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Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Has anyone besides my self, felt the pre breakthru gitters, when not on DMT, I was in the movies the other day, as the lights went out to start the flim, i thought or felt rather a dmt break thru experience was comming on, almost like and anticipatory panic attack but very DMTesk i would almost want to call it a dmt flash back but it was more like the pre experience jitters but i was totally sober- (granted i have been doing alot of spice) am i alone in this ? I just sat there awating WALLS of colors that i know oh so well, but they never came and i was fine a few min. later.
A friend had several shroom flashbacks but never any DMT one. Usually that flashbacks are trigger by the anxiety but I wonder how it's possible to get a DMT effect just that way. Maybe you have a secret spare of DMT in your body ? ;)
Ive had something kind of similiar when ive been smoking a lot but its been when ive been going to sleep, sometimes its as if here we go, like the beggining of a breakthrough then id kind of wake up, even tho I hadnt went to sleep, and be more awake than I had been, could have been cos id been smoking a lot and its playing on my mind lol but it did feel as if its going to start then itd stop lol
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