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Fallen, yellowing caapi leaves - worth collecting?

Migrated topic.


forever learning
I've been collecting and naturally air-drying the fallen leaves from my caapi vines for some time now. Most of them are either pale green, partially yellow or fully yellowed. Variety of reasons why they've fallen but I'm wondering if anyone has experience using these in brews and whether they still retain their magic? Could contain almost no alkaloids, or perhaps the major alks (THH, harmine) stay trapped in the cells, or perhaps in different proportions to the healthy leaves. My plants are not yet mature enough for harvest of the woody sections, but in the meantime I thought I might try to brew up some of these leaves with some fresh viridis or even acacia.

Thoughts? Experiences?
40grams of leaf in a pot with water and warming it for 2 hours makes a strong tea with good flavor (in my oppinion.)

But if you have few leaves crunch em up, roll em, and smoke em, particularly before smoking dmt.
Thats 40 grams, and dried. This worked for me once and I had a nice afterglow.
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