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Fermented/curdled hoasca? Dangers?

Migrated topic.
So I have this caapi and this mimosa and they've been sitting to the point that i believe it has fermented. Are there any health concerns involved here? I assume that at least it should be boiled again before use? When mixed the two liquids formed something that looked as if it were curdled... Has anyone seen this before?
I have never seen ayahuasca curdle..I dont think it does to be honest. Are you sure it is not just sediments floating around that had dropped out? If it is fermented you just reboil it.

Mckenna talked once about drinking ayahuasca that had been in the back of the fridge for years..and that it was one of the strongest brews he drank, for whatever reason..it was fine though. I have drank brews after months and they did not even need to be reboiled.
..aussie acacia brews can curdle (even left in fridge). i have even seen one 'preseved' in 10% ethanol form a fungus/mould like curdling on the surface.
i removed the curdle and drank a small amount once, but potency was reduced, and effects bit odd (damn micro-organism ate the DMT and shat out
something else!). this organism may be unique to the australian environment, i don't know...

so i usually recommend to drink akashuasca within a week of making it...
Fizzy = fine.

Fuzzy = not so fine. :?

There is a difference! A little bit of bubbley is no big deal and can be reboiled.

Mold... well. Your health is certainly worth another 9 hours at the stove!
The Only Internet access I have ATM is my fone and I cant figure how to post a picture from it... It may have been some cross contam from some slIght amount of dairy product, but o doubt it. I have vigorously boiled the mimosahuasca portion and drank half yesterday and half today, purging violently the first time and moderately this morning. Both times I have gotten only mild somatic effects, extremely mild (for the potency I am used to drinking) CEV's and OEV's, along with some cognitive enhancement and overall feeling of joyousness. I think my caapi portion was weak and at least last night I purged before enough had been absorbed.

There is also almost 2 liters of cold water extracted jurema that has a similar thing going one but it doesn't really look like any mold I've ever seen (Ive had brews go bad before with what was CLEARLY mold) n I really don't want to toss it...
ms_manic_minxx said:
Mold... well. Your health is certainly worth another 9 hours at the stove!

You think so? I dont know, if I had mold in my stuff I doubt I would drink at all.. Sure maybe you'll kill the live organisms but who knows what kind of water soluble toxins they might have, no matter how much you boiled..
O and when I reboil it the whole brew becomes dark red ( a la jurema) and there is a dark black sediment that crashes out to the bottom. I filtered through multiple coffee filters and once I let it cool it turns salmon again and the beady lighter colored goo is back floating around. If I let it settle completely then the salmon stuff sinks and a few distinct layers of clear and muddy form... Whats the deal here?
endlessness said:
ms_manic_minxx said:
Mold... well. Your health is certainly worth another 9 hours at the stove!

You think so? I dont know, if I had mold in my stuff I doubt I would drink at all.. Sure maybe you'll kill the live organisms but who knows what kind of water soluble toxins they might have, no matter how much you boiled..
I think Ms. Minxx was saying 9 hours for a new brew...but I could be wrong.
Im not sure, but I think the salmon layers your talking about are mimosa solids leftover, the dark and muddy is ayahuasca solids (theses solids go right through a filter, only way to filter is active filtering (eggwhite etc.) or just letting it settle., and if you said you split the brew in half, that is probably why the effects were more mild then your used to, since you could have had insufficient MAOI inhibition. We really need more info on your doses, but I think your liquid should be fine if you reboil it unless you can see visible mold floating on top. Ive dranken jeruma brews that were over 1 year old, and they were just fine.
endlessness wrote:
if I had mold in my stuff I doubt I would drink at all..

..very sensible. I tried a small amount (say 40-50ml) because when the 'curdle' was removed the brew looked fairly normal. A small amount (calculated risk)
showed me something had changed, but, yeah, this was certainly a risk that i wouldn't suggest anyone else take.
p.s. don't know that it was a 'mould'...just looked like 'curdle' but grew (hence bioactive).
guess i wanted to do the experiment once and not waste a particularly once lovely brew...

so repeat, if it curdles, feed it to your garden...
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