..i take 30mg(40mg if i "want" to trip TOO hard) dmt fumarate and 100mg harmine and 30mg harmaline....mix them all together evenly and put them in a capsule, then poke one hole in the end of the capsule... i take this with a glass of water...THEN i eat a piece of bread(or bagel) with BUTTER(carbs and fats) on it...then between 30-60 minutes the effects start and build strongly for the next 30-60 minutes...

the THINKING behind this is...

1. as the capsules starts to break down from the hole side first..the stomach juices mix with the dmt and the harmalas..the harmalas are there to protect the dmt from the MAO's...think of them as body guards for the dmt..they surround the dmt from all sides..

2. since you havent eaten all day...and with a pill full of alkaloids in you stomach...USUALLY when the alkaloids hit you stomach you would experience some nausea..defense mechanism of you body to protect from poisoning.....BUT since you ate some bread or a bagel...that sits ON TOP of the capsule..with some butter on top...your stomach is like "OH YEAH IM HUNGRY, LETS EAT"....this truly gets the juices going..you body reacts and gives some energy to digesting that much needed food..

3. as you stomach starts to absorb that food..the capsule gets opened and mixes with the juices and the bread..the harmalas deflect the MAO's while the dmt sneaks by with the food..entering your blood stream..and WAM it TAKES OFF

i mean to eat 500mg of dmt...holy crap you arent doing something right...if EVERYONE can have a breakthrough at about 50mg...why on earth would anyone need to take more...all you need to figure out is your digestive tract..and how to get the dmt into the blood stream as quickly as possible...another thing you need to figure out is your COMBO of harmalas..whether you body works better with harmine, harmaline, or THH best...and which combo seems to get the job done the BEST..

the reason i like harmaline is that its twice as potent an MAOI(or RIMA as it actually is) as harmine or THH...and thats one of the main reasons i use it...the harmaline takes out the stomach MAO's really well..then the harmine backs it up really nice and along with the harmaline gets into the blood stream...which then will lengthen the experience...

i think the KEY to all of this is getting the dmt and harmala alkaloids out of you stomach(and into the blood stream) as quickly as possible...but ALSO together...the harmalas are there to protect the dmt in a FLUID...so by taking the harmalas before the dmt...in a way you are leaving the BACKS of your little dmt molecules vulnerable...

but if you take them together the harmalas will be right there next to the dmt the whole time..fighting off that evil MAO army..

and here is the last key...

if at first you dont get much from this exact dosage in this exact way...take it again the next day...and if its still not up to par..take it the next day after that...

after awhile the harmala alkaloids will saturate your body..and once that happens any small amount of dmt and harmalas will have incredible power..the castle has been breached and secured..it is now PERFECTLY safe for the dmt to enter unharmed..

that is my technique as well typed out as i can do it...it works..granted some peoples digestive system is more powerful than mine..but WORK with you body instead of bombarding it with tons and tons of dmt...if the harmalas cant protect the dmt...its not even getting to your brain and its being wasted...500mg of dmt sounds like a dozen or so trips to me...this stuff may be everywhere but why waste something so incredible?

just my two cents..play around and figure out how to make this work for you!
A few weeks ago I had what I would call a successful pharma trip with my own rue extract. It was quite brownish in colour, I thought it wouldn't be that pure... so took way more than I needed. Full on ego death, 5 hours of dispair. Someone had tried to phone me during and it threw me way off, convinced my mobile was an alien bomb or something, I hid it under the couch and got to fuck out that room. Not at all a pleasent experience, but defo a success in terms of the stuff having an effect.
On saturday there I fully accepted that this one was going to blast me off the planet for X amount of time. Considering I had dosed all that harmaline during the day as well and kept the nicest damn crystals I've ever extracted for it too. Its funny you should say that about the bread as well jorkest, because I had fasted all day and then eat a few slices of cheese n toast 15 mins before dosing. We had no vinegar or OJ, so we used a carbonated drink that had citric acid in there.

I'll try again soon and maybe up the initial dose and cap it up with the pin hole.
Wish me luck! :)

Jorkest said:
well while 100mg MAY be threshold effects..i really think it comes down to HOW you administer the dose...when i first started messing around i would take 80mg dmt with 200mg harmalas and have threshold effects..but as my TECHNIQUE improved...i HAD to drop the dosage down...right now if i do it CORRECTLY i only need 30mg of spice for a powerful experience..

Yep, with all routes of pharma administration, technique is key.

amor_fati said:

Very strange, SWIM used to think he required more spice for huasca, but this is the first time in a long time he's simply mixed the harmaloids and spice together in one shot with warm water--as per 69ron's advice in the matter. He also had a little meal and a snack prior to dosing and only chased it with water. This was his most powerful pharma journey, yet.

SWIM now does it sublingually (not strictly, though...mucosahuasca, to be precise), using just over 40mg harmaloids and just around 30mg spice for a full, strong pharma experience, adding just a bit more spice if he wants to go much deeper.
I had a good read of your mucosahuasca tek the other day there amor... impressive :)

It was the idea of replicating a pharma like experience on less harmalas that got me. I like that idea because I could experiment more with the little amount of thh I have left.

So would staight sublingual harmalas and spice work for this in their freebase form, or would I need to make a tincture?

camakazi said:
It was the idea of replicating a pharma like experience on less harmalas that got me. I like that idea because I could experiment more with the little amount of thh I have left.

It's great to see just how low of a dose will work with just minor tweaks of technique. SWIM couldn't imagine going back to the high doses of regular oral pharma ever again; it just seems wasteful. SWIM's fairly certain that much of the success of his old oral pharma experiences was partly due to diluting it in such a small amount of water (sake shot glass) and having it absorb on the way down.

So would staight sublingual harmalas and spice work for this in their freebase form, or would I need to make a tincture?

Freebase can be quite painful, but a properly produced and administered tincture doesn't hurt at all and works great.
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